Professor Brahim Benmokrane, Ph.D., P. Eng., FRSC, FACI, FCSCE, FIIFC, FCAE, FICI, FBEI
Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (Academy of Science)
Professor of Civil Engineering
Tier-1 Canada Research Chair Professor in Advanced Composite Materials for Civil Structures
Senior Industrial Research Chair Professor in Innovative Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composite Reinforcements for Sustainable Concrete Infrastructure
Director, University of Sherbrooke Research Center on FRP Composite Materials (CRUSMaC)
Department of Civil & Building Engineering
University of Sherbrooke
Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada J1K 2R1
Civil Engineering. Structural Engineering. Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composite Materials for Sustainable Infrastructure. Research & Development on Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) as Internal Reinforcement for Sustainable Concrete Structures. Serviceability and Strength Performance of FRP-Reinforced Concrete Structures. Modeling of Long-Term Durability of FRP Reinforced Concrete Structures Based on Lab and Field Studies. Qualification/Certification/Quality Control/Quality Acceptance Testing of FRP bars, FRP Prestressing Tendons, FRP laminates/plates, and Glass/Carbon/Basalt Sheets/Fabrics Impregnated with Resin Epoxy in Accordance with CSA, ACI, ASTM Standards, etc. Durability/Structural Performance and Self-Sensing Capabilities of Novel FRP Bars using Nanomaterials. Development and Characterisation of New Bendable Thermoplastic FRP Bars. Development of Related Specifications and Industry Standards for using FRP Reinforcement in Structural Concrete. Properties’ Assessment of Glass, Carbon, and Basalt FRP Bars in accordance with North American and International Codes and Specifications for Concrete Bridges and Building. Structural Testing and Analytical Modeling of Full-Scale Concrete Members Reinforced with FRP Reinforcement (Flexure, Shear, Torsion, Compression, and Combined) under Static and Cyclic/Seismic Loading. Development of Analytical Models for Predicting Development Length, Crack-Width, Deflection, and Strength. Development of 150-Year Sustainable Concrete Bridges and Building Structures Reinforced with FRP Bars (such as bridge decks, parking garages, and marine structures). Effect of Climatic Changes on FRP Reinforcement and FRP-Reinforced Concrete Structures. Field Applications & Long-Term Monitoring of FRP Reinforced Concrete Bridges and Buildings. Expertise in the Design, Installation and Quality Control of Internal and External FRP Reinforcements for Concrete Structures. Development of National and International Design Codes and Specifications for FRP-Reinforced Concrete Structures.
Professor Brahim Benmokrane is an internationally renowned expert and world leader in the field of structural concrete internally reinforced with fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) reinforcement. Professor Benmokrane has made outstanding contributions to research, teaching, innovation, and leadership targeting the development of FRP reinforcement for concrete structures and their durability, structural performance, field applications, development of design codes and standards and the unflagging pursuit of knowledge transfer to industry. His pioneering research has significantly influenced the development of concrete structures reinforced with FRP rebars, building codes, and design specifications as well as FRP’s practical use in North America and beyond. His research and sustained leadership in technical societies and technology transfer have contributed to widespread use of FRP rebars around the world. His expertise is sought after for professional seminars, international conferences, and academic courses worldwide.
Professor Benmokrane holds the prestigious Tier-1 Canada Research Chair in Advanced Composite Materials for Civil Structures and the Senior Industrial Research Chair in Innovative FRP Reinforcement for Sustainable Concrete Infrastructure at the University of Sherbrooke. He has developed innovative and effective approaches for improving the performance of reinforced-concrete structures using noncorroding FRP composite reinforcement. He has pioneered the development of related specifications and industry standards for using these new FRP structural materials. Professor Benmokrane has used his research results to develop and champion several new tests methods, design equations, and building codes related to FRP reinforcement for concrete bridges and structures in Canada and the US. His recognition as a leader in his field is not limited to his colleagues in academia but extends to industry, professional societies, and public agencies. His contributions go beyond his cutting-edge research to include leadership and involvement in developing international design codes and specifications for engineers and users. His research and professional services have been recognized with several awards.
A Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (Academy of Science), Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, American Concrete Institute, Canadian Academy of Engineers, International Institute for FRP in Construction, Engineering Institute of Canada, and Bridge Engineering Institute, he has received many awards, including the NSERC Synergy Award for Innovation; the Technology Partnership and Innovation Award from ADRIQ; the Order of Professional Engineers of Quebec Award for Outstanding Achievements in Research in recognition of research results’ wide use in practice; the CSA Medal of Merit in recognition of outstanding leadership, exceptional expertise, and tireless effort in advancing standards related to construction materials and structures; Conmat’15 Lifetime Achievements Award in recognition of exemplary research in the field of structural materials; CSCS’s P.L. Pratley Award; the Grand Prix d’Excellence of the Order of Professional Engineers of Quebec—the Order’s highest award—in recognition of excellence in an engineer’s professional practice and for being a model for the entire profession; the Julian C. Smith Medal of the Engineering Institute of Canada for Achievement in the Development of Canada; and the IIFC Medal of the International Institute in FRP for Construction for making distinguished contributions to the field of FRP composites for construction through research or practical applications, or both.
Professor Benmokrane has published over 750 papers, books, and book chapters and delivered over 250 lectures worldwide. He is one of the world’s most cited scientists in the field (Citations: Google Scholar: 18,500+ citations, h-index = 72, i10 index = 273 (November 2022). The outstanding merit and research significance of Brahim Benmokrane’s publications are widely recognized by many people in universities, industries and government agencies as well as being extensively referred to in national and international codes and design guides. Professor Benmokrane is a member of four prestigious International Editorial Boards of Refereed Journals: Elsevier Structural Engineering Journal; ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering; International Journal of Structures and Materials; and ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction. Furthermore, Professor Benmokrane has organized and chaired nine international conferences/workshops in his research field and has freely given of his time and expertise in delivering many intensive courses, seminars/webinars, and workshops to hundreds of engineers, researchers, and professionals all across Canada and around the world under the auspices of professional organizations such as ACI, CSA, CSCE, AFGC, AS, and IIFC. He is an active member of several CSA, ACI, and ASTM technical committees related to FRP design codes and specifications, international journal editorial boards, international conference scientific committees, research centers and institutes, and professional societies. Professor Benmokrane founded the world’s largest research laboratory on FRP reinforcing bars for concrete structures at the University of Sherbrooke, which helps the industry to develop and assess the performance of new FRP products and receive approval requiring certification/qualification under national/international codes and standards. Moreover, Professor Benmokrane founded the University of Sherbrooke Research Center on FRP Composite Materials (CRUSMaC), designed to build partnerships with industry and international collaborations.
Over the last 25 years, Professor Benmokrane has successfully worked with Canadian and international engineering firms and government departments. He has many world firsts to his credit in terms of use of FRP reinforcement in concrete structures, such as bridges, parking facilities, water-treatment plants, and tunnels. For example, he was involved in the design, construction, and monitoring of Canada’s first concrete bridge reinforced with a deck slab reinforced with FRP bars (1997; Joffre Bridge in Sherbrooke). In 2001, he received the Technical Innovation in Infrastructure Award from Quebec’s Ministry of Municipal Affairs for the innovative use of FRP reinforcement and fiber-optic sensors in Quebec’s first smart bridge (Wotton Bridge in Municipality of Wotton, QC). He also pioneered the first two concrete bridge decks totally reinforced with GFRP bars in Canada in 2004 (Val-Alain Bridge on Highway 20 East, QC) and in the US in 2002 (Morristown Bridge, VT, USA); the world’s first continuous concrete pavements in 2006 (Highway 40 East, Montreal); two-way structural-slab parking garages in 2011 (Parking La Chanceliere, QC); soft eyes for tunnel construction in 2011 (Toronto, ON); and water-treatment tanks in 2012 (Thetford Mines plant, QC). During the last ten years, he has served as a consultant on major national and international projects using GFRP bars, such as the Nipigon Cable-Stayed Bridge on the Trans-Canada Highway (northwestern Ontario, Canada), Highway 40 & Champlain Bridge (Montreal), TTC subway north tunnels (Highway 407) (Toronto), Port of Tanger Med II (Morocco), and Port of Miami tunnel (US).
Over the last 25 years, Professor Benmokrane has worked with Canadian and international engineering firms and government departments. He has many world firsts to his credit in terms of FRP-bar use in bridges, parking facilities, water-treatment plants, and tunnels. He has served as a consultant on major national and international projects using FRP bars, such as the Nipigon Bridge on the Trans-Canada Highway (northwestern Ontario, Canada), Highway 40 & Champlain Bridge (Montreal), TTC Subway North Tunnels (Highway 407) (Toronto), Port of Tanger Med II (Morocco), and Port of Miami Tunnel (US).
Professor Benmokrane graduated from the École Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology), Lausanne, Switzerland (BASc in 1979) and the University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada in Civil Engineering (MASc in 1983 and PhD in 1986). He was appointed to the faculty of the University of Sherbrooke in January 1992, became full professor in 1995, and was awarded an NSERC Research Chair on Innovative Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Infrastructure in 2000. From 1995 to 2009, he served as a project leader in the Canadian Network of Centres of Excellence on Intelligent Sensing for Innovative Structures. In recognition of his international distinction and influence in the field of concrete structures reinforced with FRP bars, he was awarded a Tier-1 Canada Research Chair in Advanced Structural Composite Materials for Civil Structures in 2009. This is all the more impressive since simultaneously holding two research chairs is highly rare, indeed. In 2010, he was named scientific director of the Research Center on Concrete Infrastructure (CRIB), one of the strategic groups funded by the Quebec Natural and Technology Research Fund (FRQNT), which brings together 35 research professors from six Quebec universities and more than 275 graduate students and postdoctoral fellows (2010-2017). In 2015, he founded the University of Sherbrooke Research Center on Structural FRP Composite Materials (CRUSMaC), designed for building partnerships with industry and international collaboration. Professor Benmokrane’s have earned him worldwide prominence.
Professor Benmokrane currently leads a research group of 39 including 25 graduate students, 7 postdoctoral fellows, and 7 professional researchers & technicians and has trained 176 researchers. More than 35 of his former students and postdoctoral researchers now hold faculty positions in Canada and abroad.
1986: Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec, CANADA
1983: MASc in Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec, CANADA
1979: BASc in Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Lausanne), Lausanne, SWITZERLAND.
2020–Present: Senior Industrial Research Chair Professor in Innovative FRP Reinforcement for Sustainable Concrete Infrastructure (NSERC-Alliance) (5-year term: 2020-2025), Department of Civil Engineering, University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec, CANADA
2015–Present: Founding Director of the University of Sherbrooke Research Center on Structural FRP Composite Materials for Concrete (CRUSMaC), Department of Civil Engineering, University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec, CANADA
2010–2017: Director of the Quebec-FRQNT Research Center on Concrete Infrastructure (CRIB), Department of Civil Engineering, University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec, CANADA
2009–Present: Tier-1 Canada Research Chair Professor in Advanced Composite Materials for Civil/Concrete Structures, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec, CANADA (1st 7-year term 2009-2016, 2nd 7-year term: 2016-2023)
2000–2020: NSERC-Senior Industrial Research Chair Professor in Innovative FRP Reinforcement for Sustainable Concrete Infrastructure (Four consecutive 5-year terms: 2000-2020), Department of Civil Engineering, University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec, CANADA
1996–Present: Full Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec, CANADA
1995–2009: Project Leader in the Canadian Network of Centres of Excellence on Intelligent Sensing for Innovative Structures, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec, CANADA
1992–1996: Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
1986–1992: Assistant Research Professor (Action Structurante, Ministry of Education of Quebec), Department of Civil Engineering, University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec, CANADA
1982–1986: Teaching and Research Assistant (MSc and PhD Graduate Studies), Department of Civil Engineering, University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec, CANADA
1979–1982: Professional Engineer in Structural Engineering, Consultation for Engineering Firms in SWITZERLAND, and ALGERIA
- 2022-ACI Arthur J. Boase Award of the American Concrete Institute (ACI) Foundation in recognition of outstanding research in the structural concrete field. 2022.
- 2020-Senior Industrial Research Chair in Innovative Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composite Materials for Sustainable Concrete Infrastructure – (Successfully renewed for five-year term 2020-2025 and Funded by NSERC-Alliance Grant Program) – Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. This industrial research chair brings together 14 industrial partners from the private and public sectors (11 partners from Canada and 3 partners from the United States). 2020.
- 2020-NSERC Discovery Grant – Prof. Benmokrane received two “Exceptional” and one “Outstanding” rating for the three discovery-grant merit Indicators: (1) Excellence of Researcher, (2) Merit of the Proposal Personnel, (3) Training of Highly Qualified Personnel by the NSERC Discovery Evaluation Group for Civil Engineering in 2020 (the highest awarded in Engineering in Canada). 99 000$/year. 2020.
- 2019-Fellow – Bridge Engineering Institute. BEI fellowships are awarded for significant contributions to bridge engineering and related fields and outstanding contributions to the profession, demonstrated by publications, leadership, and other relevant activities. 2019.
- 2019-Award in Research and Graduate Studies – The University of Sherbrooke. Recognition for exceptional contribution and success. 2019.
- 2018-IIFC Medal – The International Institute for Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) for Construction – (IIFC). This award is the Institute’s highest honour. Awarded to an IIFC member who has made distinguished and exceptional contributions to the field of FRP composites for construction through research or practical applications, or both. 2018.
- 2018-Julian C. Smith Medal – The Engineering Institute of Canada – (EIC). Awarded for “Achievement in the Development of Canada”. 2018.
- 2016-Grand Prix d’excellence – Ordre des Ingénieurs du Québec – (OIQ), Order of Professional Engineers of Quebec. This award is the Order’s highest distinction. Awarded in recognition of excellence in an engineer’s professional practice and proposing the individual as a model for the entire profession. 2016.
- 2015-Prix Personnalité Exceptionnelle (Oustanding Personality Award) – Fondation Club Avenir (Montréal, Canada). Awarded in recognition of exceptional professional achievements that earn the admiration of Canada’s Maghreb communities. 2015.
- 2015-Lifetime Achievements Award – CONMAT’15 – Award granted to recognize international leaders for their exemplary research and development achievements in the field of structural materials for construction. In 2015, Prof. Benmokrane was honoured by his peers for his outstanding contributions to the field, for his leadership in advanced research, his many contributions in promoting innovative concepts through learned and professional societies, and his unparalleled mentorship of young minds. He received the Award “Lifetime Achievements” at the CONMAT’15 Fifth International Conference on Construction Materials: Performance, Innovations and Structural Implications, Whistler, BC, Canada, 2015.
- 2015-NSERC-Senior Industrial Research Chair in Innovative FRP Reinforcement for Sustainable Concrete Infrastructure – Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. NSERC–Senior Industrial Chairs are awarded to distinguished senior researchers of international stature who can bring an innovative perspective to the university in carrying out and managing research and in training researchers. They must be recognized as international leaders in their fields and must be considered to be exceptional in comparison to their research peers. This NSERC–Senior Industrial Chair was originally awarded in 2000 for an initial five-year term (2000–2005), then was successfully renewed for a second term (2005–2010), a third term (2010–2015), and a fourth term (current term: 2015–2020), which is a Canadian first time. 2000-2020.
- 2016-Canada Research Chair (Tier-1) in Advanced Composite Materials for Civil/Concrete Structures (Successfully renewed for a second seven-year term (2016–2023) – Tenable for seven years and renewable, these research chairs are for outstanding researchers acknowledged by their peers as world leaders in their fields. This Tier-1 Canada Research Chair was originally awarded in 2009 for an initial seven-year term (2009–2016), then was successfully renewed for a second seven-year term (2016–2023). Pr. Benmokrane is one of the few Canadian researchers holding both a Tier-1 Canada Research Chair (CRC) and an NSERC Research Chair (less than 15 researchers). 2009-2023.
- 2013-Fellow – Royal Society of Canada (RSC) (Academy of Science). The highest honor that can be awarded to a Canadian scholar, artist, or scientist in recognition of remarkable contributions to intellectual life in Canada. 2013.
- 2013-Award for Best Technical Paper for Design & Engineering – American Composites Manufacturers Association (ACMA). Paper entitled: “The First Worldwide Field Application of Glass FRP Rebars in Reinforced Water Treatment Plant Tank: Design & Construction”, International Congress Composites. 2013.
- 2013-Fellow – Engineering Institute of Canada. Since 1963, the EIC has annually elected a number of engineers to the grade of Fellow in recognition of their excellence in engineering and their services to the profession and to society. 2013.
- 2012-Fellow – Canadian Academy of Engineering. CAE fellowships are awarded for distinguished achievements and career-long service to the engineering profession. Fellows of the Academy are committed to ensuring that Canada’s engineering expertise is applied to the benefit of all Canadians. 2012.
- 2012-CSA Medal of Merit – Canadian Standards Association. In recognition of outstanding leadership, exceptional expertise and tireless effort in advancing standards related to construction materials and structures, both nationally and internationally. 2012.
- 2011-OIQ Award for Outstanding Achievements in Research – Order of Professional Engineers of Quebec (Ordre des Ingénieurs du Québec (OIQ)). Awarded in recognition of outstanding contributions to teaching and research by a university professor who is an OIQ member. 2011.
- 2011-Selected amongst Canada’s 10 top NSERC researchers in 2011 – Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. Selected by NSERC as one of Canada’s top ten researchers in 2011 ( The awards ceremony was hosted by His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General of Canada, during a ceremony at Rideau Hall in February. 2011.
- 2010-NSERC Synergy Award for Innovation – Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. In recognition of the most outstanding achievements of university-industry collaboration in natural sciences and engineering ($200 000, the highest prize ever received at University of Sherbrooke). 2010.
- 2010-Fellow – International Institute for FRP in Construction. The recognition of a small subset of the IIFC membership as Fellows is a distinct honor for “senior members of the International Institute for FRP in Construction who have achieved a position of high responsibility and have contributed significantly to the advancement of the field through research or practice, or both”. 2010.
- 2010-ADRIQ Award for Innovation & Technology Partnerships – Quebec Association for Development, Research, and Innovation (ADRIQ). Awarded to a candidate from university who has successfully collaborated in the development of a new product as part of a research-and-development program with industry, who then assured its commercialization. 2010.
- 2010-Director of the Quebec-FQRNT Research Centre on Concrete Infrastructure – Fonds québécois de la recherche sur la nature et les technologies. This research centre comprises 31 principal investigators and around 250 graduate students and postdoctoral fellows from the following six Quebec universities: McGill, Concordia, Sherbrooke, Laval, Abitibi-Témiscamingue, and École Polytechnique de Montréal. 2010–2017.
- 2009-P.L. Pratley Award – Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE). Awarded annually for the best paper on bridge engineering. Paper Title: “Evaluation of the New Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code Shear Provisions for Concrete Beams with Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement,” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering. 2009.
- 2006-REMI (Reconnaissance Mérite Immigrant) Award – Ministry of Immigration and Cultural Affairs of Quebec. For the Researcher of the Year 2006. 2006.
- 2005-Award of Excellence – Ontario Ministry of Public Infrastructure and Canadian Society for Civil Engineering. For expert contributions to the First Infrastructure Technologies, Management and Policy Speciality Conference. 2005.
- 2005-Fellow – American Concrete Institute. ACI Fellow shall have made outstanding contributions to the production or use of concrete materials, products, and structures, in the areas of education, research, development, design, construction, or management. In addition, a Fellow shall have made significant contributions to ACI through committees and/or local chapters. 2005.
- 2004-MERITAS Award – Order of Professional Engineers of Quebec (Ordre des Ingénieurs du Québec (OIQ)). For excellence in professional education, research, and engineering. 2004.
- Leonardo da Vinci Award – University of Sherbrooke. For outstanding contribution to the development of the University of Sherbrooke’s Faculty of Engineering in terms of teaching and research – 50th Anniversary of the Faculty of Engineering (1954-2004). 2004.
- 2004-Fellow – Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE). For Members who have attained civil engineering excellence and who have contributed actively towards the progress of their profession. 2004.
- 2002-Award for Technical Innovation in Infrastructure – Ministry of Municipal Affairs of Quebec. For the innovative use of fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) and fibre optic sensors in Wotton Bridge (QC) in 2001. 2002.
- 2000-ASCE Honorable Mention Applied Research Paper – American Society of Civil Engineering. Paper title: “New method for testing fibre reinforced polymer reinforcements under fatigue” by Adimi, R., Rahman, H., Benmokrane, B., ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction. 2000.
- Professor Benmokrane’s research has significantly influenced the development of FRP-bar technology as reinforcement for concrete structures and its practical use in North America and throughout the world. His scientific contributions and leadership have been a driving force in Canada and the US in developing the world’s first editions of design codes, guides, specification standards, and industry standards for using these new FRP structural materials. He has used his research results to develop several new design equations and building codes in Canada, the US, and beyond.
- Professor Benmokrane and his research group have impacted the concrete industry by developing innovative structural materials for more durable, corrosion-free, and cost-effective concrete structures. Professor Benmokrane’s original research has led to the development of novel ways of using FRP bars, rather than traditional steel, in reinforcing concrete structures to eliminate corrosion-related deterioration.
- In collaboration with his NSERC/Industry Research Chair partners, Professor Benmokrane and his research group have developed and characterized innovative glass-FRP (GFRP), basalt-FRP (BFRP), and carbon-FRP (CFRP) bars—including straight and bent bars, stirrups, spirals, and anchor headed bars—marketed in North America and used worldwide by the construction industry to reinforce concrete structures. One of the chair’s industrial partners exports its FRP rebars developed as part of the chair’s research work to five continents.
- Professor Benmokrane’s research group has provided innovative and effective approaches for assessing the short- and long-term properties of FRP bars under various loading and exposure conditions. Professor Benmokrane developed the most accurate models for predicting the long-term performance of FRP reinforcement in concrete. He has also led the development of related specifications and industry standards, which allow the use of these new structural materials for building durable concrete infrastructure. He has developed or championed most of the new test methods; design equations for FRP reinforced concrete members (beams, slabs, columns, shear walls, beam-columns connections); and building/construction codes related to FRP reinforcement for concrete structures in Canada and the US based on his research results.
- Professor Benmokrane’s research group is the force behind the development of innovative testing methods and equations for estimating/predicting the long-term properties of FRP reinforcement in concrete; analytical prediction models for the design of FRP reinforced concrete structures that have been adopted in standards and design codes in Canada (CSA S6, CSA S806, CSA S807, CSA S413, CSA S900.2), the US (ACI, AASHTO), Europe (AFGC, Fib), etc. For example, the most recent editions of the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code (CSA S6, 2019) and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) LFRD Bridge Design Guide Specification for GFRP-Reinforced Concrete (2018) included more than 70 references from Professor Benmokrane’s research group, demonstrating the impact of its work. The new ACI Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Reinforced with Glass Fiber- Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) Bars—Code and Commentary (ACI 440.11-22) includes more than 50 references to Professor Benmokrane’s research group.
- Professor Benmokrane’s pioneering research on the assessment of performance of GFRP bars as internal reinforcement for concrete structures has led to the acceptance of this new construction material as main reinforcement in the 2006 edition of the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code (CSA S6). His research work on long-term properties/performance of GFRP reinforcement and structural behavior of GFRP-reinforced concrete structures has gained worldwide attention and increased the acceptance of GFRP by the concrete industry. He has also proposed service-life prediction models for the design of GFRP-RC. For instance, based on his recent fundamental studies on the durability assessment of GFRP bars, new values for creep-rupture stress limits and environmental reduction factors for GFRP bars were introduced in the new ACI Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Reinforced with Glass Fiber- Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) Bars—Code and Commentary (ACI 440.11-22).
- Professor Benmokrane was among the world’s first researchers to initiate a research program to experimentally and analytically investigate the flexural/shear behavior of full-scale structural concrete elements reinforced with FRP bars and FRP stirrups. The most important parameters affecting the serviceability and ultimate behavior of concrete members reinforced with FRP have been identified. Professor Benmokrane’s research outcomes provided recommendations and new formulae related to in-service stress level limits, deflections, crack width, kb bond factor, and ultimate capacity, including the development of analytical equations. In particular, his research outcomes have helped in developing the provisions of the first and most recent North American standards, codes, and design guides related to concrete structures reinforced with FRP bars such as ACI 440.1R (2001, 2003, 2006, and 2015), CSA S806 (2002, 2012, and 2017), CSA S6 (2006, 2010, 2014, and 2019, CSA S413 (2021), AASHTO (2009, 2018), and ACI 440.11-22 Code (2022). Moreover, his research work on the shear behavior of FRP-reinforced concrete members has shown that axial stiffness and shear-reinforcement index are the key parameters. The outcomes of this research have contributed to proposing major modifications to the 2010 edition of the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code (CSA S6) shear provisions for FRP-reinforced concrete beams. His research made it possible to introduce the GFRP reinforcement in the 2021 new editions of CSA S413 Parking Structures and CSA S900.02 Structural Design of Wastewater Treatment Plants.
- The research conducted by Professor Benmokrane and his group on the structural behavior of concrete members reinforced with FRP bars has contributed significantly to the development of new design models for structural concrete members such as beams, bridge deck slabs, two-way slabs, columns, deep beams, beam-column connections, and shear walls as well as new design codes in Canada, the US, and internationally. The new models and equations developed by Professor Benmokrane and his group include among others a design-oriented full range axial load-strain model for concrete columns reinforced with FRP bars and spirals by explicitly considering the behaviour of three key components namely confined concrete core, FRP longitudinal reinforcement and concrete cover, new punching-shear equations for two-way concrete slabs reinforced with FRP bars for flexure and shear, new strength models for predicting confined concrete strengths for columns reinforced with FRP bars and new strut-and-tie models to predict shear strength for deep beams, shear walls, and edge-slab column connections reinforced with FRP bars and stirrups.
- Professor Benmokrane is the Founding Chair of the CSA technical committees on the specification for fiber-reinforced polymer materials for concrete structures (CSA S807: internal FRP reinforcement and CSA S808: external FRP reinforcement). He developed the world’s first standard to certify FRP bars for concrete (CSA S807), which is used by many North American manufacturers and Canadian/US government bodies. This standard has also been the inspiration for others around the world. He is currently the Co-Chair of CSA S806 Technical Committee (Design and Construction of Building Structures with Fibre-Reinforced Polymers) and CSA S6 (Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code: Section 16 on FRP structures) and is a key player in the development of the new ACI Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Reinforced with Glass Fiber- Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) Bars—Code and Commentary (ACI 440.11-22).
- Professor Benmokrane and his group have developed new types of highway bridge barriers and curbs (PL-2, PL-3, 311, 210, and 202ME) totally reinforced with GFRP bars that are more durable and resistant. These barriers have been incorporated in the 2006 Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code (CSA S6) and are now widely used across Canada.
- Over the last 20 years, Professor Benmokrane and his group have worked with North American and international engineering firms and government departments. He also has many world firsts to his credit in terms of bridges and viaducts, parking facilities, water-treatment plants, highway pavements, and tunnels. He has also significantly contributed to transferring technology to industry and government agencies through field pilot projects, seminars and workshops for engineers and researchers, short courses, and conferences throughout the world. He has acted as a consultant on major national and international projects using FRP reinforcement in concrete structures such as the Nipigon River Bridge on the Trans-Canada Highway (Northwestern Ontario), the world’s first cable-stayed bridge with glass fibre-reinforced-polymer (GFRP) reinforced-concrete deck slabs; the Champlain Bridge in Montreal; the Laurier-Taché Parking Garage (Ottawa); the TTC Subway North Tunnels (Hwy 407) and Eglinton Crosstown LRT (Toronto); the Port of Tanger Med II (Morocco); and the Port of Miami Tunnel (USA).
- Professor Benmokrane has significantly contributed to and played an active role in Canada and elsewhere in world in drafting the first standards, codes, and design standards for concrete structures reinforced with FRP bars. His results have directly inspired a number of national and international standards and technical guides (Canada, the US, Europe, Asia, and Australia).
- Professor Benmokrane organized and chaired nine international conferences/workshops in his field of research, which attracted more than 2500 researchers, engineers, and industry representatives from Canada, the US, and around the world. At the same time, with a view to promoting/encouraging the use of these innovative materials for sustainable concrete infrastructure, Professor Benmokrane has devoted considerable time to technology transfer to the profession and has freely given of his time and expertise in delivering many training seminars, intensive courses, seminars, and workshops to hundreds of engineers, researchers, and professionals all across Canada under the auspices of professional organizations such as ACI, CSCE, CSA, and AASHTO. Professor Benmokrane has also given over 250 lectures worldwide in the fields of reinforcing bars for concrete structures, and construction of new sustainable concrete infrastructure using FRP reinforcement.
- In 2011, Professor Benmokrane ranked among Canada’s top ten researchers in the natural sciences and engineering. NSERC’s communications division released a video entitled NSERC Presents 2 Minutes with Brahim Benmokrane. The research work of his group was the topic of two segments on Radio-Canada’s Découverte television series (2003 and 2007), and on the Le Code Chastenay program on Tele-Québec television in 2012. His work has been featured in many Canadian and American magazine and newspaper articles as well as in radio reports. From 2008 to 2015, his research work was on display at the Montréal Science Centre. In 2020, Professor Benmokrane was awarded the highest NSERC discovery grant in engineering in Canada.
- Professor Benmokrane currently leads a research group of 39 and has supervised the dissertations of 74 doctoral students and the theses of 45 master’s students. In addition, he has supervised and sponsored 35 postdoctoral researchers and hosted over 20 visiting scholars. More than 35 of his former students and postdoctoral researchers now hold faculty positions in Canada and abroad; many are prominent in research institutes and professional practice.
- With his graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, Professor Benmokrane has published over 750 scientific papers, books, and book chapters. He is one of the world’s most cited scientists in the field (18,500+ citations, h-index = 72, i10 index = 273 by Google Scholar, November 2022). Professor Benmokrane’ research program is well funded by government funding agencies and national and international industry, totaling more than $15M (as PI: Principal Investigator) in the last 10 years allocated directly to his research group.
- American Concrete Institute (ACI), 1994 –
- American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 1998 –
- American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), 1998 –
- American Composites Manufacturers Association (ACMA), 2002 –
- Bridge Engineering Institute (BEI), 2012 –
- Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE), 2012 –
- Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE), 2002 –
- Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC), 2002 –
- International Advisory Committee of the Bridge Engineering Institute (BEI), 2017 –
- International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), 2002 –
- International Society for Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (ISHMII), 2007 –
- International Institute for Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRP) in Construction (IIFC), 2007 –
- International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems, and Structures – Réunion internationale des laboratoires d’essais et de recherches sur les matériaux et les constructions (RILEM), 1997 –
- Founding and Member of the International Society for Basalt Fibers and Composites (ISBFC), 2020 –
- Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec (OIQ), 1989 –
- Royal Society of Canada (Academy of science), 2013 –.
- Founding Chair (2012-present): Canadian Standard Association, CSA Technical Committee S808 on Specification for Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Materials for Externally Reinforcing Structures.
- Founding Chair (2008-present): Canadian Standard Association, CSA Technical Committee S807 on Specifications for Fibre Reinforced Polymers, (2008- ).
- Co-Chair & Technical Secretary (2000-present): Canadian Standard Association, CSA Sub-Technical Committee S16 on Design of FRP Structures in the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code, (2000- ).
- Co-Chair & Technical Secretary (2000-present): Canadian Standard Association CSA Technical Committee S806 on Design and Construction of Building Structures with Fibre Reinforced Polymers, (1998- ).
- Member (2020-present): Canadian Standard Association CSA Technical Committee S413 on Parking Garages, (2020- ).
- Member (2020-present): Canadian Standard Association CSA Technical Committee S900.2 on Structural Design of Wastewater Treatment Plants, (2020- ).
- Member (2018-present): Association Française de Génie Civil, Groupe de Travail sur Utilisation d’armatures composites (à fibre longue et à matrice organique) pour le béton armé – Working group on the use of composite rebars (long fibers and organic matrix) for reinforced concrete.
- Member (1995-present): American Concrete Institute, ACI 440 Committee on FRP Reinforcement.
- Member (2018-present): American Concrete Institute, ACI 440-H Subcommittee on Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Reinforced with Glass Fiber- Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) Bars—Code and Commentary.
- Member (2005-present): American Concrete Institute, ACI 440 Committee on Deflection.
- Member (2000-present): American Concrete Institute, ACI 440-H Subcommittee on FRP-Reinforced Concrete
- Member (2000-present): American Concrete Institute, ACI 440-F Subcommittee on FRP-Repair-Strengthening
- Member (2008-present): American Concrete Institute, ACI 440-L Subcommittee on FRP-Durability
- Member (2001-present): American Concrete Institute, ACI 440-K Subcommittee on FRP-Material Characteristics
- Member (2001-present): American Concrete Institute, ACI 440-I Subcommittee on FRP-Prestressed Concrete
- Member (2005-present): American Concrete Institute, ACI 440-E Subcommittee on Professional Education
- Co-Chair (2002-2010): American Concrete Institute, ACI 440-K Subcommittee on FRP Material Characteristics. Developed the first “Guide Test Methods for Fiber-Reinforced Polymers for Reinforcing or Strengthening Concrete Structures” in 2004 (ACI 440.3R-04).
- Member (2011-present): American Society of Testing and Materials, ASTM D30.10 on Composites for Civil Structures (Joint Committee with ACI Committee 440K on FRP Material Characteristics).
- Member (2004-2013): Canadian Network of Centres of Excellence on Intelligent Sensing for Innovative Structures – Design Manual No. 3 Committee on Reinforcing Concrete with Fibre Reinforced Polymers.
- Co-Chair and organizer of the 2nd International Conference on Basalt Fibers and Composites (ICBFC-2022), November 9-11, 2022, Nanjing, China.
- Chair and organizer of the Eighth International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures (ACMBS-VIII); Virtual Conference, 5 to 7 August 2021, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
- Chair and organizer of the Third International Workshop on Glass Fiber Reinforcing Bar for Concrete Structures: End-Users, Contractors, & Engineers Perspective and Experience, (IW-GFRPCS-3), Virtual Workshop, 3 to 4 August 2021. ((In collaboration with Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and University of Miami), Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
- Co-Chair and organizer of the Second International Workshop on Glass Fiber Reinforcing Bar for Concrete Structures: End-Users, Contractors, & Engineers Perspective and Experience, (IW-GFRPCS-2), January 18-19, 2019, Orlando, Florida, USA (In collaboration with Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and University of Miami)
- Chair and organizer of the First International Workshop on Glass Fiber Reinforcing Bar for Concrete Structures: End-Users, Contractors, & Engineers Perspective and Experience, (IW-GFRPCS-1), 16, July 2017, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
- Chair and organizer of the Fifth International Conference on Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Construction & Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures, (CDCC 2017), July 2017, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
- Chair and organizer of the Fourth International Conference on Durability & Sustainability of Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Construction & Rehabilitation, (CDCC 2011), July 2011, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
- Chair and organizer of the Third International Conference on Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Construction, (CDCC 2007), May 2007, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
- Chair and organizer of the Second International Conference on Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Construction, (CDCC 2002), May 2002, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
- Chair and organizer of the First International Conference on Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Construction, (CDCC 1998), August 1998, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada.
During the last few years, Professor Benmokrane was invited to deliver several workshops, seminars, and short courses on FRP-reinforced concrete structures in Canada, USA, Europe, China, Australia, and the Middle East. These workshops, seminars and courses included the FRP properties, durability of FRP bars, design principles for FRP-reinforced concrete members (beams, slabs, columns, etc.), introduction to the design codes, manuals, and guides (ACI 440.1R, CSA S6, CSA S806, CSA S807, CSA S808, ASHTOO LRFD, ACI 440.11-22), and examples of completed field projects. Examples of workshops, seminars, and short courses where Professor Benmokrane has freely given of time and expertise are:
1) Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Presentation: 1) Basalt Fiber Reinforced Polymer (BFRP) Rebar Technology, August 18, 2022, online.
2) Interdisciplinary Research Center (IRC) for Construction and Building Materials (IRC-CBM), King Fahd University, Saudi Arabia: 1) Non-Metallics for Sustainability, Durability and Resilience of Structures, August 18, 2022, online
3) Basanite Industries Symposium): 1) Basalt Fiber Reinforced Technology, 2) FRP Reinforcing Bars for Durable & Sustainable Concrete Structures, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA, June 27-28, 2022.
4) Third International Workshop on Fibre Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) Bar for Concrete Structures (IWFRP-3): 1) Introduction to IWFRP-3, 2) Development of New Editions of CSA Codes and Standards Related to FRP Reinforcement for Concrete Structures, August 3-4, 2021, online.
5) ACI (American Concrete Institute) Fall 2020 Virtual Convention, ACI 440-L FRP Reinforcement Durability, Presentation on Durability and Long-Term Performance of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Reinforcement, October 25, 2020, 14:30 to 17:30, Online.
6) ACI (American Concrete Institute) Fall 2020 Virtual Convention, Field Applications of Non-Conventional Reinforcing and Strengthening Methods for Bridges and Structures. Presentation on Recent Canadian Developments related to Unconventional Reinforcing for Concrete Structures, Design Codes, and Applications in Buildings and Bridges, October 28th, 2020, 9:30 am – 2:30 pm,Online.
7) FDOT (Florida Department of Transportation) FDOT-Fibre-Reinforced Polymer Industry 4th Reinforced Concrete/Prestressed Concrete Workshop, Tallahassee, FL, USA, 4 August 2020, 9:30 to 14:30, Online
8) TRB (Transportation Research Board) Workshop on Fiber Reinforced Polymers Deployment in Transportation Infrastructure, Washington-DC, USA, 12 January 2020, 13:30 to 16:30.
9) Association Française de génie civil (AFGC) « Workshop on Composite Rebars as Internal Reinforcement for Concrete Structures”, Lyon, France, 27 November 2019, 9:45 to 17:00
10) Engineers Australia «Technical Workshop on Design of Concrete Structures Reinforced with GFRP Bars”, Engineers Australia, Perth, Australia, 7 November 2019, 9:00 to 16:00.
11) Composites Australia «Seminar on Design of Concrete Structures Internally Reinforced with FRP Bars”, Promoting and connecting the Australian Composite Industry. Composites Australia, Sydney, Australia, 5 November 2019, 9:00 to 16:00.
12) Hunan University, College of Engineering «Short Course on Design of Concrete Structures Internally Reinforced with GFRP Bars”, Changsha, 7-8 May 2019, 9:00 to 16:00.
13) Association Française de génie civil (AFGC) «Seminar on Introduction to Design of Concrete Structures Internally Reinforced with GFRP Bars”, Paris, France, 14 March 2019, 9:00 to 14:00.
14) Composites Australia & Engineers Australia «Seminar on Introduction to the Design of Concrete Structures Internally Reinforced with GFRP Bars”, Technology Clinic for Civil and Composite Design Engineers, Composites Australia & Engineers Australia, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 5 December 2018, 9:00 to 17:00.
15) Second International Workshop on Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) Bar for Concrete Structures (IWGFRPCS-2). 1) Canadian Perspective on the Use of GFRP Bars; 2) Approved Updates to CSA S807-19 & S6-19, January 18-19, 2019, Orlando, FL, USA
16) Composites Australia «Seminar on Design of Concrete Structures Internally Reinforced with GFRP Bars”, Composites Australia, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 5 December 2018, 9:00 to 17:00.
17) Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE) «Applications of Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Technology in Bridges»: Lecture on the new code provisions related to the Section 16 of the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code CSA S6-19 and to new Standard CSA S807-18 on FRP Specifications., Quebec City, Quebec, July 31, 2018.
18) First International Workshop on Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) Bar for Concrete Structures (IWGFRP-1): 1) Introduction to IWGFRP-1, 2) Development of New Editions of CSA Codes and Standards Related to GFRP Bar for Concrete Structures, Sherbrooke, Canada, July 18, 2017
19) Composites Australia & Engineers Australia «Seminar on Introduction to the Design of Concrete Structures Internally Reinforced with GFRP Bars”, Technology Clinic for Civil and Composite Design Engineers, Composites Australia & Engineers Australia, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 8 December 2016, 9:00 to 17:00.
20) IIFC (International Institute in FRP for Construction) Webinar on: FRP for Civil Infrastructure, June 10, 2015, 10:00 to 12:00. This 2-hour webinar included the following items: 1) Factors Affecting the Durability of FRPs; 2) Accelerated Aging Tests; 3) Lab & Field Durability Studies; 4) Specifications, Codes & Design Guides; and 5) Research Avenues.
21) Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE) National Seminars on New Codes CSA S806-12: Design and Construction of Building Components with Fibre-Reinforced Polymers –CAN/CSA S806-12- : 1) February 25-26, 2015 (Montreal et Quebec), 2) May 14-15, 2014 (Moncton, Toronto), and 3) March 5-8, 2013 (Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, and Saskatoon): Lectures on the new code provisions related to the Section 7 on “Properties of FRP Components and Reinforcing Materials” and Section 8 “Design of Concrete Components with FRP Reinforcement”.
22) IIFC (International Institute in FRP for Construction) Webinar on: FRP for Civil Infrastructure. The IIFC selected Prof. Benmokrane to present this first 2-hour webinar on the durability of FRPs for Civil Infrastructure. Webinar presented on April 24, 2014, 10:00 to 12:00.
23) Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE) National Seminars on Supplement S1 in the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code (CHBDC), CAN/CSA S6-06/S1: January 18-February 18, 2011 (Canadian cities including Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec City, Halifax): Lectures on the new code and provisions of the Section 16 “Fibre Reinforced Structures”.
24) Intelligent Sensing for Innovative Structures Canada Network Association Conference and Workshops “Towards Safe and Durable Infrastructure”: May 7–8, 2009, Toronto: Seminars to professional engineers and structure owners on the new Standard CAN/CSA S807-10 “Specification for Fibre Reinforced Polymers” and ISIS Canada Design Manuel No. 3 “Reinforcing Concrete Structures with FRP”.
25) Intelligent Sensing for Innovative Structures Canada FRP Design National Workshops: April 7-May 23, 2008 (Edmonton, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, and Halifax): A series of lectures on the new ISIS Canada manuals including: 1) Manual No 3 “Reinforcing Concrete Structures with FR” 2) Product Certification #1 “Specifications for Product Certification of Fibre Reinforced Polymers (FRPs) as Internal Reinforcement for Concrete Structures”, and 3) Durability Monograph “Durability of Fibre Reinforced Polymers in Civil Infrastructure”.
26) Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE) National Seminars on New Developments in the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code (CHBDC), CAN/CSA S6-06: March 6–April 18, 2007 (Canadian cities including Toronto, Vancouver, Edmonton, Montreal, Quebec City, Halifax): Lectures on the code provisions of the Section 16 “Fibre Reinforced Structures”.
27) Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE) National Seminars on New Code CSA S806: Design and Construction of Building Components with Fibre-Reinforced Polymers, CAN/CSA S806-02- : December 3-5, 2003 (Toronto, Calgary, and Edmonton): Lectures on the code provisions related to the Section 7 on “Properties of FRP Components and Reinforcing Materials” and Section 8 “Design of Concrete Components with FRP Reinforcement”.
28) Series of National & International Seminars and Short Courses (Invited Lecturer):
- May 2019: Lecture on “Design of concrete structures internally reinforced with FRP bars”, Hunan University, College of Engineering, Changsha, China,
- March 2018: Lecture on “Analysis and Design of GFRP-RC Structures”, Association Française de Génie Civil (AFGC), Paris, France
- December 2016: Workshop on “Introduction to the Design of Concrete Structures Internally Reinforced with GFRP Bars”, Technology Clinic for Civil and Composite Design Engineers, Composites Australia & Engineers Australia, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
- December 2016: Seminar on “Establishing Collaborative Research Projects with Industry: Perspective from an NSERC Industrial Research Chair”, USQ Research Giant, Division of Research & Innovation, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia
- December 2016: Seminar on Microstructural Characterization and Durability of GFRP Reinforcing Bars Exposed to Concrete Environment and Saline, Research Institute for Sustainable Urban Development, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China
- December 2015: Seminar on “Building Durable Concrete Infrastructure Using GFRP Bars”, S.M. Infra-Structures Pvt. Ltd., Sunil Chemical Industries, Mumbai, India
- May 2015: Seminar on “Use of FRP Bars in Bridges”, Texas Department of Transportation, Austin, Texas, USA
- December 2013: Seminars on “FRP Reinforcing Bars for Concrete Structures: Their Behavior, Design Requirements and Code Specifications”: 1) Engineers Australia, Adelaide, Australia, 2) Swinburne University in conjunction with Swinburne’s “Innovations in Construction”, Melbourne, Australia, and 3) University of Technology of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
- October 2013: Seminar on “Use of FRP Bars in Bridges”, New York City Department of Transportation, New York City, NY, USA
- October 2013: Seminar on “Use of FRP Bars in Bridges and Buildings”, Bruce Podwal Seminar Series, The City College of New York, New York City, NY, USA
- September 2013: Seminar on “Durability Issues of FRP for Civil Infrastructure”, Workshop on “Aging of Composites”, US Department of Transportation (US-DOT), Federal Highway Administration (FWA), NTSB Training Center, Ashburn, VA, USA
- February 2013: Seminar on “FRP Reinforcing Bars: Their Behavior and Code Specification & Design Requirements”, Florida Department of Transportation, Gainesville, FL, USA
- October 2012: Seminar on “The Use of GFRP Composite Rebars in Concrete Structures”: 1) Magmatech, Moscow, (Russia), 2) Bouygues, Total, and IFSTTAR, Paris, (France)
- March 2012: Seminar on “Basalt and Glass FRP Reinforcing Bars for Concrete Structures”, Asamer, Bouygues, VSL, Salzburg, (Austria), and London, (United Kingdom)
- November 2011: Seminars on “FRP Reinforcement for Concrete Structures”, Inconmat Australia, AECOM, Taylor Thomson Whitting Consulting Engineers, Sidney & Brisbane, (Australia)
- January 2010: Seminars on “FRP Reinforcement for Concrete Bridges”, Hatch Mott MacDonald, MMM Group, AECOM, Kiewit, Toronto, (Canada)
- March 2009: Seminar on “FRP Reinforcement in Concrete Structures”, Trancels Construction Technologies, Toronto Construction Association, and Ministry of Transportation of Ontario, Toronto, (Canada)
- Nov.-Dec. 2008: Series of seminars on “FRP Reinforcement for Concrete Structures in the Arabian Gulf: Properties, Design and Applications”, Kuwait City, (Kuwait), Doha, (Qatar), and Dubai, (United Arab Emirates)
- Aug. 2008: Seminar on “Design of Concrete Bridge Deck Slabs Reinforced with GFRP Bars”, Alberta Transportation, Edmonton, (Canada)
- Dec. 2007: Seminar on “Concrete Structures Reinforced with FRP Bars: Application to Municipal Structures”, Montreal, (Canada)
- Jan. 2006: Seminar on “FRP Reinforcing Bars for Concrete Parking Garages”, Municipality of Quebec City, Quebec City, (Canada)
- April 2006: One-week tour seminars on “Concrete Structures Reinforced with FRP” in the Maritimes: Fredericton, Charlottetown, St-John, Moncton, and Halifax, (Canada)
- Nov. 2005: Seminar on “Concrete Structures Reinforced with FRP”, Association of Structural Engineers of Montreal, Montreal, (Canada)
- Jan. 2004: Seminar on “FRP Bars for Concrete Bridge Decks and Pavements”, Texas Department of Transportation, Austin, Texas, (USA)
- Oct. 2004: Seminar on “Glass FRP Bars for Concrete Bridge Decks”, Ontario Ministry of Transportation, Toronto, (Canada)
- Nov. 2003 “FRP Reinforcing Bars for Concrete Bridge Decks”, ASCE, Vermont Association of Civil Eng., and Vermont Agency of Transportation, Burlington, VT, (USA)
- Oct. 2003: Seminar on Reinforcing Concrete with FRP, Toronto Association of Construction, Toronto; 13) March 2003: Seminar on Reinforcing Concrete with FRP Bars, Manitoba Transportation & Public Works, Winnipeg, (Canada)
- Nov. 2002: Short course on “Concrete Structures Reinforced with FRP Bars”, American Concrete Institute (ACI) and Association of Civil Engineers of Bahrain, (Bahrain).
One of my most important goals in my career has been the training of highly competent researchers and engineers and their placement in academic and research institutions and in public and private organizations. I have supervised 45 Master students (44 completed and 1 in-progress), 82 Ph.D. students (58 completed and 24 in-progress), 35 postdoctoral fellows (28 completed and 7 in-progress), and 22 technical & professional researchers (15 completed and 7 in-progress) (a total of 177). Many of them are pursuing careers in industry, academia, and research in Canada, USA, and around the world.
Currently, Professor Benmokrane’s research group consists of 25 graduate students, 7 postdoctoral researchers, and 7 professional researchers and technicians. On average, three to four undergraduate students are being trained every year. They are involved in all the ongoing activities through helping graduate students and post-doctoral researchers. Many of them have joined my research group or those of other professor’s ones as post-graduate students after completing their B.Sc. degrees. Furthermore, Professor Benmokrane organizes bi-weekly meetings of the research group including the graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. In these meetings, both graduate students and postdoctoral fellows give technical presentations on the progress of their research projects. Opportunities are provided to the graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to interact with industrial partners and to present their research projects in national and international conferences.
Over the last six years (since 2016), 12 master’s students, 45 doctoral students, and 23 postdoctoral fellows in Professor Benmokrane’s research group were coauthors on one or more of my papers: total of 301 papers: 171 journal papers (published or accepted) and 130 full conference papers. In addition, more than 40% of my students and postdoctoral fellows have been awarded scholarships from NSERC, FRQNT, MITACS, Bourse de la Francophonie, Transport Association of Canada, or the Université de Sherbrooke.
Graduated (completed) | Currently Supervised |
PhD Students | 58 | 24 | 82 |
Master’s Students | 44 | 1 | 45 |
Postdoctoral Fellows | 28 | 7 | 35 |
Technical assistant & Professional Researchers |
15 | 7 | 22 |
145 | 39 | 184 |
Invited Speaker (Keynote Lecture) at National and International Conferences (more than 50 presentations since 2000):
- The TRB (Transportation Research Board), Transportation Research Board AKB30 Committee on Concrete Bridges, Workshop on Alternative Reinforcing Materials, 2023, Washington-DC, USA
- 11th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE 2023), July 23-26, 2023, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- The fib Symposium 2023, Building for the future: Durable, Sustainable, Resilient, 5-7 June 2023, Istanbul, Turkey
- 15th International Conference on Fibre-Reinforced Polymers for Reinforced Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-15) and the 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on FRP in Structures (APFIS-2022), 10-14 December 2022, Shenzhen, China
- 2nd International Conference on Basalt Fibers and Composites (ICBFC-2022), 9th – 11th November 2022
- The Eighth International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics, and Computation (SEMC 2022), 5-7 September 2022, Cape Town, South Africa
- The Fifth International Conference on Structural Engineering and Concrete Technology (ICSECT’20), April 19-21, 2022, Lisbon, Portugal, On-line
- Fifth International Workshop on Seawater Sea-sand Concrete (SSC) Structures Reinforced with FRP Composites – Practical applications of FRP bars in reinforcing concrete structures in Canada and beyond – The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 15-16 January 2022, On-Line
- International Materials and Structures Specialty Conferences 2021 of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, – Recent Canadian Developments related to FRP Reinforcement for Concrete Structures, Design Codes, and Applications in Buildings and Bridges – Virtual, June 28, 2021, On-line
- Fourth International Workshop on Seawater Sea-sand Concrete (SSC) Structures Reinforced with FRP Composites – Durability and Long-Term Performance of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Reinforcement- The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 9-10 January 2021, On-Line
- The TRB (Transportation Research Board) Workshop on Fiber Reinforced Polymers Deployment in Transportation Infrastructure, 2020, Washington-DC, USA
- China Summit Forum on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering, 2019, Shanghai, China
- The American Concrete Institute (ACI), Spring 2019 Convention and Exposition: Non-Prestressed FRP Reinforcement and Retrofitting Systems-Honoring Distinguished Professor Emeritus Sami Rizkalla, 2019, Quebec City, QC, Canada
- The American Concrete Institute (ACI), Spring 2019 Convention and Exposition: Advances in Construction, Evaluation, and Repair of Concrete Structures and Materials: International Perspective with Korean Concrete Institute (KCI) and Taiwan Concrete Institute (TCI), 2019, Quebec City, QC, Canada
- 2nd International Workshop on GFRP Bar for Concrete Structures (IWGFRPCS-2), 2019, Orlando, FL, USA
- 9th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE2018), 2018, Paris, France
- The first Sino-Canada Workshop on Sustainable Construction Building Materials, 2018, Changsha, China
- Florida Transportation Builders Association (FTBA) Construction Conference 2018 & FDOT Workshop on FRP Reinforcement – Guide Specifications for GFRP Reinforcing Bars, 2018, Orlando, Florida, USA
- 16th International Congress of Polymers in Concrete (ICPIC2018), 2018, Washington-DC, USA
- CAMX – The Composites and Advanced Materials Conference and Expo – Use of GFRP Bars in Nipigon River Cable-Stayed Bridge Deck using Precast Concrete Panels, 2017, Orlando, FL, USA
- International Bridge Conference 2017 – Design and Construction of Nipigon River Cable-Stayed Bridge using Precast Concrete Panels Reinforced with Glass FRP Rebars, 2017, Maryland, USA
- 8th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE2016), 2016, Hong Kong, China
- 7th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials for Bridges and Structures (ACMBS-VII), 2016, Vancouver, BC, Canada
- International Bridge Conference 2016 – Enhancing Performance and Extending the Service Life of Concrete Bridges using FRP Composites, 2016, Maryland, USA
- 2nd R.N. Raikar International Conference and Banthia-Basheer International Symposium on Advances in Science and Technology of Concrete, 18-19 December 2015, Mumbai, India
- CAMX – The Composites and Advanced Materials Conference– The transportation Structures Council of the American Composites Manufacturers Association, 2015, Dallas, TX, USA
- Fifth International Conference on Construction Materials: Performance, Innovations and Structural Implications (ConMat 15), 2015, Whistler, BC, Canada
- 11th International Conference on Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-11), 2013, Porto, Portugal
- 4th International Workshop on Performance, Protection and Strengthening of Structures under Extreme Loadings, 2013, Mysore, India
- 6th International Conference on Composites and Nanocomposites in Civil, Offshore and Mining Infrastructures (ACUN-6), 2012, Melbourne, Australia
- 11th International Bridge Conference (IBC-11), 2011, Pittsburgh, USA
- American Composites Manufacturers Association (ACMA) Congress, 2010, Las Vegas, USA
- 2nd Asia Pacific Conference on FRP Structures (APFIS-09), 2009, Séoul, Corée du Sud
- American Concrete Institute (ACI) Spring Convention 2009, San-Antonio, Texas, USA
- American Concrete Institute (ACI) Fall Convention 2008, St-Louis, Missouri, USA
- Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Conference, 2008, Washington, USA
- American Composites Manufacturers Association (ACMA) Congress, 2007, Columbus, USA
- Conférence annuelle de la société canadienne de génie civil (SCGC), 2007, Québec, Canada
- 4th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE), 2008, Zurich, Suisse.
Member of International Scientific Committees of International Conferences (more than 50 since 2000):
- 11th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE 2023), July 23-26, 2023, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil2023
- The International Federation for Structural Concrete (fib) Symposium 2023, Building for the future: Durable, Sustainable, Resilient”, 5-7 June 2023, Istanbul, Turkey
- 15th International Conference on FRP for Reinforced Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-15) and the 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on FRP in Structures (APFIS-2022), 10-14 December 2022, Shenzhen, China
- 2nd International Conference on Basalt Fibers and Composites (ICBFC-2022), 9th – 11th November 2022
- 8th International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics, and Computation (SEMC 2022), 5-7 September 2022, Cape Town, South Africa.
- 11th International Conference on Short and Medium Span Bridges (SMSB–XI), July 19-22, 2022, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
- 8th International Conference in Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures (ACMBS-VIII), August 2020, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
- 6th International Conference on Construction Materials: Performance, Innovations, and Structural Implications (ConMat’20), August 2020, Fukuoka, Japan
- 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on FRP in Structures (APFIS-6), July 2019, Brisbane, Australia
- 1st International Conference on Basalt Fibers and Composites (ICBFC-2019), November 2019, Nanjing/Hengshui, China,
- 9th International Conference on FRP Composites for Civil Engineering (CICE-2018), July 2018, Paris, France
- 1st International Conference on New Horizons in Green Civil Engineering (NHICE-01), April 2018, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
- 13th International Symposium on Fibre Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement for Reinforced Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-13), October 2017, Anaheim, CA, USA
- 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on FRP in Structures (APFIS-6), July 2017, Singapore
- International Symposium for Emerging Researchers in Composites for Infrastructure (ISERCI 2017), July 2017, Wollongong, Australia
- 5th International Conference on Durability of FRP Composite for Construction & Rehabilitation of Structures (CDCC-2017), July 2017, Sherbrooke, Canada
- 3rd International Conference on Technology and Concrete Durability (CITEDUB 3), September 2016, Algiers, Algeria
- 7th International Conference in Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures (ACMBS-VII), August 2016, Vancouver, British Colombia, Canada
- 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on FRP in Structures (APFIS), December 2015, Nanjing, China
- 12th International Symposium on Fibre Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement for Reinforced Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-12), December 2015, Nanjing, China
- 2nd International Conference on Performance-based and Life-cycle Structural Engineering (PLSE 2015), December 2015, Brisbane, Australia
- 5th International Conference on Construction Materials: Performance, Innovations, and Structural Implications (ConMat’15), August 2015, Whistler, Canada
- 18th International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS18), June 2015, Lisbon, Portugal
- 7th International Conference on Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE2014), August 2014, Vancouver, Canada
- 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on FRP in Structures (APFIS), December 2013, Melbourne, Australia
- 11th International Symposium on Fibre Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement for Reinforced Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-6), June 2013, Porto, Portugal
- 1st International Conference on Performance-based and Life-cycle Structural Engineering (PLSE 2012), December 2012, Hong Kong, China
- 6th International Conference on Composites & Nanocomposites in Civil, Offshore and Mining Infrastructure (ACUN-6), November 2012, Melbourne, Australia
- 1st International Conference of Civil Engineering (ICCE’2012), November 2012, Laghouat, Algeria
- 6th International Conference on Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE2010), June 2012, Rome, Italy
- 6th International Conference in Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures (ACMBS-VI), May 2012, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
- 3nd Asia-Pacific Conference on FRP in Structures (APFIS), February 2012, Sapporo, Japan
- 5th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Structures (SHMII-5), December 2011, Cancun, Mexico
- 1st International Conference on Structures and Building Materials (ICSBM 2011), January 2011, Guangzhou, China
- 1st Middle East Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures (SMAR2011), February 2011, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 4th International Conference on Durability and Sustainability of FRP Composite Materials for Construction and Rehabilitation, July 2011, Quebec City, Canada
- 5th International Conference on Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE2010), September 2010, Beijing, China
- 2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on FRP in Structures (APFIS), December 2009, Seoul, South-Korea.
- 1st International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment Infrastructures in Developing Countries (SBEIDCO), October 2009, Oran, Algeria
- 4th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Structures (SHMII-4), July 2009, Zurich, Switzerland
- 3rd European Symposium on Organic Materials for Construction (Orgagec’08): Technical and Environmental Performances, August 2008, Paris, France
- 5th International Engineering and Construction Conference (IECC’5), August 2008, Irvine, California
- 5th International Conference in Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures (ACMBS-V), September 2008, Winnipeg, Manitoba
- 37th CSCE Annual Conference, June 2008, Quebec City, Quebec
- 3rd International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Structures (SHMII-3), November 2007, Vancouver, British Columbia
- 7th International Conference on Short & Medium Span Bridges, August 2007, Montreal, Quebec
- 3rd International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management, Life-Cycle Performance and Cost, July 2006, Porto, Portugal
- 1st International Workshop on Innovative Bridge Decks Technologies, September 2005, Winnipeg, Manitoba
- 3rd International Conference on Composites in Construction, (CCC 2005) , July 2005, Lyon, France; 2nd International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE 2004), December 2004, Adelaide, Australia
- 4th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures (ACMBS-4), July 2004, Calgary, Alberta
- 2nd International Conference on Advanced Polymer Composites for Structural Applications in Construction (ACIC 2004), April 2004, Surrey, United Kingdom
- 6th International Symposium on Fibre Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement for Reinforced Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-6), July 2003, Singapore
- 2nd International Conference on Durability of Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Construction, (CDCC 2002), May 2002, Montreal, Quebec
- 1st International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring of Innovative Civil Engineering Structures, September 2002, Winnipeg, Manitoba
- 3rd International Conference on Composites in Infrastructure, July 2002, San Francisco, California
- 1st International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE 2001), December 2001, Hong Kong
- 5th International Symposium on Fibre Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement for Reinforced Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-5), July 2001, Cambridge, United Kingdom
- 3rd International Conference on Concrete Under Severe Conditions of Environment and Loading (CONSEC’01), June 2001, Vancouver, British Colombia
- Third International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures (ACMBS-III), August 2000, Ottawa, Ontario.
International Editorial Board Membership of Refereed Journals:
- (2021-present): Engineering Structures, Elsevier Journal
- (2007-present): International Journal of Structures and Materials
- (2010-present): ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering
- (2002-present): ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction.
Grant Selection Committees Memberships:
- Member (2016-2018): NSERC E.W.R. Steacie Memorial Fellowships Selection Committee
- Member (2010-2013): NSERC Discovery Grant – Civil, Industrial and Engineering Systems Evaluation Group Committee 1509)
- Member (2005-present): Quebec – FQRNT Doctoral and Postdoctoral Scholarships (Programs B2, 1B and 1C) (2005- )
- Member (2003-present): College of Reviewers (Special Research Opportunity (SRO-NSERC))
- Member (2001-present): College of Reviewers (Canada Research Chairs Program) (2001- )
External Examiner for PhD Theses (more than 35 since 2000):
University of Delaware, USA; University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB; University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, USA; University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON; Ottawa University, Ottawa, ON; McGill University, Montreal, QC; Carleton University, Ottawa, ON; Memorial University, St-John’s, TN; University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB; École de Technologie Supérieure, Montreal, QC; University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B-C; Université Lyon 1, France, Université de Paris-Est, France, etc.
Referee for International Journals (Regular reviewer for more than 25 international journals):
ACI Structural J.; ACI Materials J.; ASCE J. of Composites for Construction; ASCE J. of Bridge Eng.; ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering; J. of Eng. Materials and Technology; RILEM – Materials and Structures J.; J. of Building and Construction Materials; Canadian J. of Civil Eng.; J. of Construction Materials; Eng. Structures; ASTM J. of Testing and Evaluation; J. Composites, Part B: Eng.; Polymer Composites; J. of Cement and Concrete Composites; Smart Materials and Structures J.
Reviewer of Promotion/Tenure Applications of Professors:
- University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB (2021)
- University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B-C, (2021)
- University of Waterloo, Kitchener, ON (2017)
- University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON (2015)
- Carlton University, Ottawa, ON (2013)
- University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B-C, (2011)
- University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB (2011)
- University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, (2009)
- Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, (2008)
- Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, (2007).
- University of Delaware, USA (2021)
- University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, USA (2017)
- University of West Virginia, USA (2015)
- University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, USA (2014)
- University of Florida at Gainesville, FL, USA (2012),
- University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, (2008)
- University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, (2005)
- University of California at San Diego, San Diego, CA, (2005)
- Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA, (2004)
- University of Missouri-Columbia, St-Louis, MO, (2004)
- University of Maine, Orono, MA, (2003).
- University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, (2010).
- Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, (2017, 2015, 2012).
Saudi Arabia:
- King Saud University, Ryadh, Saudi Arabia (2012, 2006).
- Université Paris-Est (2016)
- Université Lyon 1, Lyon, France (2012)
United Arab Emirates:
- United Arab Emirates University (2017)
- American University of Beirut (2017)
Research Proposal Reviewer (average of 10 per year):
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC): Discovery, Strategic, and Industrial Chair programs; Canada Research Chair Program (CRC), Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI); Fonds de recherche du Quebec – Nature et Technologies (FQRNT); MITACS; U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF, USA), etc.
Broadcast and Text Interviews:
Broadcast Interviews
- Radio-Canada – Le Téléjournal Estrie | Quebec’s 3rd link could have a Sherbrooke touch | Brahim Benmokrane| Le 3e lien de Québec pourrait avoir une touche sherbrookoise | Brahim Benmokrane March 2021.
- Radio-Canada Information | Quebec’s 3rd link could have a Sherbrooke touch | Brahim Benmokrane| Le 3e lien de Québec pourrait avoir une touche sherbrookoise | Brahim Benmokrane. March 2021.
- Building Durable Civil Infrastructure Using Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composite. The Royal Society of Canada/Academy of Science Video Presentations: November 2013.
- Des ponts plus durables grâce à des armatures en matériaux composites. Program “Le Code Chastenay”. Télé-Québec TV :, épisode 117. November 2012.
- Innovative FRP Reinforcement for Concrete Infrastructure. “NSERC – 2 minutes with Brahim Benmokrane”. Communication Services, Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC): March 2012.
- Béton et matériaux appliqués aux grands ouvrages de génie civil. Program “Écrous et boulons”. Historia TV. January 2011.
- Reportage sur l’armature en PRF pour le béton. Program “Découverte”. Radio-Canada Television. October 2007.
- Reportage sur la technologie de l’armature de PRF. Program “Découverte”. Radio-Canada Television. April 2003.
Text Interviews (since 2008)
- Radio-Canada – Roll on the return | Glass fiber-based Sherbrooke concrete in a future 3rd link in Quebec? | Brahim Benmokrane| Du béton sherbrookois à base de fibre de verre dans un futur 3e lien à Québec? | Brahim Benmokrane. March 2021.
- High Stays for the Highway-Use of GFRP Bar in Nipigon River Cable-Stayed Bridge. Composites Manufacturing. The Official Magazine of the American Composites Manufacturers Association. September/October 2017.
- Brahim Benmokrane: L’excellence pour armer le béton – Grand Prix d’excellence 2016. PLAN, La revue de l’Ordre des Ingénieurs du Québec (OIQ), Juillet-août 2016, pp. 16-19,
- Pont Champlain: Le projet du siècle – Des matériaux à la fine pointe Made in Québec. Journal La Tribune, Sherbrooke, Quebec. June 2013.
- GFRP Replaces Steel in Parking Garages – Composite Rebar in Replacement Concrete Slab the Key in Life Extending and Less-costly Structural Rehabilitation Project. June 2013.
- GFRP Rehabilitation in Garage Structures. Composites Manufacturing. The Official Magazine of the American Composites Manufacturers Association. November 2011.
- Utilisation de barres d’armature en matériaux composites de polymère renforcé de fibres de verre plutôt que de barres d’acier dans une chaussée en béton armé continu. Bulletin Innovation Transport, Transports Québec. January 2009.
- Des armatures de viaducs en matériaux composites – Une nouvelle technologie à considérer. CONSTA, Magazine de l’Association des constructeurs de routes et grands travaux du Québec. November 2008.
Research and Technical Consulting for:
- Public organizations:
- Ministry of Transportation of Quebec (MTQ)
- Ministère de l’Économie, de l’Innovation et de l’Exportation du Québec (MDEIE)
- Consortium de recherche en polymère et composite du Québec (CRCPQ)
- Hydro-Québec
- Institut de Recherche en Santé et Sécurité du Travail du Québec (IRSST), etc.
- Science and Technology Canada
- Public Works and Governmental Services of Canada (PWGSC)
- Institute for Research in Construction (IRC) of NRCC
- Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (MTO)
- Alberta Transportation (AT), etc.
United States:
- National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP), Transportation Research Board (TRB), National Research Council (NRC), Washington-DC
- Civil Engineering Research Foundation (CERF), Washington-DC
- Vermont Agency of Transportation (VAT)
- Department of Transportation of Texas
- Department of Transportation of Florida, etc.
- Private sector & industry:
McCormick Rankin (Canada); Hatch Mott MacDonald (Canada); AECOM (Canada); Roche (Canada); EMS ingénierie (Canada); Exp. (Canad) Pultrall, Inc. (Canada); BP Composites, Inc. (Canada); Marshall Composite Systems (USA); Magmatech (UK); Pultron Composites Inc. (New Zealand); FiReP Inc. (Germany); Asamer (Austria); Freyssinet (France), Bouygues (France), ACCIONA (Spain), Roctest Ltd (Canada); SNC-Lavalin (Canada); Hughes Brothers Inc. (USA); Marshall Industries Composites Inc. (USA); Asamer AG (Austria); ASATEC (Austria); Basanite Industries (USA); B&B FRP Manufacturing Inc (Canada); SFTec Canada Inc. (Canada), Sym-Tech (Canada); Strongwell (USA); Nantong Shenhu New Materials Technology Co. (China); Hyundai Engineering & Construction (Korea); Owens Corning (USA); Orion Marine Construction (USA); Shandong Safety Industrial Co (China); Bluey Technologies Inc. (Australia); Coastal Gunite Construction Company (USA); Arkema (France); etc.
Seven hundred and seventy-two (772) publications, including 350 peer-reviewed journal papers, 381 peer-reviewed conference proceeding papers, and 41 books, book chapters & monographs were published with my graduate students, postdoctoral fellow and collaborators from industry and academia.
Citations: Google Scholar: 18,500+ citations, h-index = 72, i10 index = 274 (November 2022).
Published or Accepted Articles in Refereed Journals (Total 349)
J1. Aflakisamani, M., Mousa, S., Mohamed, H.M., Ahmed, E.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2023) “Design and Testing of Lightweight Self-Consolidating Concrete Bridge-Deck Slabs Reinforced with GFRP Bars”. ACI Structural Journal, (accepted).
J2. Nguyen, K. Q., Mohamed, K., Cousin, P., Robert, M., El-Safty, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2023). Stress Crack Resistance and Life Prediction of Corrugated Recycled and Virgin Structural HDPE Pipes Used in Road Systems: A Case Study in Quebec, Canada. ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 35, No.1,
J3. Elhamaymy, A., Mohamed, H., and Benmokrane, B. (2023). “ Performance of GFRP-RC Piles Exposed to Laboratory Simulated Marine Environments “. ACI Structural Journal, (accepted).
J4. Shabana, I., Farghaly, A.S., and Benmokrane, B. (2023). “Shear Stiffness of Earthquake-Resistant Concrete Squat Walls Reinforced with GFRP Bars.” ACI Structural Journal (accepted).
J5. Mohammed Gamal Gouda, Hamdy M. Mohamed, Allan C. Manalo, and Brahim Benmokrane (2023). ” Effect of Transverse Reinforcement Ratios and Configurations on the Behavior of Hollow Circular Concrete Columns Reinforced with GFRP Under Concentric Loading.” ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol. 27, No.1, pp. 04022095.
J6. Ibrahim, B., Mousa, S., Mohamed, H., and Benmokrane, B. (2023). “ Quasi-Static Cyclic Flexural Loading Behavior of Precast RC Tunnel Segments with GFRP Bars.” ACI Structural Journal, (accepted).
J7. Shabana, I., Farghaly, A.S., and Benmokrane, B. (2023). “Shear Strength of GFRP-Reinforced Concrete Squat Walls: A Strut-and-Tie Model.” ACI Structural Journal, (accepted).
J8. Mehany, S., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2023). “ Performance of LWSCC Beams Reinforced with GFRP Bars without Stirrups under Shear“. ACI Structural Journal, (accepted).
J9. Liam Knoll, Amir Fam, Joshua E. Woods, and Brahim Benmokrane (2023). “ Fatigue Repair of Cracked Steel Plates using Small Patch Ultra-High Modulus CFRP Governed by Bond Failure.”ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, (accepted).
J10. Prajapati, G.N., Farghaly, A.S., and Benmokrane, B. (2023). “ Behavior of GFRP-Reinforced Concrete Columns Subjected to Simulated Seismic Load.” ACI Structural Journal, (accepted).
J11. Mehany, S., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2023). “Flexural Behavior and Serviceability Performance of LWSCC Beams Reinforced with Basalt FRP Bars“. ACI Structural Journal, (accepted).
J12. Mohammed Gamal Gouda, Hamdy M. Mohamed, Allan C. Manalo, and Brahim Benmokrane (2023). “Experimental Investigation of Concentrically and Eccentrically Loaded Circular Hollow Concrete Columns Reinforced with GFRP Bars and Spirals.” Engineering Structures, Elsevier Journal, (accepted).
J13. Aflakisamani, M., Mousa, S., Mohamed, H.M., Ahmed, E.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2023) “Structural Behavior of Bridge Deck Slabs Made with GFRP-Reinforced Lightweight Self-Consolidating”. ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, (accepted).
J14. Hosseini, S.M., Mousa, S., Mohamed, H., and Benmokrane, B. (2022). “ Structural Behavior of Precast RC Tunnel Segments with GFRP Bars and Ties under Bending Load.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 119, No. 1, pp. 307-319.
J15. Salama, A., Benmokrane, B., and El-Safty, A. (2022). “ Extended Strut-and-Tie Model for Punching-Shear Strength of FRP-RC Edge–Slab Column Connections.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 119, No. 1, pp. 155-168.
J16. Mehany, S., Mohamed, H., and Benmokrane, B. (2022). “ Flexural Strength and Serviceability Performance of GFRP-Reinforced Lightweight Self-Consolidating Concrete Beams.” ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 04022020.
J17. Shabana, I., Farghaly, A.S., and Benmokrane, B. (2022). “Earthquake Response of GFRP-Reinforced Concrete Squat Walls with Aspect Ratio of 1.14 and 0.68. Engineering Structures Journal, Vol. 252, 113556.
J18. Elhamaymy, A., Mohamed, H.M., Manalo, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2022) “Uniaxial Compression Behavior of Square and Circular RC Piles Constructed with GFRP Bars and Spirals Pre-conditioned in Simulated Marine Environments”. ASCE Journal of Composite for Construction, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 04022030.
J19. Mohammed Gamal Gouda, Hamdy M. Mohamed, Allan C. Manalo, and Brahim Benmokrane (2022). “ Behavior of Hollow GFRP-RC Columns under Axial Load: Experimental and Theoretical Investigation.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 119, No. 6, pp. 289-302.
J20. Mehany, S., Mohamed, H., El-Safty, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2022). “Bond-Dependent Coefficient and Cracking Behavior of Lightweight Self-Consolidating Concrete (LWSCC) Beams Reinforced with Glass- and Basalt-FRP Bars.” Construction & Building Materials Journal, Vol. 329, 127130.
J21. Prajapati, G.N., Farghaly, A.S., and Benmokrane, B. (2022). “ Behavior of RC Columns with Hybrid Reinforcement (Steel/GFRP) under Reversed Cyclic Load Load.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 119, No. 4, pp.1-16.
J22. Hosseini, S.M., Mousa, S., Mohamed, H., and Benmokrane, B. (2022). “ Experimental and Analytical Study on Precast High-Strength Concrete Tunnel Lining Segments Reinforced with GFRP Bars.” ASCE Journal of Composite for Construction, Vol. 26, No. 5, pp. 04022062-.
J23. Arafa, A., Chaallal, O., and Benmokrane, B. (2022). “Effects of Axial Load on the Seismic Behavior of GFRP-RC Columns: A Numerical Study.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 119, No. 3, pp. 81-98.
J24. Prajapati, G.N., Farghaly, A.S., and Benmokrane, B. (2022). “ Performance of Concrete Columns Longitudinally Reinforced with Steel and GFRP Bars and Confined with GFRP Spirals and Cross Ties under Reversed Cyclic Loading ” Engineering Structures Journal, Vol. 270, 114863.
J25. Nguyen, K. Q., Cousin, P., Mohamed, K., Robert, M., El-Safty, A., & Benmokrane, B. (2022). “Effects of Ultraviolet Radiation on Recycled and Virgin HDPE Corrugated Structural Pipes Used in Road Drainage Systems “. Journal of Polymers and the Environment, Vol. 30, pp. 3391–3408.
J26. Manalo, A.C., Alajarmeh, O., Ferdous, W., Benmokrane, B., Sorbello, C.D., and Gerdes, A. (2022). “Effect of Simulated Hygrothermal Environment on the Flexural and Interlaminar Shear Strength of Particulate-Filled Epoxy-Coated GFRP Composites.” Construction and Building Materials Journal, Vol. 339, 127687.
J27. Hu, R., Fang, Z, Benmokrane, B., and Xu, B. (2022) “Experimental Behavior of UHPC Shear Walls with Hybrid Reinforcement of CFRP and Steel Bars under Lateral Cyclic Load.” ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol. 26, No.2, pp. 04022011-1.
J28. Sharda, A., Manalo, A.C., Ferdous, W., Bai, Y., Nicol, L., Mohammed, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2022). ” Flexural behaviour of composite modular wall systems under uniformly distributed and concentrated loads. ” Composite Structures, Elsevier Journal, Vol. 303, 116346.
J29. Manalo, A.C., Alajarmeh, O., Yang, X., Ferdous, W., Ebrahimzadeh, S., Benmokrane, B., Sorbello, C.D., Weerakoon, S., and Lutze, D. (2022). ” Development and Mechanical Performance Evaluation of a GFRP-Reinforced Concrete Boat-Approach Slab.” Structures, Elsevier Journal, Vol. 46, No. 5, pp. 73-87.
J30. Nguyen, K. Q., Cousin, P., Mohamed, K., Robert, M., El-Safty, A., & Benmokrane, B. (2022). “ Effects of Exposure Conditions on Antioxidant Depletion, Tensile Strength, and Long-Term Modulus of Corrugated HDPE Pipes Made with or without Recycled Resins“. Journal of Polymers and the Environment, Vol. 30, pp. 3959–3973.
J31. Gouda, A., Ali, A., Mohamed, H., and Benmokrane, B. (2022). “Analysis of Circular Concrete Members Reinforced with Composite Glass-FRP Spiral.” Composite Structures, Elsevier Journal, Vol. 297, July 2022, 115921.
J32. Al-Ajarmeh, O., Manalo, A., Benmokrane, B., Hassanli, R., and Sorbello, C-D. (2022). “Compression Behavior of GFRP Bars under Elevated In-Service Temperatures.” Composites Part B: Engineering, Elsevier Journal, Vol. 314, 125675.
J33. Nguyen, K. Q., Cousin, P., Mohamed, K., Robert, M., and Benmokrane, B. (2022). “Comparing Short-Term Performance of Corrugated HDPE Pipe Made with or without Recycled Resins for Transportation Infrastructure Applications. “ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 34, No. 2, 04021427.
J34. Hadhood, A., Mohamed, H.M., Fam, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2021). “ Assessment of Confinement Models and Minimum Volumetric Ratio for GFRP-RC Circular Columns.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 118, No. 6, pp. 305-317.
J35. Sanni B., A., Mohamed, H., Yahia, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2021). ” Explainable Extreme Gradient Boosting Tree-Based Prediction of Load-Carrying Capacity of FRP-RC Columns.” Engineering Structures Journal, Vol. 245, 112836.
J36. Benmokrane, B., Mousa, S., Mohamed, H.M., El-Safty, A., and Nolan, S. (2021). “Design, Construction, Testing, and Behavior of Driven Precast Concrete Piles Reinforced with GFRP Bars and Spirals.” ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, Vol. 26, No. 8, 04020116-1.
J37. Abdelazim, W, Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2021). “Proposed Flexural Stiffness of Slender Concrete Columns Reinforced with GFRP Bars.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 118, No. 1, pp. 227-240.
J38. Hadhood, A., Mohamed, H.M., Mwiseneza, C., and Benmokrane, B. (2021).” Performance of Innovative Precast Concrete Sleepers Prestressed with GFRP Reinforcing Bars.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 118, No. 1, pp. 277-288.
J39. Sanni B., A., Mohamed, H., Yahia, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2021). “Axial Load-Moment Interaction Diagram of Full-Scale Circular LWSCC Columns Reinforced with Basalt FRP (BFRP) and Glass FRP (GFRP) Bars and Spirals.” Engineering Structures Journal, Vol. 242, 112538.
J40. Sharda, A., Manalo, A., Ferdous, W., Bai, Y., Nicol, L., Mohammed, A., and B. Benmokrane, B. (2021). “Axial Compression Behaviour of All-Composite Modular Wall System. ” Composite Structures, Elsevier Journal, Vol. 268, 113986.
J41. Esmaeili, Y., Khaled Mohamed, K., Newhook, J., and Benmokrane, B. (2021). ” Assessment of Creep Rupture and Long-Term Performance of GFRP Bars Subjected to Different Environmental Exposure Conditions Under High Sustained Loads. “Construction and Building Materials Journal, Vol. 300, September 2021, 124327.
J42. Elhamaymy, A., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2021) “Durability Assessment and Behavior under Axial Load of Circular GFRP-RC Piles Conditioned in Severe Simulated Marine Environment”. Engineering Structures Journal, Vol. 249, 113376.
J43. Mehany, S., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2021). “Contribution of Lightweight Self-Consolidated Concrete (LWSCC) to Shear Strength of Beams Reinforced with Basalt FRP Bars“. Engineering Structures Journal, Vol. 23, 111758.
J44. Shabana, I., Farghaly, A.S., and Benmokrane, B. (2021). “Effect of the Axial Load and Web Reinforcement Ratio on the Seismic Behavior of GFRP-RC Squat Walls. ” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 118, No. 4, pp. 109-121.
J45. Sanni B., A., Mohamed, H., Yahia, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2021). “ Behavior of LWSCC Columns Reinforced with GFRP and Spirals under Axial and Eccentric Loads.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 118, No.3, opp. 147-159.
J46. Arafa, A., Farghaly, A. S., Chaallal, O., and Benmokrane, B. (2021). “Exploratory Study on Incorporating Glass-FRP Reinforcements to Control Damage Induced by Sliding in Steel-Reinforced Concrete Bridge Piers.” ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 04020116-1.
J47. Ali, A., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B (2021). ” Composite FRP Reinforced Concrete Members with Fiber Reinforced Polymer Spirals.” Structures, Elsevier Journal, Vol. 33, pp. 1868-1877.
J48. Mohamed, K., Benmokrane, B., Nazair, C. and Loranger, M.-A. (2021). Development and Validation of a Testing Procedure for Determining Tensile Strength of Bent GFRP Reinforcing Bars.ASCE Journal of Composite for Construction, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 04020064.
J49. Khotbehsara, M.M., Manalo, A.C., Aravinthan, T., Ferdous, W., Benmokrane, B., and Nguyen, K.T.Q. (2021). ” Synergistic Effects of Hygrothermal Conditions and Solar Ultraviolet Radiation on the Properties of Particulate-Filled Epoxy Polymer Coatings.” Construction and Building Materials Journal, Vol. 277, 122336.
J50. Nguyen, K. Q., Mwiseneza, C., Mohamed, K., Cousin, P., Robert, M., & Benmokrane, B. (2021). ‘’Long-term Testing Methods for Durability of HDPE Pipes for Infrastructure – Advantages and Disadvantages: A Review.’’ Engineering Fracture Mechanics Journal, Vol. 246, 107629.
J51. Benmokrane, B., Mousa, S., Mohamed, K., and Sayed-Ahmed, M. (2021). “Physical, Mechanical, and Durability Characteristics of Newly Developed Thermoplastic GFRP Bars for Reinforcing Concrete Structures. ” Construction & Building Materials Journal, Vol. 276, 122200, pp. 1-11.
J52. Benmokrane, B., Mohamed, H. M., Mohamed, K., and Mousa, S. (2021). Recent Canadian Developments Related to Unconventional Reinforcing for Concrete Structures, Design Codes, and Applications in Buildings and Bridges. ACI SP-346, pp. 93-112.
J53. Hu, R., Fang, Z., Benmokrane, B., Wenchang Fang, W. (2021). Cyclic Behaviour of UHPC Columns Reinforced with Hybrid CFRP/Steel Reinforcement Bars. Engineering Structures Journal, Vol. 238: 112245.
J54. Salama, A., Hassan, M., and Benmokrane, B. (2021). “Punching-Shear of GFRP-RC Edge Column-Slabs: Experimental & Analytical Investigations.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 118, No.3, pp. 241-253.
J55. Mohammed, A.A., Manalo, A., Ferdous, W., Abousnina, E., Al-Ajarmeh, O., Vijay, P.J., and Benmokrane, B. (2021). ” Design Considerations for Prefabricated Composite Jackets for Structural Repair: Parametric Investigation and Case Study.“ Composite Structures Journal, Vol. 261, 113288, pp. 1-14.
J56. Salama, A., Hassan, M., and Benmokrane, B., (2020). ” Nonlinear Finite-Element Analysis of GFRP-RC Slab-Column Edge Connections.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 117, No. 5, pp. 161-174.
J57. Abdelazim, W, Mohamed, H.M., Benmokrane, B., and Nolan, S. (2020). “Strength of Bridge High-Strength Concrete Slender Compression Members Reinforced with GFRP Bars and Spirals: Experiments and Second-Order Analysis.” ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, Vol. 25, No. 9, pp. 04020066.
J58. Eladawy, M., Hassan, M., Benmokrane, B., and Fam, A. (2020). ” Effect of Stirrups on Lateral Cyclic Behavior of Interior GFRP-RC Slab-Column Connections.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 117, No. 5, pp. 217-230.
J59. Salah-Eldin, A., Mohamed, H., and Benmokrane, B. (2020). “Effect of GFRP-Reinforcement Ratio on the Strength and Effective Stiffness of High-Strength Concrete Columns: Experimental and Analytical Study“. ASCE Journal of Composite for Construction, Vol. 24, No. 5, pp. 04020054-1.
J60. Hu, R., Fang, Z., Shi, C., Benmokrane, B., and Su, J. (2020). “A Review on Seismic Behavior of Ultra-High-Performance Steel and FRP Reinforced Concrete Members.” Advances in Structural Engineering Journal, Vol. 24, No. 5, pp. 1054-1069.
J61. Asadian, A., Eslami, A., Farghaly, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2020). “ Effects of Confinement on the Splice Strength of Bundled GFRP Bars in Concrete Beams.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 117, No.5, pp. 67-79.
J62. Hassanein, A., Mohamed, N., Farghaly, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2020). “Effect of Boundary Element Confinement Configurations on the Performance of GFRP-Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls.” Engineering Structures Journal, Vol. 225, 111262.
J63. Mohamed, H., Ali, A., Hadhood, A., Mousa, S., Abdelazim, W., and Brahim Benmokrane (2020).”Testing, Design, and Field Implementation of GFRP RC Soft-Eyes for Tunnel Construction.” Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Vol. 106, 103626.
J64. Ali, A., Gouda, A., Mohamed, H.M., Rabie, M.H., and Benmokrane, B (2020). “ Nonlinear Finite Elements Modeling and Experiments of FRP-Reinforced Concrete Piles under Shear Loads.” Structures, Elsevier Journal, Vol. 28, pp. 106-119.
J65. Esmaeili, Y., Eslami, A., Newhook, J., and Benmokrane, B. (2020). “ Performance of GFRP-Reinforced Concrete Beams Subjected to High Sustained Load and Natural Aging for 10 Years.” ASCE Journal of Composite for Construction, Vol. 24, No. 5, pp. 04020054-1.
J66. Benmokrane, B., Sanni B., A., Mohamed, H., M., Thebeau, D., and Abdelkarim, O. (2020). “ Design, Construction, and Performance of Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement (CRCP) Reinforced with GFRP Bars: Case Study.” ASCE Journal of Composite for Construction, Vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 04020056-1.
J67. Mohamed, K., Benmokrane, B., and Krall, M. (2020). “ Alkali-Silica Reactivity of Sand Used in Sand-Coating Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Bars as Internal Reinforcement for Concrete.” ASCE Journal of Composite for Construction, Vol. 24, No. 6, pp. 06020006.
J68. Abdelkarim, O., Ahmed, E., Benmokrane, B., and Loranger, M.-A. (2020). ” Design and Field Testing of a First Continuous Slab-on-Girder Bridge with a Hybrid GFRP – Steel-Reinforced Bridge Deck in Canada.” ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, Vol. 25, No. 8, pp. 04020044.
J69. Benmokrane, B., Brown, V.L., Ali., A., Mohamed, K., and Shield, C. (2020). “A Reconsideration of the Environmental Reduction Factor CE for GFRP Reinforcing Bars.” ASCE Journal of Composite for Construction, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 06020001.
J70. Manalo, A.C., Alajarmeh, O., Cooper, D., Sorbello, C.D., Weerakoon, S.Z., Benmokrane, B. (2020). “Manufacturing and structural performance of glass-fiber-reinforced precast concrete boat ramp planks. ” Structures, Elsevier Journal, Vol. 28, pp. 37-56.
J71. Salama, A., Hassan, M., and Benmokrane, B. (2020). “Modified Strip Model for Punching Capacity of Concrete Edge Slab-Column Connections Reinforced with GFRP Bars.” Engineering Structures Journal, Vol. 216, 110769.
J72. Benmokrane, B., Mohamed, H.M., Mohamed, K., and Mousa, S. (2020). “Recent Canadian Developments Related to Unconventional Reinforcing for Concrete Structures, Design Codes, and Applications in Buildings and Bridges. ” ACI Special Publication, SP-346, American Concrete Institute, pp. 93-112.
J73. Manalo, A., Maranan, G., Benmokrane, B., Cousin, P., Al-Ajarmeh, O., Ferdous, W., Liang, R., and Gangarao, H. (2020). “Comparative Durability of GFRP Composite Reinforcing Bars in Concrete and in Simulated Concrete Environments. ” Cement and Concrete Composites Journal, Vol. 109, 103564
J74. Al-Ajarmeh, O., Manalo, A., Benmokrane, B., Ferdous, W., Mohammad, A., Abousnina, R., Elchalakani, M., and Edoo. A. (2020). “ Behavior of Circular Concrete Columns Reinforced with Hollow Composite Sections and GFRP Bars.” Elsevier Journal of Marine Structures, Vol. 72, 102785.
J75. Tabatabaei, A., Mohamed, H.M., Eslami, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2020). “ Proposed Design Equations for Lap Splice of GFRP Bars under Compression in Concrete.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 291-302.
J76. Benmokrane, B., Mohamed, K., and Cousin, P. (2020). ” Performance and Durability of In-Plant Partially Cured GFRP Bent Bars in Steam-Cured Precast Concrete Elements.” ASCE Journal of Composite for Construction, Vol. 24, No. 4, p. 04040010.
J77. Eladawy, M., Hassan, M., Benmokrane, B., and Ferrier E. (2020). “Lateral Cyclic Behavior of Interior Two-Way Concrete Slab–Column Connections Reinforced with GFRP Bars.” Engineering Structures Journal, Vol. 209, 109978.
J78. Abdelazim, W, Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2020). “Inelastic Second-Order Analysis for Slender GFRP-Reinforced Concrete Columns: Experimental Investigations and Theoretical Study.” ASCE Journal of Composite for Construction, Vol. 24, No. 3, p. 04020010-1
J79. Benmokrane, B., Hassan, M., Robert, M., Vijay, P.V., and Manalo, A. (2020). “Effect of Different Constituent Fiber, Resin, and Sizing Combinations on alkaline Resistance of Basalt, Carbon, and Glass FRP bars.” ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol. 24, No. 3, p. 04020010-1-18.
J80. Salama, A., Hassan, M., and Benmokrane, B. (2020). “Effect of GFRP Shear Stirrups on the Strength of Two-Way GFRPRC Edge Slabs: Experimental and Finite-Element Investigations.” ASCE Structural Engineering Journal, Vol. 146, No. 5: 04020056-16.
J81. Al-Ajarmeh, O., Manalo, A., Benmokrane, B., Karunasena, K., Ferdous, W., and Mendis, P. (2020). “ A new Design-Oriented Model of GFRP- Reinforced Hollow Concrete Columns.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 141-156.
J82. Al-Rubaye, M., Manalo, A., AlAjarmeh, O., Ferdous, W., Lokuge, W., Benmokrane, B., and Edoo, A. (2020). “Flexural behaviour of concrete slabs reinforced with GFRP bars and hollow composite reinforcing systems.” Composite Structures Journal, 111836
J83. Mousa, S., Mohamed, H.M., Benmokrane, B., and Nanni, T. (2020). “Flexural Behavior of Long-Span Square RC Members with Uniformly Distributed FRP Bars.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 209-222.
J84. Abdelazim, W, Mohamed, H.M., Benmokrane, B., and Afifi, Z.M., (2020). “Effect of Critical Test Parameters on the Behavior of GFRP-RC Slender Columns under Eccentric Load.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 127-142.
J85. Hassanein, A., Mohamed, N., Farghaly, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2020). “Deformability and Stiffness Characteristics of Concrete Shear Walls Reinforced with GFRP Rebars.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 17, No. 1., pp. 183-196.
J86. Al-Ajarmeh, O., Manalo, A., Benmokrane, B., Karunasena, K., Ferdous, W., and Mendis, P. (2020). Hollow Concrete Columns: Review of Structural Behavior and New Designs Using GFRP Reinforcement. Engineering Structures Journal, Vol. 203,
J87. Abdelazim, W, Mohamed, H.M., Afifi, Z.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2020). “Proposed Slenderness Limit for GFRP-RC Columns Based on Experiments and Buckling Analysis.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 242-253.
J88. Al-Ajarmeh, O., Manalo, A., Benmokrane, B., Karunasena, K., and Mendis, P. (2020). “The Effect of Spiral Spacing and Concrete Compressive Strength on the Behavior of GFRP-RC Hollow Columns.” ASCE Journal of Composite for Construction, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 04019054-
J89. Eladawy, M., Hassan, M., and Benmokrane, B. (2019). “Experimental Study of Interior GFRP-RC Slab Column Connection under Lateral Cyclic Load.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 116, No. 6, pp. 165-179
J90. Lee, A.T., Michel, M., Ferrier, E., and Benmokrane, B. (2019). “Influence of Curing Conditions on Mechanical Behaviour of Glued Joints of Carbon Fibre-Reinforced Polymer Composite/Concrete.” Construction & Building Material Journal, Vol 227, pp. 116385.
J91. Youssef, M., Ahmed, E., and Benmokrane, B. (2019). “Structural Behavior of GFRP-RC Bridge Deck Slabs Connected with UHPFRC Joints under Flexure and Shear.” ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, Vol. 24, No. 9: 04019092-14.
J92. Ferdous, W., Manalo, A., Benmokrane, B., and Mendis, P., Al-Ajarmeh, O., and Vijay, PV. (2019). “ Novel Testing and Characterisation of High Modulus GFRP Bars in Compression.” Construction and Building Materials Journal, Vol. 225, pp. 1112-1126.
J93. Salama, A., Hassan, M., and Benmokrane, B. (2019). “Effectiveness of GFRP Stirrups as Shear Reinforcement in GFRP-RC Edge Slab-Column Connection.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 116, No. 5, pp. 97-112.
J94. Salah-Eldin, A., Mohamed, H., and Benmokrane, B. (2019). “Axial–Flexural Performance of High-Strength-Concrete Bridge Compression Members Reinforced with Basalt-FRP Bars and Ties: Experimental and Theoretical Investigation“. ASCE Bridge Engineering Journal, Vol. 24, No. 7, pp. 04019069-1-04019069-20.
J95. Hassanein, A., Mohamed, N., Farghaly, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2019). “Modeling of Hysteretic Response for Concrete Shear Walls Reinforced with GFRP Bars.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol 116, No. 6, pp. 17-29.
J96. Arafa, A., Farghaly, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2019) “Non-Linear Finite Element Analysis for Predicting the Behavior of Concrete Squat Walls Reinforced with GFRP Bars.” ASCE Structural Engineering Journal, Vol. 14, No. 10, pp. 0401907-18.
J97. Benmokrane, B., Brown, V.L., Mohamed, K., Nanni, A., Rossini, M., and Shield, C. (2019). ” Creep-Rupture Limit for GFRP Bars Subjected to Sustained Loads.” ASCE Journal of Composite for Construction, Vol. 23, No. 6, pp. 06019001-1.
J98. Tabatabaei, A., Eslami, A., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2019). “ Compression Splices of GFRP Bars in Unconfined and Confined Concrete Columns.” ASCE Journal of Composite for Construction, Vol. 23, No. 6, pp. 06019001.
J99. Cousin, P., Hassan, M., Vijay, P., Robert, M., and Benmokrane, B. (2019). “Durability & Chemical Resistance of Carbon, Basalt, and Glass Fibers Used in FRP Reinforcing Bars.” Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 53, No. 26-27, pp. 3651-3670.
J100. Frappier, J., Mohamed, K., Farghaly, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2019). “Behavior and Strength of GFRP-Reinforced Concrete Deep Beams with Web Openings.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 116, No. 5, pp.275-286.
J101. Asadian, A., Eslami, A., Farghaly, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2019). “Lap-Splice Length of Bundled GFRP Bars in Unconfined Concrete.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 116, No. 5, pp. 1-13.
J102. Hadhood, A., Mohamed, H.M., Benmokrane, B., Nanni, A., and Shield, C. (2019). “Assessment of Design Guidelines of Concrete Columns Reinforced with GFRP Bars.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 116, No. 4, pp. 193-207
J103. Asadian, A., Eslami, A., Farghaly, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2019). “Splice Strength of Staggered and Non Staggered Bundled GFRP rebars.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 116, No. 4, pp. 129-142
J104. Abdelkarim, O., Ahmed, E., Mohamed, H., and Benmokrane, B. (2019). “ Evaluation of Strength and Deformability of Normal- and High-Strength Concrete Beams Reinforced with Deformed GFRP Bars of Different Sizes.” Engineering Structures Journal, Vol. 186, pp. 282-296.
J105. Zemour, N., Asadian, A., Ahmed, E., Benmokrane, B., and Khayat, K. (2019). “Experimental Study on the Splice Strength of GFRP Rebars in NC and SCC.” ACI Material Journal, Vol. 116, No. 3, pp. 105-118.
J106. Hallonet, A., Ferrier, E., Michel, L., and Benmokrane, B. (2019). “Durability and Tensile Characterization of Flax/Epoxy Composites used for External Strengthening of RC Structure.” Construction and Building Materials Journal, Vol. 205, pp. 679-698.
J107. Salah-Eldin, A., Mohamed, H., and Benmokrane, B. (2019). “Structural Performance of High-Strength-Concrete Columns Reinforced with GFRP Bars and Ties Subjected to Eccentric Loads“. Engineering Structures Journal, Vol. 185, pp. 286-300.
J108. Al-Ajarmeh, O., Manalo, A., Benmokrane, B., Karunasena, K., and Mendis, P. (2019). “ Axial Performance of Hollow Concrete Columns Reinforced with GFRP Composite Bars with Different Reinforcement Ratios.” Composite Structures Journal, Vol. 213, pp. 153-164
J109. Mousa, S., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2019). “Deflection Prediction Methodology for Circular Concrete Members Reinforced with FRP Bars.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 116, No. 3, pp. 279-293.
J110. Hassanein, A., Mohamed, N., Farghaly, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2019). “Experimental Investigation: New Ductility-Based Force-Modification Factor Recommended for Concrete Shear Walls Reinforced with Glass-Fiber Reinforced Polymer Bars.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 16, No.1, pp.213-224.
J111. Mousa, S., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2019). “Cracking and Crack Control in Circular Concrete Bridge Members Reinforced with Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Bars.” ASCE Bridge Engineering Journal, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 04018108-1-04018108-12.
J112. Al-Ajarmeh, O., Manalo, A., Benmokrane, B., Karunasena, K., Mendis, P., and Nguyen, T. (2019). “Behavior of Axially Loaded Circular Hollow Concrete Columns reinforced with GFRP Bars and Spirals.” Construction and Building Materials Journal, Vol. 194, pp. 12-23.
Ali, A., Mohamed, H. M., Benmokrane, B., and El-Safty, A. (2019). “Theory-Based Approaches and Microstructural Analysis to Evaluate the Service Life-Retention of Stressed Carbon Fiber Composite Strands for Concrete Bridge Applications.” ,
J114. Maranan, G., Manalo, A., Benmokrane, B., Karunasena, W., Mendis, P., and Nguyen, T. (2019). “Flexural Behavior of Geopolymer-Concrete Beams Longitudinally Reinforced with GFRP and Steel Hybrid Reinforcement.” Engineering Structures Journal, Vol. 182, pp.141-152.
J115. Mohamed, H.M., Ali, A.H., and Benmokrane, B. (2019). “Mechanism of Distributed Composite GFRP Bars in Circular Concrete Members with and without Spirals under Shear.” , Vol. 162, pp. 62-72.
J116. Mousa, S., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2019). “Strength and Deformability Aspects of Circular Concrete Members with Hybrid Carbon/Glass-FRP Reinforcement under Flexure.” ASCE Journal of Composite for Construction, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 04019005-1-04019005-1-14.
J117. Ali, A., Mohamed, H. M., Benmokrane, B., El-Safty, A., and Chaallal, O. (2019). “ Durability Performance and Long-Term Prediction Models of Sand-Coated Basalt FRP Bars.” Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 157, 248-258.
J118. Hadhood, A., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2018). “Assessing Stress-Block Parameters in Designing Circular HSC-RC Members Reinforced with GFRP Bars.” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 144. No. 10, pp. 04018182-1- 04018182-12.
J119. Arafa, A., Farghaly, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2018) “Effect of Web Reinforcement on the Seismic Response of Concrete Squat Walls Reinforced with Glass-FRP Bars.” Engineering Structures, Vol. 172, pp. 712-723.
J120. Nazair, C., Benmokrane, B., Loranger, M.-A, Robert, M, and Manalo, A. (2018). “Comparative Study of Thermophysical and Mechanical Properties of GFRP Bars with Different Cure Ratios.”Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 52. No. 29, pp. 4105–4116
J121. Zemour, N., Asadian, A., Ahmed, E., Khayat, K., and Benmokrane, B. (2018). “Experimental Study on the Bond Behavior of GFRP Bars in Normal and Self-Consolidating Concrete Beams.” Construction and Building Material Journal, Vol. 189, pp. 869-881.
J122. El-Sekaily, G., Chaallal, O., and Benmokrane, B. (2018). “Fatigue assessment of shear-strengthened RC T-beams with CFRP closed-stirrups“, ASCE Journal of Composite for Construction, Vol. 22, No. 6, p. 04018049-1 – 04018049-10.
J123. Benmokrane, B., Loranger, M.-A., Nazair, C., and Manalo, A. (2018). “Field Durability Study of Vinyl-Ester-Based GFRP Rebars in Concrete Bridge Barriers.” ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, Vol. 23, No. 12, p. 04018094-1 – 04018094-13.
J124. Ali, A., Mohamed, H. M., Chaallal, O., Benmokrane, B., and Ghrib, F. (2018). “ Shear Resistance of RC Circular Members with FRP Discrete Hoops Versus Spirals.” Engineering Structures Journal, Vol. 174, pp. 688-700.
J125. Mousa, S., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2018). “Flexural Strength and Design Analysis of Circular RC Members with GFRP Bars and Spirals.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 115, No. 5, pp. 1353-1364
J126. El-Nemr, A., Ahmed, E., Benmokrane, B., and Elsafty, A., (2018). “Evaluation of the Flexural and serviceability of Concrete Beams Reinforced with different GFRP Bars.” Engineering Structures Journal, Vol. 173, pp. 606-619.
J127. Ali, A., Mohamed, H. M., Benmokrane, B., and ElSafty, A. (2018). “ Effect of Applied Sustained Load and Severe Environments on Durability Performance of Carbon-Fiber Composite Cables.” Journal of Composite Material, July 2018, DOI:10.1177/0021998318789742, p.1-16.
J128. Mousa, S., Mohamed, H.M., Benmokrane, B., and Ferrier, E. (2018). “Flexural Behavior of Full-Scale Circular Concrete Members Reinforced with Basalt FRP Bars and Spirals: Tests and Theoreyical Studies.” Composite Structures Journal, Vol. 203, pp. 217-232.
J129. Arafa, A., Farghaly, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2018). “Prediction of Flexural and Shear Strength of Concrete Squat Walls Reinforced with GFRP Bars.” ASCE Journal of Composite for Construction, Vol. 22, No. 5, p. 04018004-1.
J130. Tabatabaei, A., Eslami, A., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2018). “Strength of Compression Lap-Spliced GFRP Bars in Concrete Columns with Different Splice Lengths.” Construction and Building Material Journal,, Volume 182, September 2018, pp. 657-669
J131. Maranan, G., Manalo, A., Benmokrane, B., Karunasena, W., and Mendis, P. (2018). “Shear Behaviour of Geopolymer Concrete Beams Reinforced Transversally Reinforced with Continuous Rectangular GFRP Spirals.” Composite Structures Journal, Vol. 187, pp.454-465.
J132. Arafa, A., Farghaly, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2018) “Experimental Behavior of GFRP-Reinforced Concrete Squat Walls subjected to Simulated Earthquake Load.” ASCE Journal of Composite for Construction, Vol. 22, No. 2, p. 04018003-1.
J133. Benmokrane, B., Mohamed, H. M., and Ali, A. (2018). “Service-Life-Prediction and Field Application of GFRP Tubular and Solid Bars/Bolts Based on Laboratory Physical and Mechanical Assessment.” Journal of Composite Material, Vol 52, No.24 pp. 3309-3323.
J134. Guerin, M., Mohamed, H.M., Benmokrane, B., Nanni, A., and Shield, C. (2018). “Effect of GFRP Reinforcement Ratio on the Axial-Flexural Strength of Large-Scale Concrete Columns.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 115, No. 4, pp. 1049-1061.
J135. Ali, A., Benmokrane, B., Mohamed, H. M., Manalo, A., and ElSafty, A. (2018). “Statistical Analysis and Theoretical Predictions of Tensile Strength Retention of Glass Fibre-Reinforced Polymer Bars for Concrete Structures.” Journal of Composite Material, Vol 52 No. 21 pp. 2929-2948.
J136. Hadhood, A., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2018). “Flexural Stiffness of FRP-RC Circular Members based on Experimental and Curvature Analysis.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 115, No. 4, pp. 1185-1198.
J137. Guerin, M., Mohamed, H.M., Benmokrane, B., Nanni, A., and Shield, C. (2018). “Eccentric Behavior of Full-Scale Concrete Columns Reinforced with GFRP Bars and Ties.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 115, No. 2, pp. 489–500.
J138. Mohammed, M.G., Farghaly, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2018) “Experimental Behavior of Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Polymer-Reinforced Concrete Columns under Lateral Cyclic Load.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 115, No. 2, pp. 337-349.
J139. Arafa, A., Farghaly, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2018) “Evaluation of Flexural and Shear Stiffness of Concrete Squat Shear Walls Reinforced with GFRP Bars.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 115, No. 1, pp 211-221.
J140. Hadhood, A., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2017). “Failure Envelope of Circular Concrete Columns Reinforced with GFRP Bars and Spirals.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 114, No. 6, pp. 1417-1428.
J141. Mohamed, K., Farghaly, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2017). “Effect of Vertical and Horizontal Web Reinforcement on the Strength and Deformation of Concrete Deep Beams Reinforced with Glass-FRP Bars.” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 143, No. 6, pp. 04017079-1- 04017079-14.
J142. Ali, A.H., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2017). “Strength and Behaviour of Circular FRP-Reinforced Concrete Sections without Web Reinforcement in Shear.” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol 143, No 3, pp 0001684-04016196.
J143. Hassan, M., Fam, A., Benmokrane, B., and Ferrier, E. (2017). “Effect of Column Size and Reinforcement Ratio on Shear Strength of GFRP-RC Two-Way Slabs.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 114, No. 4, pp 1-14.
J144. Benmokrane, B., Nazair, C., Seynave, X., and Manalo, A. (2017). “Comparison between ASTM D7205 and CSA S806 Tensile-Testing Methods for Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) Bars.” ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol. 21, No. 5, p. 04017038-1.
J145. Hadhood, A., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2017). “Strength of Circular HSC Columns Reinforced with Carbon FRP Bars and Spirals under Axial and Eccentric Compressive Loads.” Construction and Building Materials Journal, Vol. 141, pp. 366-378.
J146. Benmokrane, B., Ali, A., Mohamed, H.M., ElSafty, A., and Manalo, A. (2017). “Laboratory Assessment and Durability Performance of Vinyl-Ester, Polyester, and Epoxy Glass-FRP Bars for Concrete Structures.” Composites Part B Journal, Vol. 114, 163-174.
J147. Maranan, G., Manalo, A., Benmokrane, B., Karunasena, W., and Mendis, P. (2017). “Shear Behaviour of Geopolymer Concrete Beams Reinforced with GFRP Bars and Stirrups.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 114, No. 2, pp. 337-348.
J148. Hadhood, A., Mohamed, M.H., Ghrib, F., and Benmokrane, B. (2017). “Efficiency of GFRP Discrete Hoops and Bars in Concrete Columns under Combined Axial and Flexural Loads.”Composites Part B Journal, Vol. 114, pp. 223-236.
J149. Benmokrane, B., Manalo, A., Bouhet, J.C., Mohamed, K., and Robert, M. (2017). “Effects of Diameter on the Durability of GFRP Bars Conditioned in Alkaline Solution.” ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol. 21, No. 5, p. 04017040-1.
J150. Ali, A.H., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2017). “Shear Strength of Circular Concrete Beams Reinforced with Glass-FRP Bars and Spirals.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 114, No. 1, pp. 39-49.
J151. Mohamed, K., Farghaly, A., Benmokrane, B., Neale, K. (2017). “Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Concrete Deep Beams Reinforced with GFRP Bars.” Engineering Structures Journal, Vol. 137, pp. 145-161.
J152. Benmokrane, B., Robert, M., Mohamed, M.H., Ali, A., and Cousin, P. (2017). “Durability Assessment of Glass FRP Solid and Tubular Bars (Rock Bolts) for Ground Control of the Jurong Rock Caverns in Singapore.” ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol. 21, No. 3, p. 06016002-1.
J153. Mesbah, H.A., Benzaid, R., and Benmokrane, B. (2017). “Evaluation of Bond Strength of FRP Reinforcing Rods in Concrete and FE Modelling.” International Journal of Civil Engineering and Construction Science, Vol. 4, No. 3, p. 21-41.
J154. Hadhood, A., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2017). “Axial Load-Moment Interaction Diagram of Circular Concrete Columns Reinforced with CFRP Bars and Spirals: Experimental and Theoretical Investigations.” ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol. 21, No. 2, p. 04016092-1.
J155. Mohamed, H.M., Ali, A.H., and Benmokrane, B. (2017). “Behaviour of Circular Concrete Members reinforced with Carbon-FRP Bars and Spirals under Shear.” ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol. 21, No. 2, p. 04016090-1.
J156. Benmokrane, B., Mohamed, M.H., Manalo, A., and Cousin, P. (2017). “Evaluation of Physical and Durability Characteristics of New Headed Glass-Fiber-Reinforced-Polymer (GFRP) Bars.“ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol. 21, No. 2, p. 04016081-1.
J157. Hadhood, A., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2017). “ Experimental Study of Circular High-Strength Concrete Columns Reinforced with GFRP Bars and Spirals under Concentric and Eccentric Loading:.” ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol. 21, No. 2, p. 04016078-1.
J158. Elgabbas, F., Ahmed, E., and Benmokrane, B. (2017). “Flexural Behavior of Concrete Beams Reinforced with Ribbed Basalt FRP Bars under Static Loads” ASCE Journal of Composite for Construction, Vol. 21, No. 3, p. 04016098-1.
J159. Mohamed, N., Farghaly, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2017). “A Novel Beam Testing Method for the Assessment of Bond Performance of FRP Bars in Concrete under Tension-Compression Reversed Cyclic Loading.” ASCE Journal of Composite for Construction, Vol. 21, No. 1, p. 06016001-1.
J160. Manalo, A., Aravinthan, T., Fam, A., and Benmokrane, B., (2017). “State-of-the-Art Review on FRP Sandwich Systems for Lightweight Civil Infrastructure.” ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol. 21, No. 1, p. 04016068-1.
J161. Ahmed, E., Benmokrane, B., and Sansfaçon, M. (2017). “Case Study: Design, Construction, and Performance of the La Chancelière Parking Garage’s Concrete Flat Slabs Reinforced with GFRP Bars.” ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol. 21, No. 1, p. 05016001-1.
J162. Hassan, M., Benmokrane, B., ElSafty, A., and Fam, A. (2016). “Bond Strength Durability of Basalt Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (BFRP) Bars in Concrete in Aggressive Environments.” Journal of Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 106, pp. 262–272.
J163. Arafa, A., Farghaly, A., Ahmed, E., Benmokrane, B. (2016). “Testing of GFRP-RC Panels with UHPRFC Joints of Nipigon River Cable Stayed Bridge in Northwest Ontario, Canada.” ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, Vol.21, No. 11, p. 05016006-1-05016006-14.
J164. Abdul-Salam, B., Farghaly, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2016). “Mechanisms of Shear Resistance of One-Way Concrete Slabs Reinforced with FRP Bars.” Construction and Building Materials Journal, Vol. 127, pp. 959-970.
J165. Mohamed, K., Farghaly, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2016). “Strut Efficiency-Based Design for Concrete Deep Beams Reinforced with FRP Bars.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 113, No. 4, pp. 791-800.
J166. Manalo, A., Surendar, S., Van Erp, G., and Benmokrane, B., (2016). “Flexural Behavior of an FRP Sandwich System with Glass-Fiber Skins and a Phenolic Core at Elevated Temperature.” Composite Structures Journal, 152: 96-105.
J167. Maranan, G., Manalo, A., Benmokrane, B., Karunasena, W., and Mendis, P. (2016). “Behaviour of Concentrally Loaded Geopolymer-Concrete Columns Reinforced Longitudinally and Transversally with GFRP Bars.” Engineering Structures Journal, Vol. 117, pp. 422–436.
J168. Ali, A.H., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2016). “Shear Behaviour of Circular Reinforced Concrete Members Reinforced with GFRP Bars and Spirals at Shear-Span-to-Depth Ratio between 1.5 and 3.0.” ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol. 20, No. 6, p. 04016055-1 – 04016055-16.
J169. Elgabbas, F., Vincent, P., Ahmed, E., and Benmokrane, B. (2016). “Experimental Testing of Basalt-Reinforced-Polymer-Fibre (BFRP) Bars in Concrete.” Journal of Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 91, pp. 205–218.
J170. El-Nemr, A., Ahmed, E., Barris, C., and Benmokrane, B. (2016). “Bond-Dependent Coefficient of Glass and Carbon FRP Bars in Normal- and High-Strength Concretes.” Construction and Building Materials Journal, Vol. 113, pp. 77-89.
J171. Mohamed, M.H., and Benmokrane, B. (2016). “Reinforced Concrete Beams with and without FRP Web Reinforcement under Pure Torsion.” ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, Vol. 21, No. 3, p. 04015070.
J172. Benmokrane, B., Ali, A., Mohamed, M.H., Robert, M., and Elsafty, A. (2016). “Durability Performance and Service Life of CFCC Tendons Exposed to Elevated Temperature and Alkaline.” ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol. 20, No. 1, p. 04015043.
J173. Elgabbas, F., Ahmed, E., and Benmokrane, B. (2016). “Experimental Testing of Concrete Bridge-Deck Slabs Reinforced with Basalt-FRP Reinforcing Bars under Concentrated Loads.” ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, Vol. 21, No. 7, p. 04015070.
J174. Foruzanmehr, M., Montaigu, M., Benmokrane, B, and Robert, M. (2015). “Laboratory evaluation of chemical resistance of pultruded GFRP dowels for concrete pavement.” RILEM Materials and Structures Journal, DOI: 10.1617/s11527-015-0549-y.
J175. Benmokrane, B, Elgabbas, F., Ahmed, E, and Cousin, P. (2015). “Characterization and Comparative Durability Study of Glass/Vinylester, Basalt/Vinylester, and Basalt/Epoxy FRP Bars.” ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol. 19, No. 6, p. 04015008.
J176. Afifi, Z.M., Mohamed, H.M., Chaallal, O., and Benmokrane, B. (2015). “Confinement Model for Concrete Columns Internally Confined with Carbon FRP Spirals and Hoops.” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 141, No. 9, p. 04014219.
J177. Elgabbas, F., Ahmed, E., and Benmokrane, B. (2015). “Physical and Mechanical Characteristics of New Basalt FRP Rods for Reinforcing Concrete Structures.” Construction and Building Materials Journal, Vol. 95, pp.623-635.
J178. Maranan, G., Manalo, A., Karunasena, W., and Benmokrane, B. (2015). “Pullout Behavior of GFRP Bars with Anchor Head in Geopolymer Concrete.” Composite Structures Journal, Vol. 132, p.p. 1113-1121.
J179. Afifi, Z.M., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2015). “Theoretical Stress–Strain Model for Concrete Columns Confined by GFRP Spirals and Hoops.” Engineering Structures, Vol. 102, pp. 202-213.
J180. Mohamed, H.M. and Benmokrane, B. (2015). “Torsion Behavior of Concrete Beams Reinforced with GFRP Bars and Stirrups.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 112, No. 5, pp. 543-552.
J181. Maranan, G., Manalo, A., Benmokrane, B., Karunasena, W., and Mendis, P. (2015). “Evaluation of the flexural strength and serviceability of geopolymer concrete beams reinforced with Glass-Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) bars.” Engineering Structures Journal, Vol. 101, pp. 529-541.
J182. Mohamed, N., Farghaly, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2015). “Aspects of Deformability of Concrete Shear Walls Reinforced with Glass Fiber Reinforced Bars.” ASCE Journal of Composite for Construction, Vol. 19, No. 5, p. 06014001.
J183. Hassan, M., Ahmed, E., and Benmokrane, B. (2015). “Punching-Shear Behaviour of Two-Way Concrete Slabs Reinforced with FRP Shear Reinforcement.” ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol. 19, No.1, pp. 04014030-1 – 04014030-13.
J184. Mohamed, H.M., Chaallal, O., and Benmokrane, B. (2015). “Torsional Moment Capacity and Failure Mode Mechanisms of Concrete Beams Reinforced with Carbon FRP Bars and Stirrups.” ASCE Journal of Composite for Construction, Vol. 19, No. 2, p. 04014049.
J185. Maranan, G., Manalo, A., Karunasena, W., and Benmokrane, B. (2015). “Bond Stress-Slip Behaviour: The Case of GFRP Bars in Geopolymer Concrete.” ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. A4014116-1 – A4014001-11.
J186. Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2015). “Make the Case: The Use of FRP Bars for Soft-Eyes in Construction of Tunnels.” Tunnels and Tunnelling, The official publication of the Tunnelling Association of Canada, Dec.-Jan., pp. 35-40.
J187. Mohamed, H.M., Afifi, Z.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2014). “Performance Evaluation of Concrete Columns Reinforced Longitudinally with FRP Bars and Confined with FRP Hoops and Spirals under Axial Load.” ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, Vol. 19, No. 7, pp. 04014020-1 – 04014020-12.
J188. Mohamed, N., Farghaly, A., Benmokrane, B., and Neale, K. (2014). “Drift Capacity Design of Concrete Shear Walls Reinforced with GFRP bars.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 111, No. 6, pp. 1397-1406.
J189. Ahmed, E., Settecasi, F., and Benmokrane, B. (2014). “Construction and Testing of Hybrid Reinforced Concrete Bridge Deck Slabs for the Ste-Catherine Twin Overpass Bridges.” ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, Vol. 19, No. 6, pp. 04014011-1 – 04014011-11.
J190. Tobbi, H., Farghaly, A.S., and Benmokrane, B. (2014). “Strength Model for Concrete Columns Reinforced with FRP Bars and Ties.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 111, No. 4, pp. 789-798.
J191. Mohamed, N., Farghaly, A.S., Benmokrane, B., and Neale, K. (2014). “Experimental Investigation of Concrete Shear Walls Reinforced with Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Bars under Lateral Cyclic Loading.” ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. A4014001-1 – A4014001-11.
J192. Hassan, M., Ahmed, E., and Benmokrane, B. (2014). “Punching-Shear Design Equation for Two-way Concrete Slabs Reinforced with FRP Bars and Stirrups.” Construction and Building Materials Journal, Vol. 66, pp. 522-532.
J193. Mohamed, N. Farghaly, A., Benmokrane, B., and Neale, K. (2014). “Numerical Simulation of Mid-Rise Concrete Shear Walls Reinforced with GFRP Bars Subjected to Lateral Displacement Reversals.” Engineering Structures Journal, Vol. 73, No. 15, pp. 62-71.
J194. Manalo, A., Benmokrane, B., Park, K.T., and Lutze, D. (2014). Recent Developments on FRP Bars as Internal Reinforcement in Concrete Structures. Concrete in Australia Journal, Vol. 40, No. 2, pp. 46-56.
J195. Afifi, Z.M., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2014). “Strength and Axial Behaviour of Circular Concrete Columns Reinforced with CFRP Bars and Spirals.” ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 04013035-1 – 04013035-10.
J196. Mohamed, N., Farghaly, A.S., Benmokrane, B., and Neale, K. (2014). “Flexure and Shear Deformation of GFRP-Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls.” ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 04013044-1 – 04013044-8.
J197. Afifi, Z.M., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2014). “Axial Capacity of Circular Concrete Columns Reinforced with Glass-FRP Bars and Spirals.” ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol. 18, No.1, pp. 04013017-1 – 04013017-11.
J198. Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2014). “Design and Performance of Reinforced Concrete Water Chlorination Tank Totally Reinforced with GFRP Bars.” ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol. 18, No.1, pp. 05013001-1 – 05013001-11.
J199. Benmokrane, B., Ahmed, E., Montaigu, M., and Thebeau, D. (2014). “Performance of GFRP-Doweled Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement Under Static and Cyclic Loading.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 111, No. 2, pp. 331-341.
J200. Tobbi, H., Farghaly, A.S., and Benmokrane, B. (2014). “Behaviour of FRP-RC Columns with Varying Reinforcement Types and Ratios.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 111, No. 2, 375-385.
J201. Benmokrane, B., and Mohamed, M.H. (2014). “Extending the Service Life of Water Treatment Structures: Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Bar Replaces Steel in Concrete Water Tanks in Quebec.” ACI Concrete International Magazine, Vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 40-45.
J202. Hassan, M., Ahmed, E., and Benmokrane, B. (2013). “Punching-Shear Strength of Normal- and High-Strength Concrete Flat Slabs Reinforced with GFRP Bars.” ASCE Journal of Composite for Construction, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 04013003-1 – 04013003-13.
J203. Farghaly, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2013). “Shear Behavior of FRP-Reinforced Concrete Deep Beams without Web Reinforcement.” ASCE Journal of Composite for Construction, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 04013015-1 – 04013015-12.
J204. Ahmed, E., Dulude, C., and Benmokrane, B. (2013). “GFRP-Reinforced Concrete Bridge Barriers: Static Tests and Pendulum Impacts.” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 41, pp. 1051-1059.
J205. Hassan, M., Ahmed, E., and Benmokrane, B. (2013). “Punching Shear Strength of GFRP Reinforced Concrete Flat Slabs.” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 40, pp. 951-960.
J206. Ahmed, E.A., Matta, F., Benmokrane, B. (2013). “Steel Post-and-Beam Barrier with FRP Reinforced Concrete Curb and Bridge Deck Connection.” ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, Vol. 18, No. 11, pp. 1189-1197.
J207. El-Nemr, A., Ahmed, E., and Benmokrane, B. (2013), “Flexural Behavior and Serviceability Performance of Normal- and High-Strength Concrete Beams Reinforced with GFRP Bars.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 110, No. 6, Nov./Dec., pp 1077-1087.
J208. Dulude, C., Hassan, M., Ahmed, E., and Benmokrane, B. (2013). “Punching Shear Behaviour of Two-Way Flat Concrete Slabs Reinforced with GFRP Bars.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 110, No. 5, Sept./Oct., pp. 723-734.
J209. Matta, F., El-Sayed, A.K., Nanni, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2013). “Size Effect on Concrete Shear Strength in Beams Reinforced with FRP Bars.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 110. No. 4, pp. 617-628.
J210. Montaigu, M., Robert, M., Ahmed, E., and Benmokrane, B. (2013). “Laboratory Characterization and Durability Performance of New GFRP Dowels for Concrete Pavement.” ASCE Journal of Composite for Construction, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 176-187.
J211. Robert, M., and Benmokrane, B. (2012). “Combined Effect of Saline Solution and Moist Concrete on Long-Term Durability of GFRP Reinforcing Bars.” Construction & Building Materials Journal, Vol. 38, pp. 274-284
J212. Mofidi, A., Chaallal, O., Benmokrane, B., and Neale, K. (2012). “Experimental Tests and Design Model for RC Beams Strengthened in Shear Using the Embedded Through-Section FRP Method.” ASCE Journal of Composite for Construction, Vol. 16, No. 5, Sept./Oct., pp. 540-550.
J213. Tobbi, H., Farghaly, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2012). “Concrete Columns Reinforced Longitudinally and Transversally by GFRP Bars.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 109, No. 4, pp. 551-558.
J214. El-Sayed, A. K., El-Salakawy, E. F., and Benmokrane, B. (2012) “Shear Strength of FRP Reinforced Deep Beams without Web Reinforcement.” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 39, pp. 546-555.
J215. Mofidi, A., Chaallal, O., Benmokrane, B., and Neale, K.W. (2012). “Performance of End-Anchorage Systems for RC Beams Strengthened in Shear with Epoxy-Bonded FRP.” ASCE Journal of Composite for Construction, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 322-331.
J216. Kassem, C., Farghaly, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2012). “Evaluation of Flexural and Serviceability Performance of Concrete Members Reinforced with FRP Bars.” ASCE Journal of Composite for Construction, Vol. 15, No. 5, pp. 682-695.
J217. Bouguerra, K., Ahmed, E., and Benmokrane, B. (2011). “Testing of Full-Scale Concrete Bridge Deck Slabs Reinforced with Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Bars.” Construction & Building Materials Journal, Vol. 25, pp. 3956-3965.
J218. Chaallal, O., Mofidi, A., Benmokrane, B., and Neale, K. (2011). “Embedded Through-Section FRP Rod Method for Shear Strengthening of RC Beams: Performance and Comparison with Existing Techniques.” ASCE Journal of Composite for Construction, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 374-383.
J219. Sharbatdar, M.K., Saatcioglu, M., and Benmokrane, B. (2011). “Cyclic Flexural Behaviour of Concrete Connections Reinforced with CFRP Bars and Grids.” Elsevier Journal of Composites Structures, Vol. 93, Issue 10, pp. 2439-2449.
J220. Robert, M., Cousin, P., Fam, A., Benmokrane. B. (2011) “Effect of the Addition of Modified Mica on Mechanical and Durability Properties of FRP Composite Materials for Civil Engineering.” Polymer Composites, 32(8):1202-1209.
J221. Soliman, S.M., El-Salakawy, E., Benmokrane, B. (2011). “Bond Behaviour of Near Surface Mounted FRP Bars.” ASCE Journal of Composite for Construction, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 103-111.
J222. Robert, M., Cousin, P., Benmokrane, B. (2011). “Study of the Performance of FRP Reinforcing Bars Subjected to Extreme Conditions of Application.” Revue Les Annales du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics, No.1, pp. 9-27.
J223. Ahmed, E., and Benmokrane, B. (2011). “Static Testing of Full-Scale Concrete Bridge Barriers Reinforced with GFRP Bars.” ACI SP-275, pp. 5.1-5.20.
J224. Youssef, T., and Benmokrane, B. (2011). “Creep Behaviour and Tensile Properties of GFRP Bars under Sustained Service Loads.” ACI SP-275, pp. 39.1-39.20.
J225. Ahmed, E.A., El-Salakawy, E.F., Benmokrane, B. (2010). “Performance Evaluation of GFRP Shear Reinforcement in Concrete Beams.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 107, No 1, pp. 53-62.
J226. Ahmed, E.A., El-Salakawy, E.F., Benmokrane, B. (2010). “Shear Performance of RC Bridge Girders Reinforced with New Carbon FRP Stirrups.” ASCE Journal of Bridge Eng., Vol. 15, No 1, pp. 44-54.
J227. Robert, M., and Benmokrane, B. (2010). “Effect of Aging on Bond of GFRP Bars Embedded in Concrete” Cement and Concrete Composites Journal, Vol.32, Issue 6, p.461-467.
J228. Robert, M., and Benmokrane, B. (2010). “Physical, Mechanical, and Durability Characterization of Pre-loaded GFRP Reinforcing Bars” ASCE Journal of Composite for Construction, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 368-377.
J229. Robert, M., Roy, R., Benmokrane, B. (2010) “Environmental Effects on Glass Fiber Reinforced Polypropylene Thermoplastic Composite Laminate for Structural Applications.” Journal of Polymer Composites, Vol.31, Issue 4, p.604-611.
J230. Ahmed, E.A., El-Salakawy, E.F., Benmokrane, B. (2010). “Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composite Shear Reinforcement: Performance Evaluation in Concrete Beams and Code Prediction.” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol.37, No. 8, pp. 1057-1070
J231. Robert, M., Wang, P., Cousin, P., and Benmokrane, B. (2010). “Temperature as Accelerating Factor for Long-Term Durability of FRP’s: Should be There Limitations?” ASCE Journal of Composite for Construction, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 361-367.
J232. Ahmed, E.A., El-Sayed, A. K, El-Salakawy, E.F., Benmokrane, B. (2010). “Bend Strength of FRP Stirrups: Comparison and Evaluation of Testing Methods.” ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 3-10.
J233. Robert, M., and Benmokrane, B. (2010). “Behaviour of GFRP Reinforcing Bars Subjected To Extreme Temperature” ASCE Journal of Composite for Construction, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 353-360.
J234. El-Gamal, S., Benmokrane, B., and El-Salakawy, E.F. (2009). “Cracking and Deflection Behaviour of One-Way Parking Garage Concrete Slabs Reinforced with FRP Bars.” ACI Special Publication, SP-264, American Concrete Institute, pp. 33-52.
J235. Robert, M., Cousin, P., Benmokrane, B. (2009). “Durability of GFRP Reinforcing Bars Embedded in Moist Concrete.” ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 66-73.
J236. Moon, D., Ebead, U., and Benmokrane, B. (2009). “Effective Surface Deformation Height and Bond Rigidity of GFRP Reinforcing Bar with Ribs.” Journal of Polymer Composites, Vol.17, Issue 3, p.161-171.
J237. El-Gamal, S., Benmokrane, B., El-Salakawy, E., Cousin, P., and Wiseman, A. (2009). “Durability and Structural Performance of CFRP-RC Parking Garage’s Slabs after Being in Service for Eight Years.” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 36, No.4, pp. 617-627.
J238. Hamilton, H.R., Benmokrane, B., Dolan, C.W., and Sprinkel, M.M. (2009). “Polymer Materials to Enhance Performance of Concrete in Civil Infrastructure.” Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part C: Polymer Reviews, Vol. 49, No 1, pp. 1-24.
J239. El-Sayed, A.K, and Benmokrane, B. (2008). “Evaluation of the New Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code Shear Provisions for Concrete Beams with Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement.” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 35, No 6, pp. 609-623.
J240. Ahmed, E.A., El-Salakawy, E.F., Benmokrane, B. (2008). “Tensile Capacity of GFRP Postinstalled Adhesive Anchors in Concrete.” ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol. 12, No. 6, pp. 577-589.
J241. Robert, M., Cousin, P., Benmokrane, B. (2008). “Effet de la température sur le comportement des matériaux composites de PRF pour le génie civil.” Revue Les Annales du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics, No.6, pp. 21-27.
J242. Benmokrane, B., Eisa, M., El-Gamal, S.E., Thebeau, D., and El-Salakawy, E. (2008). “Pavement Suiting Local Conditions: Quebec Studies Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement with Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Bars.” Concrete International, the ACI Magazine, Vol. 30, No 11, pp. 44-49.
J243. Moon, D., Sim, J., Oh, H., and Benmokrane, B. (2008). “An Exploratory Study of GFRP Rebar with Ribs Containing Milled Glass Fibers.” Journal Composite Part B: Eng., Vol. 39, Issue 5, pp. 882-890.
J244. Bao, X., Li, W., Zhang, C., Eisa, M., El-Gamal, S.E., Benmokrane, B. (2008). “Monitoring the Distributed Impact Wave on GFRP Concrete Slab Pavement due to the Traffic Based on Polarization Dependence on the Stimulated Brillouin Scattering.” Smart Materials & Structures Journal, Vol. 17, pp. 1-7.
J245. Benmokrane, B., El-Salakawy, E., El-Gamal, S.E., and Goulet, S. (2007). “Construction and Testing of Canada’s First Concrete Bridge Deck Totally Reinforced with Glass FRP Bars: Val-Alain Bridge on HW 20 East.” ASCE, Journal of Bridge Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 5, Sept./Oct., pp. 632-645.
J246. El-Gamal, S.E., El-Salakawy, E.F., and Benmokrane, B. (2007). “The Influence of Reinforcement on the Behaviour of Concrete Bridge Deck Slabs Reinforced with FRP Bars.” ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol. 11, No. 5, pp. 449-458.
J247. El-Sayed, A., El-Salakawy, E.F., and Benmokrane, B. (2007). “Mechanical and Structural Characterization of New Carbon FRP Stirrups for Concrete Members.” ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 352-362.
J248. Mufti, A., Onofrei, M. Benmokrane, B., Banthia, N., Boulfiza, M., Newhook, J.P., Bakht, B., Tadros, G., and Brett, P. (2007). “Field Study of Glass-Fibre-Reinforced Polymer Durability in Concrete.” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 34, No 3, pp. 355-366.
J249. Benmokrane, B., El-Salakawy, E., El-Ragaby, A., El-Gamal, S. (2007). “Performance Evaluation of Innovative Concrete Bridge Deck Slabs Reinforced with Fibre-Reinforced Polymer Bars.”Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 34, No 3, pp. 298-310.
J250. Mufti, A., Bakht, B., Banthia, N., Benmokrane, B., Desgagné, G., Eden, R., Erki, M.-A., Karbhari, V., Kroman, J., Lai, D., Machida, A., Neale, K., Tadros, G., Täljsten, B. (2007). “New Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code Design Provisions for Fibre-Reinforced Structures.” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 34, No 3, pp. 267-283.
J251. El-Ragaby, A., El-Salakawy, E.F., and Benmokrane, B. (2007). “Fatigue Life Evaluation of Concrete Bridge Deck Slabs Reinforced with Glass FRP Composite Bars.” ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 258-268.
J252. El-Ragaby, A., El-Salakawy, E.F., and Benmokrane, B. (2007). “Fatigue Analysis of Concrete Bridge Deck Slabs Reinforced with E-Glass/Vinyl Ester FRP Reinforcing Bars.” Journal Composite, Part B: Engineering, Vol. 38, No. 5-6, pp. 703-711.
J253. Mufti, A., Banthia, N., Benmokrane, B., Boulfiza, M., and Newhook, J. (2007). “Durability of GFRP Composite Rods.” Concrete International, the ACI Magazine, Vol. 29, No 2, pp. 37-42.
J254. Aly, R.S., Benmokrane, B. and Ebead, U.A. (2006). “Tensile Lap Splicing of Bundled CFRP Reinforcing Bars in Concrete.” ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol. 10, No.4, pp. 287–294.
J255. Debaiky, A., Nkurunziza, G., Benmokrane, B., and Cousin, P. (2006). “Residual Tensile Properties of GFRP Reinforcing Bars after Loading in Severe Environments.” ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol. 10, No. 5, pp. 370-380
J256. Aly, R.S., Benmokrane, B. and Ebead, U.A. (2006). “Tensile Lap Splicing of FRP Reinforcing Bars in Concrete.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 103, No. 6, pp. 226–234.
J257. Laoubi, K., El-Salakawy, E.F., and Benmokrane, B. (2006). “Creep and Durability of Sand-Coated Glass FRP Bars in Concrete Elements under Freeze/Thaw Cycling and Sustained Loads” Journal of Cement and Concrete Composites, Vol. 28, No. 10, pp. 869-878.
J258. Zhang, B., Masmoudi, R., Benmokrane, B. (2006). “New Method for Testing Fiber-reinforced Polymer Rods under Flexure.” ASTM Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 1-6.
J259. Benmokrane, B., El-Salakawy, E.F., El-Ragaby, A., and Lackey, T. (2006). “Designing and Testing of Concrete Bridge Decks Reinforced with Glass FRP Bars.” ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 217-229.
J260. El-Sayed, A. K., El-Salakawy, E. F., and Benmokrane, B. (2006) “Shear Capacity of High Strength Concrete Beams Reinforced with FRP bars.” ACI Structural Journal, V. 103, No. 3, pp. 383-389.
J261. El-Sayed, A. K., El-Salakawy, E. F., and Benmokrane, B. (2006) “Shear Strength of FRP-Reinforced Concrete Beams without Transverse Reinforcement.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 103, No. 2, pp. 235-243.
J262. Zhang, B., Benmokrane, B. and Ebead, U.A. (2006). “Design and Evaluation of FRP Bond-Type Anchorages and Ground Anchor.” ASCE International Journal of Geomechanics, Vol. 6, No 3, 166–175.
J263. El-Gamal, S., El-Salakawy, E.F., and Benmokrane, B. (2005). “Behaviour of Concrete Bridge Deck Slabs Reinforced with Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Bars under Concentrated Loads.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 102, No.5, pp. 727-735.
J264. El-Salakawy, E.F., Benmokrane, B., El-Ragaby, A., and Nadeau, D. (2005). “Field Investigation on the First Bridge Deck Slab Reinforced with GFRP Bars Constructed in Canada.” ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol. 9, No. 6, November/December, pp. 470-479.
J265. Zhang, B., and Benmokrane, B. (2005) “Large Model Test of Prestressed Carbon FRP Ground Anchors.” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 32, No. 6, pp. 1064-1074.
J266. Nkurunziza, G., Benmokrane, B., Debaiky, A., and Masmoudi, R. (2005) “Effect of Sustained Load and Environment on Long-Term Tensile Properties of Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Reinforcing Bars.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 102, No 4, July-August, pp. 615-621.
J267. El-Sayed, A., El-Salakawy, E.F., and Benmokrane, B. (2005). “Shear Strength of One-way Concrete Slabs Reinforced with FRP Composite Bars.” ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol. 9, No. 2, March-April, pp. 147-157.
J268. El-Salakawy, E.F., Benmokrane, B., Brière, F. (2005). “GFRP Bars for Concrete Bridge Barriers.” Journal of Science and Eng. of Composite Materials, Vol. 12, No 3, pp. 167-192.
J269. Nkurunziza, G., Debaiky, A., Cousin, P., Benmokrane, B. (2005), “Durability of GFRP Bars – A Critical Review of the Literature.” Journal of Progress in Structural Eng. and Materials, Vol. 7, pp. 1-16.
J270. El-Gamal, S., El-Salakawy, E.F., and Benmokrane, B. (2005). “A New Punching Shear Equation for Two-way Concrete Slabs Reinforced with FRP Bars.” ACI SP-230, pp. 877-894.
J271. El-Ragaby, A., El-Salakawy, E.F., and Benmokrane, B. (2005). “Finite Element Modelling of Concrete Bridge Deck Slabs Reinforced with FRP Bars.” ACI SP-230, pp. 915-934.
J272. El-Sayed, A., El-Salakawy, E.F. and Benmokrane, B. (2005). “Shear Strength of Concrete Beams Reinforced with FRP Bars: Design Method.” ACI SP-230, pp. 955-974.
J273. Mufti, A., Onofrei, M., Benmokrane, B., Banthia, N., Boulfiza, M., Newhook, J., Baidar, B. Tadros, G. and Brett, P. (2005). “Durability of GFRP Reinforced Concrete in Field Structures.” ACI SP-230, pp. 1361-1378.
J274. Benmokrane, B., El-Salakawy, E.F., Cherrak, Z., and Wiseman, A. (2004). “FRP Composite Bars for the Structural Concrete Slabs of a PWGSC Parking Garage.” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 31, No.5, pp. 732-748.
J275. Zhang, B., and Benmokrane, B. (2004). “Design and Evaluation of a New Bond-Type Anchorage System for Fibre Reinforced Polymer Tendons.” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 31, No.1, pp. 14-26.
J276. El-Salakawy, E.F. and Benmokrane, B. (2004). “Serviceability of Concrete Bridge deck Slabs Reinforced with FRP Composite Bars.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 101, No.5, pp. 727-736.
J277. Zhang, B., Masmoudi, R., Benmokrane, B. (2004) “Behaviour of One-Way Concrete Slabs Reinforced with CFRP Grid Reinforcement“. Journal of Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 18, No.3, pp. 625-635.
J278. El-Salakawy, E.F., Masmoudi, R., Benmokrane, B., Brière, F., and Desgagné, G. (2004). “Pendulum Impacts into Concrete Bridge Barriers Reinforced with GFRP Composite Bars.” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 31, No.4, August, pp. 539-552.
J279. Benmokrane, B., El-Salakawy, E.F., Desgagné, G., and Lackey, T. (2004). “Building a New Generation of Concrete Bridge Decks using FRP Bars.” Concrete International, the ACI Magazine, Vol. 26, No. 8, August, pp. 84-90.
J280. El-Salakawy, E.F., Benmokrane, B., Masmoudi, R., Brière, F., and Beaumier, E. (2003). “Concrete Bridge Barriers Reinforced with GFRP Composite Bars.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 100, No.6, Nov.-Dec., pp.815-824.
J281. Nkurunziza, G., Cousin, P., Masmoudi, R., Benmokrane, B. (2003). “Effect of sustained tensile stress and alkaline on durability of GFRP bars.” International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 1-13.
J282. El-Salakawy, E.F., Benmokrane, B., and Desgagné, G. (2003). “FRP Composite Bars for the Concrete Deck Slab of Wotton Bridge.” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 30, No.5, pp. 861-870.
J283. Karbhari, V.M., Chin, J.W. Hunston, D., Benmokrane, B., Juska, T., Morgan, R., Lesko, J.J., Sorathia, V., and Reynaud, D., (2003). “Durability Gap Analysis for FRP Composites in Civil Infrastructure.” ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol. 7, No.3, pp. 238-247.
J284. Zhang, B., Benmokrane, B., and Nicole, J. F. (2003). “Laboratory Evaluation of Fiber Optic Sensors for Strain Monitoring.” ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol.15, No. 4, pp. 381-390.
J285. El-Salakawy, E.F., and Benmokrane, B. (2003). “Design and Testing of a Highway Concrete Bridge Deck Reinforced with Glass and Carbon FRP Bars.” ACI Special Publication, Field Applications of FRP Reinforcement: Case Studies, SP-215-2, pp. 37-54.
J286. El-Salakawy, E.F., Kassem, C., and Benmokrane, B. (2003). “Concrete Bridge Decks Reinforced with FRP Composite Bars.” Journal of Indian Concrete Institute, Special Issue on FRP in Concrete, Vol. 3, No.4, Jan.-March, pp. 47-51.
J287. Kassem, C., El-Salakawy, E.F., and Benmokrane, B. (2002). “Deflection Behaviour of Concrete Beams Reinforced with Carbon FRP Composite Bars.” ACI Special Publication, Deflection Control for the Future, SP-210-8, pp. 173-190.
J288. Zhang, B. and Benmokrane, B. (2002), “Bond Properties of Fiber-Reinforced-Polymer Tendons,” ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Eng., Vol. 14, No. 5, pp. 399-408
J289. Benmokrane, B., Zhang, B., Laoubi, K., Tighiouart, B., and Lord, I. (2002). Mechanical Properties of New Generation of CFRP Bars for Concrete Structures, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 29, No.2, pp. 338-343.
J290. Zhang, B., Benmokrane, B., Nicole, J. F. and Masmoudi, R. (2002). Evaluation of Fiber Optic Sensors for Structural Condition Monitoring, RILEM Journal of Materials and Structures, Vol. 35, No.250, pp. 357-364.
J291. Benmokrane, B., Wang, P., Ton-That, T.M., Rahman, H., and Robert, J-F. (2002). “Durability of GFRP reinforcing bars in concrete.” ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol. 6, No.3, pp. 143-155.
J292. Benmokrane, B., Chekired, M., Rahman, H., Mukhopadhyaya, P., Masmoudi, R., Tadros, G. (2001). “FRP Reinforced Concrete Bridge Instrumented with Fibre Optic Sensors.” Concrete International, the ACI Magazine, Vol. 23, No.6, pp. 21-26.
J293. Tennyson, R.C., Mufti, A., Rizkalla, S., Tadros, G., and Benmokrane, B. (2001). “Structural health monitoring of innovative bridges in Canada with fiber optic sensors. Smart Materials and Structures Journal, Vol. 10, No.6, pp. 560-573.
J294. Zhang, B., Benmokrane, G., Chennouf, A., Mukhopdhyaya, P., El-Safty, A. (2001). “Tensile behaviour of FRP tendons for prestressed anchors.” ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol. 5, No.2, pp. 85-93.
J295. Benmokrane, B., Rahman, H., Mukhopadyaya, P., Masmoudi, R., Chekired, M., Nicole, J.F., El‑Safty, A. (2000). “Use of FRP bar integrated with fibre optic sensors for concrete bridge deck slab construction.” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 27, No.5, pp. 928-940.
J296. Adimi, R., Rahman, H., Benmokrane, B. (2000). “New method for testing fibre reinforced polymer reinforcements under fatigue.” ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol.4, No.4, pp. 206-213.
J297. Benmokrane, B., Zhang, B., Chennouf, A., Masmoudi, R. (2000). “Evaluation of aramid and carbon fibre reinforced polymer composite tendons for prestressed ground anchors.” Canadian Journal of Civil Eng., Vol. 27, No.5, pp. 1031-1045.
J298. Benmokrane, B., Zhang, B., and Chennouf, A. (2000). “Tensile Properties and Pullout Behaviour of AFRP and CFRP Rods.” Journal of Construction and Building Materials, Vol.14, No.3, pp.157-170.
J299. Zhang, B., Benmokrane, B., and Chennouf, A. (2000). “Prediction of the Tensile Capacity of Bond Anchorages for FRP Tendons,” ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol. 4, No.2, pp.39-47.
J300. Tighiouart, B., Benmokrane, B., and Mukhopadhyaya, P. (1999). “Bond Strength of FRP Rebar Splices in Beams under Static Loading.” Journal of Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 13, No.70, pp. 383-392.
J301. Benmokrane, B., Masmoudi, R., Chekired, M., Debbache, Z., Tadros, G. (1999). “Design construction and monitoring of concrete bridge deck reinforced with carbon fibre reinforced polymer reinforcement.” American Concrete Institute (ACI), SP-188, pp. 87-101.
J302. Tighiouart, B., Benmokrane, B., and Gao, D. (1998). “Investigation of Bond in Concrete Member with Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Bars.” Journal of Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 12, pp. 453-462.
J303. Thériault, M., and Benmokrane, B. (1998). “Effects of FRP Reinforcement Ratio and Concrete Strength on the Flexural Behaviour of Concrete Beams.” ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol. 2, No.1, pp. 7-16.
J304. Yahia, A., Khayat, K.H., and Benmokrane, B. (1998), “Evaluation of cement grouts for embedding anchors under water.” Materials and Structures Journal, Vol. 31, No.4, pp. 267-274.
J305. Masmoudi, R., Thériault, M., and Benmokrane, B. (1998): “Flexural Behaviour of Concrete Beams Reinforced with Deformed FRP C-Bar Reinforcing Rods.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 95, No. 6, pp. 665-676.
J306. Michaluk, C., Rizkalla, S., Tadros, G., and Benmokrane, B. (1998). “Flexural Behaviour of One-Way Slabs Reinforced by Fibre Plastic Reinforcement.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 95, No.3, pp. 353-365.
J307. Benmokrane, B., Xu, H., and Nishizaki, I. (1997). “Aramid and Carbon Fibre-Reinforced Plastic Prestressed Ground Anchors and Their Field Applications.” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 24, No.6, pp. 968-985.
J308. Benmokrane, B., Tighiouart, B., and Chaallal, O. (1997). “Bond Strength and Load Distribution of Composite FRP Rebars in Concrete.” ACI Materials Journal, Vol.93, No.3, pp. 246-253.
J309. Chekired, M., Benmokrane, B., and Mitri, H.S. (1997). “Laboratory Evaluation of e New Cable Bolt Tension Measuring Devise.” International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences, Vol. 34, No. 3-4, pp. 203-213
J310. Masmoudi, R., Benmokrane, B., and Chaallal, O. (1996). “Cracking Behaviour of Concrete Beams Reinforced with FRP Rebars.” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 23, No.6, pp. 1172-1179.
J311. Benmokrane, B., Masmoudi, R., and Chaallal, O. (1996). “Flexural Response of Concrete Beams Reinforced with FRP Rebars.” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 93, No.1, pp. 46-55.
J312. Chaallal, O., and Benmokrane, B. (1996). “Bond of Glass-fiber-rods Embedded in Concrete and Grout.” Composites: Part B, 27B, pp. 245-252.
J313. Benmokrane, B., Chaallal, O., and Masmoudi, R. (1995). “The GFRP Rebars for Concrete Structures.” Journal of Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 9, No.6, 353-364.
J314. Chaallal, O., and Benmokrane, B. (1995). “Contribution à l’étude de la durabilité des tiges en fibre de verre comme armature à béton.” Bulletin de Liaison des Laboratoires des Ponts et Chaussées (Paris), Vol. 199, pp. 43-54.
J315. Benmokrane, B., and Chekired, M. (1995). “Behaviour of Post-Tensioned Anchors in the Laboratory and Field.” Canadian Tunneling, an Annual Publication of the Tunneling Association of Canada, Vol. 66, No.6, pp. 101-110.
J316. Benmokrane, B., Chennouf, A., and Mitri, H.S. (1995). “Laboratory Evaluation of Cement Grouts and Grouted Anchors.” International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Min. Sci. & Geomechanics, Vol. 32, No.7, pp. 633-642.
J317. Benmokrane, B., Chekired, M., and Xu, H. (1995). “Monitoring Behaviour of Grouted Anchors by Use of Vibrating Wire Gauges.” ASCE Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 121, No.6, pp. 466-475.
J318. Benmokrane, B., Chekired, M., Xu, H., Ballivy, G. (1995). “Behaviour of Grouted Anchors Subjected to Repeated Loadings in Field.” ASCE Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 121, No.5, pp. 413-420.
J319. Benmokrane, B., Xu, H., Bellavance, E. (1996). “Bond strength of cement grouted glass fibre reinforced plastic (GFRP) anchor bolts. ” International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences & Geomechanics , Vol. 33, No. 5, pp. 455-465.
J320. Benmokrane, B. (1994). “Grouted Anchorages for Aramid Fibre Reinforced Plastic Prestressing Tendons, “Discussion on Invitation of Editor.” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 21, No.4, pp. 713-715.
J321. Benmokrane, B., Mouchaorab, K., and Ballivy, G. (1994). “Laboratory Investigation on Shaft Resistance of Concrete Rock-Socketed Piers Using the CNS Direct Shear Test. “Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 31, No.3, pp. 407-419.
J322. Tighiouart, B., Benmokrane, B., Baalbaki, W. (1994). “Caractéristiques mécaniques et élastiques de bétons à haute performance confectionnés avec différents types de granulats. “RILEM Journal of Materials & Structures, Vol. 27, No.168, pp. 211-221.
J323. Mouchaorab, K., and Benmokrane, B. (1994). “A New Combined Servo-Controlled Testing Machine – Direct Shear Apparatus for the Study of Concrete Joint Behaviour Under Different Boundary and Loading Conditions.” ASTM Journal of Geotechnical Testing, Vol. 17, No.2, pp. 233-242.
J324. Chaallal, O., and Benmokrane, B. (1993). “Bond of Glass-fiber-rods Embedded in Concrete and Grout.” RILEM Journal of Materials & Structures, Vol. 16, No.157, pp. 167-175.
J325. Chaallal, O., and Benmokrane, B. (1993). “Physical and Mechanical Performance of an Innovative Glass-Fiber Reinforced Plastic Rods for Concrete and Grouted Anchorages.” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 18, No.6, pp. 1088-1092.
J326. Baalbaki, K., Baalbaki, M., Benmokrane, B., Aitcin, P.-C. (1992). “Influence of Specimen Size on the Elastic Modulus Value of High-Performance Concrete.” ASTM Journal of Cement, Concrete and Aggregates, Vol. 14, No.2, pp. 113-117.
J327. Ballivy, G., Benmokrane, B., and Chaallal, O. (1992). “Déformations générées dans les bétons sous l’influence des conditions climatiques.” Revue canadienne de génie civil, Vol. 18, No.6, pp. 1088-1092.
J328. Benmokrane, B., Ballivy, G., Chaallal, O., and Pigeon, M. (1992). “Experimental Study of the Strains Generated in Concrete by Variations in Climatic Conditions.” RILEM Journal of Materials & Structures, Vol. 25, No.147, pp. 149-156.
J329. Chaallal, O., Benmokrane, B., and Ballivy, G. (1992). “Experimental Shrinkage Strains Versus ACI and CEB Codes.” ACI Materials Journal, Vol. 89, No.3, pp. 263-266.
Plus 21 additional papers during the period 1986-1991.
Published Books, Book Chapters & Monographs (Total of 41)
- Benmokrane, B., Mohamed K., Farghaly, A., and Mohamed, H.M. (Editors) (2023). Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 8th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges & Structures, Published by Springer, Vol. 1, 500 p.
- Benmokrane, B., Mohamed K., Farghaly, A., and Mohamed, H.M. (Editors) (2023). Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 8th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges & Structures, Published by Springer, Vol. 2, 195 p.
- ACI Committee 440 (2022), Contributing Author, “Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Reinforced with Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) Bars-Code and Commentary“, American Concrete Institute, ACI CODE-440.11-22, 255 p.
- ACI Committee 440 (2022), Contributing Author, Specification for Construction with Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Reinforcing Bars—Specification, American Concrete Institute, ACI SPEC-440.5-22,
- Benmokrane, B., Mohamed K., Mohamed, H.M., and Farghaly, A. (Editors) (2021). “Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges & Structures (ACMBS-VIII).” Proceedings of the Eighth AdvancedComposite Materials in Bridges & Structures (ACMBS-VIII), August 5-7, 2021, 689 p.
- CSA Committee S413 (2021), Committee Chair and Contributing Author, Parking Structures, Canadian Standard Association CAN/CSA S413-21.
- CSA Committee S900.2 (2021), Committee Chair and Contributing Author, Structural Design of Wastewater Treatment Plants, Canadian Standard Association CAN/CSA S900.2-21.
- CSA Committee S807 (2019), Committee Chair and Contributing Author, Specifications for Fibre Reinforced Polymers, Canadian Standard Association CAN/CSA S807-19.
- CSA Sub-Committee S16 of the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code (2019), Co-Chair and Contributing Author, “Fibre Reinforced Structures”, Canadian Standard Association CAN/CSA S6-19
- Benmokrane, B., El-Salakawy, E., and Ahmed, E. (Editors) (2017). “Durability and Sustainability of Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Construction & Rehabilitation.” Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference (CDCC 2017), July 19-21, 2017, Sherbrooke, 400 p.
- CSA Committee S806 (2017), Committee Co-Chair and Contributing Author, Design and Construction of Building Structures with Fibre Reinforced Polymers, Canadian Standard Association CAN/CSA S806-17.
- ACI Committee 440 (2017), Contributing Author, Guide for the Design and Construction of Externally Bonded FRP Systems for Strengthening Concrete Structures, ACI 440.2-17, Manual of Concrete Practice.
- ACI Committee 440 (2015), Contributing Author, Accelerated Conditioning Protocols for Durability Assessment of Internal and External Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Reinforcement, American Concrete Institute, ACI 440.9R-15, Manual of Concrete Practice.
- ACI Committee 440 (2015), Contributing Author, Guide for the Design and Construction of Concrete Reinforced with FRP Bars, American Concrete Institute, ACI 440.1R-15.
- CSA Committee S807 (2015), Committee Chair and Contributing Author, Specifications for Fibre Reinforced Polymers, Canadian Standard Association CAN/CSA S807-15.
- CSA Committee S808 (2014), Committee Chair and Contributing Author, Specification for Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Materials for Externally Reinforcing Structures, Canadian Standard Association CAN/CSA S808-14.
- Benmokrane, B., El-Sayed, A., and El-Salakawy, E., (2013). “Codes and Standards.” In Section IV: FRP Composites for Reinforcement of Concrete Structures. “The International Handbook of FRP Composites in Civil Engineering, Zoghi, M. (Editor), CRC Press, a Taylor & Francis Company, Florida, USA, 10p.
- ACI Committee 440 (2013), Contributing Author, Specification for Carbon and Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Materials Made by Wet Layup for External Strengthening of Concrete Structures, ACI 440.8-13, Manual of Concrete Practice.
- ACI Committee 440 (2012), Contributing Author, Guide Test Methods for Fiber-Reinforced Polymers (FRPs) for Reinforcing or Strengthening Concrete Structures, ACI 440.3-12, Manual of Concrete Practice.
- CSA Committee S806 (2012), Committee Co-Chair and Contributing Author, Design and Construction of Building Structures with Fibre Reinforced Polymers, Canadian Standard Association CAN/CSA S806-12.
- CSA Sub-Committee S16 of the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code (2011), Co-Chair and Contributing Author, “Fibre Reinforced Structures”, Canadian Standard Association CAN/CSA S6-06/S1.
- Benmokrane, B., El-Salakawy, E., and Ahmed, E. (Editors) (2011). “Durability and Sustainability of Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Construction & Rehabilitation.” Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference (CDCC 2011), July 20-22, 2011, Quebec City, 687 p.
- CSA Committee S807 (2010), Committee Chair and Contributing Author, Specifications for Fibre Reinforced Polymers, Canadian Standard Association CAN/CSA S807-10.
- Demers, M., and Benmokrane, B., (2009). “Manuel de calcul de structures de béton armé de barres de PRF“. Translated from « Reinforcing Concrete with Fibre Reinforced Polymers, Design Manual No 3, Version 2, ISIS Canada, September 2009, 163 p.
- ACI Committee 440 (2008), Contributing Author, Specifications for Carbon and Glass FRP Bar Materials for Concrete Reinforcement, American Concrete Institute, ACI 440.6-08.
- Benmokrane, B., Robert, M., and Youssef, T. (2007). “Reinforcement of Concrete using Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites.” Chapter 11 (pp. 225-246) in the book entitled “Durability of Composites for Civil and Structural Applications”, Edited by Karbhari, V. M, Published by Woodhead Publishing ltd, Cambridge, UK, 376 p. Editor Invitation.
- ISIS Canada Committee on Specification of FRP’s (2007), Committee Chair and Contributor Author, Product Certification of FRP Materials, ISIS Canada technical document on Specifications for Product Certification of FRP Reinforcing Bars for Concrete Structures.
- Benmokrane, B., and El-Salakawy, E. (Editors) (2007). “Durability and Field Applications of Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Construction.” Proceedings of the Third International Conference (CDCC 2007), May 22-24, 2007, Quebec City (Quebec), 589 p.
- Benmokrane, B., Wang, P., Pavate, T., Robert, M. (2006). “Durability of FRP Composites for Civil Infrastructure Applications.” Chapter 12 (pp. 300-343) in the book entitled “Durability of Materials and Structures in Building and Civil Engineering” Edited by Yu, C. W. and Bull, J., W., Published by Whittles Publishing, Dunbeath, Scotland, UK, 462 p. Editor Invitation.
- Banthia, N., Benmokrane, B., and Karbhari, V. (Editors) (2006). “Durability of Fiber Reinforced Polymers in Civil Infrastructure.” ISIS Canada Monograph, ISIS Canada Administrative Centre, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg (Manitoba), 243 p.
- CSA Sub-Committee S16 of the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code (2006), Contributor Author, “Fibre Reinforced Structures”, Canadian Standard Association CAN/CSA S6-06.
- ACI Committee 440 (2006), Contributing Author, Design and Construction of Concrete Reinforced with FRP Bars, American Concrete Institute, ACI 440.1R-06.
- ACI Committee 440 (2004), Sub-Committee Chair and Contributing Author, Guide Test Methods for Fiber Reinforced Polymers for Reinforcing or Strengthening Concrete Structures, American Concrete Institute, ACI 440.3R-04, Manual of Concrete Practice.
- CSA Committee S806 (2003), Contributing Author, Design and Construction of Building Structures with Fibre Reinforced Polymers, Canadian Standard Association CAN/CSA S806-02.
- ACI Committee 440 (2003), Contributing Author, Guide for the Design and Construction of Concrete Reinforced with FRP Bars, American Concrete Institute, ACI 440.1R-03, Manual of Concrete Practice.
- NCHRP Report 282 (2003), Contributing Author, Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites for Concrete Bridge Reinforcement, Transportation Research Board, NCHRP Project 10-55.
- Benmokrane, B., and EI-Salakawy, E.F. (Editors) (2002), “Durability of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Construction,” Proceedings of the Second International Conference (CDCC’02), May 29-31, Montreal, QC, 715p.
- ACI Committee 440 (2001), Contributing Author, Guide for the Design and Construction of Concrete Reinforced with FRP Bars, American Concrete Institute, ACI 440.1R-01.
- Benmokrane, B., Faza, S., GangaRao, H., Karbhari, V., Porter, M. (2001) “Effect of alkaline environment on FRP Composites for civil infrastructure” (Chapter 4; p.24-39), in book: ‘Gap Analysis for Durability of Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites in Civil Infrastructure’, Published by CERF (Civil Engineering Research Foundation, Washington, USA), Editors: Chin, J., Karbhari, V., and Reynaud, D., 128 p. Editor Invitation.
- Benmokrane, B., and Rahman, H. (Editors) (1998): “Durability of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Construction,” Proceedings of the Second International Conference (CDCC’98), Sherbrooke, QC, 692 p.
- Gagné, R., Benmokrane, B., and Labossière, P. (Editors) (1997) “Structures: Design, Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Structures and Bridges, ” Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineering, Sherbrooke, QC, Vol. 6, 375p.
Articles in Refereed Conferences (Total of 381)
C1. Abdoulaye S. Bakouregui, Hamdy M. Mohamed, Ammar Yahia and Brahim Benmokrane (2022) “Failure and Strength of Full-Scale LWSCC Columns Reinforced with BFRP Bars under Axial and Eccentric Load”. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Basalt Fibers and Composites (ACBFC-2022), Nov. 9-11, China, 6 p.
C2. Eman Ibrahim, Abdoulaye S. Bakouregui, Ammar Yahia and Brahim Benmokrane (2022) “Effect of Basalt Fibers Dosages on the Mechanical Properties of Fiber Reinforced Self-Consolidated Concrete”. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Basalt Fibers and Composites (ACBFC-2022), Nov. 9-11, China, 6 p.
C3. Shehab Mehany, Hamdy M. Mohamed, and Brahim Benmokrane (2022) “Performance of BFRP-RC Beams Using Lightweight Self-Consolidating Concrete (LWSCC) under Flexure”. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Basalt Fibers and Composites (ACBFC-2022), Nov. 9-11, China, 6 p.
C4. Vianney Poisbeau, Khanh Q. Nguyen, Patrice Cousin, Mathieu Robert and Brahim Benmokrane (2022). “Combined Effect of Fiber/Matrix Interface and Moisture Absorption on the Durability of Various FRP Composites Reinforced with Basalt Fiber for Concrete Structures”. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Fibre-Reinforced Polymers for Reinforced Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-15) and the 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on FRP in Structures (APFIS-2022), 10-14 December 2022, Shenzhen, China, 8 p.
C5. Abdoulaye S. Bakouregui, Hamdy M. Mohamed, Ammar Yahia and Brahim Benmokrane (2022) “Axial Capacity of Circular LWSCC Columns Reinforced with FRP Bars and Spirals”. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Fibre-Reinforced Polymers for Reinforced Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-15) and the 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on FRP in Structures (APFIS-2022), 10-14 December 2022, Shenzhen, China, 8 p.
C6. Shehab Mehany, Hamdy M. Mohamed, and Brahim Benmokrane (2022) “Serviceability Behaviour of Lightweight Self-Consolidating Concrete (LWSCC) Beams Reinforced with GFRP Bars”. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Fibre-Reinforced Polymers for Reinforced Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-15) and the 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on FRP in Structures (APFIS-2022), 10-14 December 2022, Shenzhen, China, 8 p.
C7. Mahdi Aflakisamani, Salaheldin Mousa, Hamdy M. Mohamed, Ehab Ahmed, and Brahim Benmokrane (2022) “Behaviour of LWSCC Bridge-Deck Slabs Reinforced with GFRP Bars”. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Fibre-Reinforced Polymers for Reinforced Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-15) and the 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on FRP in Structures (APFIS-2022), 10-14 December 2022, Shenzhen, China, 8 p.
C8. Ibrahim Mostafa, Salaheldin Mousa, Hamdy M. Mohamed, and Brahim Benmokrane (2022) “Effect of Web Reinforcement Configuration on Torsional Behaviour of Concrete Box Girders”. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Fibre-Reinforced Polymers for Reinforced Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-15) and the 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on FRP in Structures (APFIS-2022), 10-14 December 2022, Shenzhen, China, 8 p.
C9. Hosseini, S.M., Mousa, S., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2022) “Performance of Precast Concrete Tunnel Lining Segments Reinforced with Curvilinear Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Bars Under Bending Load”. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Fibre-Reinforced Polymers for Reinforced Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-15) and the 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on FRP in Structures (APFIS-2022), 10-14 December 2022, Shenzhen, China, 8 p.
C10. Mohammed G. Gouda, Hamdy M. Mohamed, Allan Manalo, and Brahim Benmokrane (2022) “Tests of GFRP-Reinforced Concrete Hollow Circular Columns Subjected to Concentric and Eccentric Compression Loading”. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Fibre-Reinforced Polymers for Reinforced Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-15) and the 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on FRP in Structures (APFIS-2022), 10-14 December 2022, Shenzhen, China, 8 p.
C11. Basil Ibrahim, Salaheldin Mousa, Hamdy M. Mohamed, and Brahim Benmokrane (2022) “Quasi-Static Cyclic Flexural Testing of GFRP-Reinforced Precast Fibre-Reinforced Concrete (FRC) Segmental Tunnel Lining”. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Fibre-Reinforced Polymers for Reinforced Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-15) and the 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on FRP in Structures (APFIS-2022), 10-14 December 2022, Shenzhen, China, 8 p.
C12. Ahmed Elbady, Salaheldin Mousa, Hamdy M. Mohamed, and Brahim Benmokrane (2022) “Punching Shear Strength of Precast Concrete Tunnel Lining Segments (PCTL) Renforced with GFRP Bars”. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Fibre-Reinforced Polymers for Reinforced Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-15) and the 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on FRP in Structures (APFIS-2022), 10-14 December 2022, Shenzhen, China, 8 p.
C13. Hosseini, S.M., Mousa, S., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2022) “Development and testing of new precast concrete tunnel segments reinforced with GFRP bars and ties” Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics, and Computation (SEMC 2022), Cape Town, South Africa, 5-7 September, 8p.
C14. Mostafa, I., Mousa, S., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2022) “Torsional behavior of concrete bridge box girders reinforced with GFRP bars” Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Short and Medium Span Bridges, SMSB – XI, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 19-22 July, 6 p.
C15. Aflakisamani, M., Mousa, S., Mohamed, H.M., Ahmed, E.A., and Benmokrane, B. (2022) “Testing of lightweight self-consolidating concrete bridge-deck slabs reinforced with different GFRP bar sizes” Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Short and Medium Span Bridges, SMSB – XI, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 19-22 July, 6 p.
C16. Elbady, A., Mousa, S., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2022) “Behavior of Precast Concrete Tunnel Segments Reinforced with GFRP Bars Under Punching Loads” Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Short and Medium Span Bridges, SMSB – XI, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 19-22 July, 6 p.
C17. Hosseini, S.M., Mousa, S., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2022) “Experimental Study on GFRP-Reinforced Precast Concrete Tunnel Lining Segments Made with Normal and High Strength Concretes” Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Short and Medium Span Bridges, SMSB – XI, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 19-22 July, 6 p.
C18. Ibrahim, I., Mousa, S., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2022) “Flexural Cyclic Testing of GFRP Reinforced Precast Normal- and High- Strength Concrete Segmental Tunnel Linings” Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Short and Medium Span Bridges, SMSB – XI, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 19-22 July, 6 p.
C19. Gouda, M.G., Manalo, A., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2022) “Behavior of Circular GFRP-RC Hollow Columns under Axial Compression” Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Short and Medium Span Bridges, SMSB – XI, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 19-22 July, 6 p.
C20. Mostafa, I., Mousa, S., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2022) “Torsional Behavior of Concrete Box Girders Reinforced with Longitudinal GFRP Bars and Without Stirrups” Chapter 10.1007/978-3-031-09409-5_20 8th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Springer, DOI : 10.1007/978-3-031-09409-5.
C21. Hosseini, S.M., Mousa, S., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2022) “Application of GFRP Bars in Precast Concrete Tunnel Lining Segments” Chapter 10.1007/978-3-031-09409-5_20 8th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Springer, DOI : 10.1007/978-3-031-09409-5.
C22. Gouda, M.G., Manalo, A., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2022) “Behavior of Concentrically Loaded GFRP-RC Circular Hollow Columns with Varying Transverse Reinforcement Ratios” Chapter 10.1007/978-3-031-09409-5_20 8th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Springer, DOI : 10.1007/978-3-031-09409-5.
C23. Ibrahim, B., Mousa, S., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2022) “GFRP Reinforced Precast Concrete Tunnel Lining Segments Under Flexural Cyclic Loading” Chapter 10.1007/978-3-031-09409-5_20 8th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Springer, DOI : 10.1007/978-3-031-09409-5.
C24. Elhamaymy, A., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2022) “Durability of GFRP-RC Square Columns in Severe Marine Environment” Chapter 10.1007/978-3-031-09409-5_20 8th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Springer, DOI : 10.1007/978-3-031-09409-5.
C25. Hosseini, S. M., Mousa, S., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2021). “Efficiency of Precast Concrete Tunnel Lining Segments Reinforced with GFRP Bars Under Bending Load”. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineering, CSCE 2021, Canada, 26– 29 May, 10 p.
C26. Mehany, S., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2021). “Flexural Response of Lightweight SCC Beams Reinforced with Basalt FRP Reinforcing Bars”. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineering, CSCE 2021, Canada, 26– 29 May, 10 p.
C27. Hassaan, M.G, Mohamed, H.M., Manalo, A.C., and Benmokrane, B. (2021). “Axial Capacity of Circular Concrete Hollow Columns Reinforced with GFRP Bars and Spirals”. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineering, CSCE 2021, Canada, 26– 29 May, 10 p.
C28. Sanni B., A., Mohamed, H.M., Yahia, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2021). “Axial Behavior of LWSCC Columns Reinforced with GFRP Bars and Spirals”. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineering, CSCE 2021, Canada, 26– 29 May, 10 p.
C29. Nguyen, K. Q., Cousin, P., Mohamed, K., Robert, M., & Benmokrane, B. (2021). ‘’Influence of Wall Thickness on the Thermo-mechanical Properties of Aging HDPE pipes under the Natural Environment of North America’’. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineering, CSCE 2021, Canada, 26– 29 May, 10 p.
C30. Nguyen, K. Q., Mohamed, K., Cousin, P., Robert, M., & Benmokrane, B. (2021). ‘’Stress Crack Resistance of Recycled and Virgin HDPE Corrugated pipe for Transportation Infrastructure Applications’’. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineering, CSCE 2021, Canada, 26– 29 May, 10 p.
C31. Aflakisamani, M., Mousa, S., Mohamed, H.M., Ahmed, E.A., and Benmokrane, B. (2021). “Lightweight Self-Consolidating Concrete Bridge-Deck Slabs Reinforced with GFRP Bars Under Concentrated Loads”. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineering, CSCE 2021, Canada, 26– 29 May, 10 p.
C32. Ibrahim, B., Mousa, S., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2021). “Flexural Cyclic Testing of Precast Concrete Tunnel Segments Reinforced with GFRP Bars”. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineering, CSCE 2021, Canada, 26– 29 May, 10 p.
C33. Elhamaymy, A., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2021). “Durability of RC Square Columns Reinforced with GFRP Bars, Spirals and Ties Simulated Severe Marine Environment”. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineering, CSCE 2021, Canada, 26– 29 May, 10 p.
C34. Mostafa, I., Mousa, S., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2021). “Effect of Longitudinal Reinforcement Type on the Torsional Behavior of Concrete Box Girders Reinforced with GFRP Bars”. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineering, CSCE 2021, Canada, 26– 29 May, 10 p.
C35. Prajapati, G.n., Farghaly, A. S., and Benmokrane, B. (2021). “Energy Dissipation of Concrete Columns Confined with GFRP Ties under Reversed Cyclic Loading”. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineering, CSCE 2021, Canada, May 26– 29, 10 p.
C36. Bahareh Nader Tehrani, Ahmed Sabry Farghaly, Alireza Asadian and Brahim Benmokrane (2021). A Review on Bond Performance and Splice Behavior of FRP Bars to Concrete. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineering, CSCE 2021, Canada, May 26– 29, 10 p.
C37. Moataz Mahmoud, Mohamed Eladawy and Brahim Benmokrane (2021). Evaluation of Shear Transfer Strength in FRP Concrete Composite using Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineering, CSCE 2021, Canada, May 26– 29, 10 p.
C38. Islam Shabana, Ahmed Farghaly and Brahim Benmokrane (2021). Effect of the Horizontal Web Reinforcement Ratio on the Seismic Response of GFRP-RC Squat Walls. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineering, CSCE 2021, Canada, May 26– 29, 10 p.
C39. Manalo, A., Alajarmeh, O., Sorbello, C-D., Weerakoon, S., and Benmokrane, B. (2020). Manufacturing and Structural Performance of GFRP-Reinforced Precast Concrete Boat Ramp Planks. 8th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, (ACMBS-VIII), Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, August 18-20, 6 p.
C40. Mehany, S., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2020). Shear Strength of Lightweight Self-Consolidating Concrete Beams Reinforced with Basalt FRP Bars. 8th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, (ACMBS-VIII), Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, August 18-20, 6 p.
C41. Hassaan, M. G., Mohamed, H. M., Manalo, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2020). Behavior of Concentrically Loaded GFRP-RC Circular Hollow Columns with Varying Transverse Reinforcement Ratios. 8th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, (ACMBS-VIII), Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, August 18-20, 6 p.
C42. Alajarmeh, O., Manalo, A., Mohammed, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2020). New compressive test methods for GFRP bars. 8th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, (ACMBS-VIII), Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, August 18-20, 6 p.
C43. Hassanein, A., Mohamed, N., Farghaly, S.F., and Benmokrane, B. (2020). Elasto-Plastic Transition Point of GFRP-Reinforced Shear Walls Under Cyclic Loading. 8th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, (ACMBS-VIII), Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, August 18-20, 6 p.
C44. Salama, A.E., Chen, W., and Benmokrane, B. (2020). Mechanical Properties of Newly Developed Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Bars. 8th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, (ACMBS-VIII), Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, August 18-20, 6 p.
C45. Mohamed, K., Nazair, C., Loranger, M-A., and Benmokrane, B. (2020). In-Site Quality Control of Tensile Strength of Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) Bent Bars. 8th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, (ACMBS-VIII), Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, August 18-20, 6 p.
C46. Salama, A.E., Hassan, M., and Benmokrane, B. (2020). Finite Element Modeling of GFRP Concrete Slab-Column Edge Connections Reinforced with GFRP Shear Stirrups. 8th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, (ACMBS-VIII), Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, August 18-20, 6 p.
C47. Eladawy, M., Chen, W., and Benmokrane, B. (2020). Effect of Bond Strength of Newly Developed Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Bars on the Load-Slip Performance. 8th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, (ACMBS-VIII), Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, August 18-20, 6 p.
C48. Ali, A.H., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2020). Durability Performance of Sand-Coated Basalt-FRP Bars. 8th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, (ACMBS-VIII), Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, August 18-20, 6 p.
C49. Shabana, I., Farghaly, A.S., and Benmokrane, B. (2020). Effect of Axial Load Ratio on Lateral Load Performance of GFRP-Reinforced Squat Walls. 8th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, (ACMBS-VIII), Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, August 18-20, 6 p.
C50. Abdelazim, A., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2020). Second-Order Response of Glass Fiber- Reinforced Polymer -Reinforced Concrete Slender Columns. 8th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, (ACMBS-VIII), Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, August 18-20, 6 p.
C51. Eladawy, M., Benmokrane, B., and Hassan, M. (2020). Effect of Gravity Load on Punching Behavior of GFRP-RC Interior Slab-Column Connection Subjected to Lateral Cyclic Load. 8th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, (ACMBS-VIII), Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, August 18-20, 6 p.
C52. Nguyen, Q.K., Cousin, P., Mohamed, K., Mwiseneza, C., Robert, M., Benmokrane, B. (2020). The Short-Term Performance of Corrugated HDPE Pipe Made with and Without Recycled resins – Physico-chemical Properties. 8th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, (ACMBS-VIII), Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, August 18-20, 6 p.
C53. Mousa, S., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B., and Nanni, A. (2020). Long-Span Square RC Members with Uniformly Distributed FRP Bars Under Flexure Loads. 8th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, (ACMBS-VIII), Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, August 18-20, 6 p.
C54. Arafa, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2020). Numerical Modeling of Hybrid Steel/GFRP Reinforced Concrete Bridges Piers. 8th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, (ACMBS-VIII), Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, August 18-20, 6 p.
C55. Hassanein, A, Mohamed, K., Benmokrane, B. (2020). Newly Developed Basalt FRP for Prestresses RC Reservoirs. 8th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, (ACMBS-VIII), Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, August 18-20, 6 p.
C56. Hadhood, A., Mohamed, H.M., Mwiseneza, C., and Benmokrane, B. (2020). Shear Behavior of GFRP Prestressed Concrete Railway Sleepers. 8th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, (ACMBS-VIII), Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, August 18-20, 6 p.
C57. Sanni B., A., Mohamed, H.M., Yahia, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2020). Effect of Reinforcement Ratio on Lightweight Concrete Columns Reinforced with GFRP Bars and Spirals. 8th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, (ACMBS-VIII), Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, August 18-20, 6 p.
C58. Abdelazim, W., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2020). Assessment of the Flexure Stiffness of Slender Concrete Columns Reinforced with Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymers. 8th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, (ACMBS-VIII), Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, August 18-20, 6 p.
C59. Salama, A.E., Hassan, M., and Benmokrane, B. (2020). Effect of Reinforcement Ratio on Punching Shear Behavior of GFRP-RC Edge Slab–Column Connections. 8th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, (ACMBS-VIII), Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, August 18-20, 6 p.
C60. Prajapati, G.N., Farghaly, A.S., and Benmokrane, B. (2020). Evaluation of Concrete Columns Reinforced with GFRP Bars and Spirals Subjected to Quasi-Static Cyclic Load. 8th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, (ACMBS-VIII), Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, August 18-20, 6 p.
C61. Tabatabaei, A., Eslami, A., Mohamed, H., and Benmokrane, B. (2020). “Effect of Confinement on Compression Lap Splice of GFRP Bars in Concrete Columns.” 8th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, (ACMBS-VIII), Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, August 18-20, 6 p.
C62. Ibrahim, B., Mousa, S., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2020). “GFRP Reinforced Precast Concrete Tunnel Lining Segments Under Flexural Cyclic Loading”. 8th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, (ACMBS-VIII), Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, August 18-20, 6 p.
C63. Hosseini, S. M., Mousa, S., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2020). “Application of GFRP Bars in Precast Concrete Tunnel Lining Segments”. 8th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, (ACMBS-VIII), Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, August 18-20, 6 p.
C64. Mostafa, I., Mousa, S., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2020). “Torsional Behavior of Concrete Box Girders Reinforced with Longitudinal GFRP Bars and Without Stirrups”. 8th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, (ACMBS-VIII), Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, August 18-20, 6 p.
C65. Benmokrane, B., Mohamed, H., Elsafty, A., and Nolan, S. (2019). “Field Dynamic Load Test of Bridge Precast Concrete Piles Reinforced with GFRP Bars.” PROTECT 2019: 7th International Colloquium on Performance, Protection & Strengthening of Structures Under Extreme Loading & Events, Whistler, BC, Canada, September 16-17, 8 p.
C66. Benmokrane, B., and Ali, A. (2019). “Review and Assessment of Various Theories for Modeling Durability of GFRP Reinforcement for Concrete Structures.” The Seventh International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation (SEMC 2019), Cape Town, South Africa, September 2-4, 10 p.
C67. Ballet, P., Mohamed, K., and Benmokrane, B. (2019). “Interpretation of Bond-Dependent Coefficient for Sand-Coated Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) Bars in Concrete.” Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, Laval (Greater Montreal), Quebec, Canada, June 12-15, 10 p.
C68. Frappier, J., Mohamed, K., Farghaly, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2019). “Behavior and Strength Modeling of GFRP-Reinforced Concrete Deep Beams with Web Openings.” Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, Laval (Greater Montreal), Quebec, Canada, June 12-15, 10 p.
C69. Salah-Eldin, A., Mohamed, H., and Benmokrane, B. (2019). “High strength Concrete Columns reinforced with Basalt FRP Bars and Ties Under Eccentric Loads.” Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, Laval (Greater Montreal), Quebec, Canada, June 12-15, 10 p.
C70. Mehany, S., Mohamed, H., and Benmokrane, B. (2019). “Strength and Behaviour of HSC Concrete Beams Reinforced with Sand-Coated Basalt FRP Bars.” Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, Laval (Greater Montreal), Quebec, Canada, June 12-15, 11 p.
C71. Asadian, A., Eslami, A., Farghaly, S.A., and Benmokrane, B. (2019). “Effects of Staggering on the Splice Strength of Bundled GFRP Bars in Concrete.” Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, Laval (Greater Montreal), Quebec, Canada, June 12-15, 9 p.
C72. Salama, A., Hassan, M., and Benmokrane, B. (2019). “Punching Behaviour of GFRP-RC Edge Flat Plate Connections Reinforced with Shear Reinforcement.” Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, Laval (Greater Montreal), Quebec, Canada, June 12-15, 10 p.
C73. Abdelazim, W., Mohamed, H., and Benmokrane, B. (2019). “Effect of Slenderness Ratio on the Performance of Concrete Columns Reinforced with GFRP Bars and Spirals.” Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, Laval (Greater Montreal), Quebec, Canada, June 12-15, 10 p.
C74. Tabatabaei, A., Eslami, A., Mohamed, H., and Benmokrane, B. (2019). “Compression Lap Splice of GFRP Bars in Concrete Columns.” Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, Laval (Greater Montreal), Quebec, Canada, June 12-15, 9 p.
C75. Eladawy, M., Hassan, M., and Benmokrane, B. (2019). “Punching Behaviour of GFRP_RC Slab-Column Connection under Reversed Lateral Loading.” Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, Laval (Greater Montreal), Quebec, Canada, June 12-15, 10 p.
C76. Abdelkarim, O., Guerrero, J.M., Mohamed, H.M, and Benmokrane, B. (2019). “Behaviour of Pultruded Glass Fibre-Reinforced Polymer Utility Poles under Lateral Loads.” Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, Laval (Greater Montreal), Quebec, Canada, June 12-15, 10 p.
C77. Al-Ajarmeh, O., Manalo, A., Karunasena, K., and Benmokrane, B., (2018). “ Hollow Concrete Columns reinforced with GFRP Bars.” Proceedings of the 11th Asian-Australian Conference on Composite Materials, Cairns, Australia, 29 July – 1 August, 8 p.
C78. Benmokrane, B., Mohamed, H., ElSafty, A., and Nolan, S. (2018). Field Driven Tests of Precast Concrete Piles Reinforced with GFRP Bars and Ties. The International Federation for Structural Concrete 5th International Fib Congress 2018, Melbourne, Australia, October 7-11, 6 p.
C79. Benmokrane, B. (2018). “Recent Developments on FRP Bars as Internal Reinforcement in Concrete Structures and Field Applications” – Distinguished Lecture (IIFC Medal) – Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE2018), Paris, France, July 17-19, 8 p.
C80. Mohamed, H., and Benmokrane, B. (2018). “Construction of Nipigon River Cable-stayed Bridge using Precast Concrete Panels Reinforced with Glass FRP rebars. Proceedings of the 9thInternational Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE2018), Paris, France, July 17-19, 8 p.
C81. Abdelkarim, O., Guerrero, J., Mohamed, H., and Benmokrane, B. (2018). “Flexural Behavior of Pultruded Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Distribution Poles. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE2018), Paris, France,
C82. Youssef, M., Ahmed, E., and Benmokrane, B. (2018). Development and Testing of UHPFRC Closure Joints Between Precast Concrete Bridge Deck Slabs Reinforced with GFRP Bars. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Short and Medium Span Bridges (SMBS-2018), Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, July 31- August 3, 8 p.
C83. Mohamed, K., Repecaud, K., Nazair, C., Loranger, M.-A., and and Benmokrane, B. (2018). Development of New Testing Protocol to Determine the Tensile Strength of the FRP Bent Bars at the Bends. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Short and Medium Span Bridges (SMBS-2018), Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, July 31- August 3, 8 p.
C84. Mousa, S., Hadhook, A., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2018). Laboratory Axial-Flexural Testing of Carbon FRP RC Circular Bridge Members. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Short and Medium Span Bridges (SMBS-2018), Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, July 31- August 3, 8 p.
C85. Salah-Eldin, A., Mohamed, H., and Benmokrane, B. (2018). Strength of High Strength Concrete Bridge Pier Columns Reinforced with GFRP Bars under Eccentric Load. Proceedings of the 10thInternational Conference on Short and Medium Span Bridges (SMBS-2018), Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, July 31- August 3, 8 p.
C86. Bouguerra, K., Tobbi, H., and Benmokrane, B. (2018). Experimental and Numerical Investigations of FRP-Reinforced Concrete Bridge Deck Slabs. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Short and Medium Span Bridges (SMBS-2018), Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, July 31- August 3, 9 p.
C87. Abdul-Salam, B., Farghaly, A., Gagné, R., and Benmokrane, B. (2018). Behaviour of Concrete Prisms Reinforced by Various Types of Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) Bars. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Short and Medium Span Bridges (SMBS-2018), Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, July 31- August 3, 8 p.
C88. Mohamed, N., Farghaly, A. S., Saatcioglu, M., Benmokrane, B. (2018). “Performance and Damage Assessment of GFRP-RC Walls” Canadian Society of Civil Engineering, CSCE2018, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, 13 – 16 June, 8 p.
C89. Mohamed, N., Farghaly, A. S., Benmokrane, B. (2018). “Cyclic Bond Behavior of Different GFRP Bar Types” Canadian Society of Civil Engineering, CSCE2018, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, 13 – 16 June, 8 p.
C90. Hassanein, A., Mohamed, N., Farghaly, A. S., Benmokrane, B. (2018). “Strength and Deformation of Well-Confined GFRP-Reinforced Shear Walls” Canadian Society of Civil Engineering, CSCE2018, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, 13 – 16 June, 8 p.
C91. Benmokrane, B., and Ali, A. (2018). Durability and Long-Term Performance of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer as a New Civil-Engineering Material – Keynote Lecture. Proceedings of the 16thInternational Congress of Polymers in Concrete (ICPIC2018), Washington-DC, USA, April 29-May 1, 10 p.
C92. Benmokrane, B., Manalo, A., and Maranan, G. (2018). New and Sustainable Civil engineering Infrastructures from Geopolymer Concrete and GFRP Bars. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on New Horizons in Green Civil Engineering (NHICE-01), Victoria, BC, Canada, April 25 – 27, 10 p.
C93. Afifi, M.Z., Mohamed, H., and Benmokrane, B. (2017). Strain-Strain Model for FRP Reinforced Concrete Circular Columns. Proceedings of the 10th Canadian-International Conference on Composites (CANCOM2017) – Advanced Composites in Addressing Global Challenges of the 21st Century, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, July 19-21, 8 p.
C94. Salama, A., Hassan, M., and Benmokrane, B. (2017). Prediction of Punching Shear Strength of Edge Concrete Slab-Column Connections Reinforced with GFRP Bars. Proceedings of the 10thCanadian-International Conference on Composites (CANCOM2017) – Advanced Composites in Addressing Global Challenges of the 21st Century, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, July 19-21, 8 p.
C95. Mousa, S., Mohamed, H., and Benmokrane, B. (2017). Flexural Behavior of FRP Reinforced Concrete Piles. Proceedings of the 10th Canadian-International Conference on Composites (CANCOM2017) – Advanced Composites in Addressing Global Challenges of the 21st Century, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, July 19-21, 8 p.
C96. Loranger, M.-A., B. Benmokrane, B., Nazair, C., and Manalo, A.C. (2017). Durability Field Study of GFRP Bars after 11 Years in- Service in Val-Alain Bridge on Highway 20 East, Quebec, Canada. Proceedings of the 5thInternational Conference on Durability and Sustainability of Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Construction and Rehabilitation of Structures (CDCC2017), Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, July 19-21, 8 p.
C97. Elgabbas, F., Ahmed, E., and B. Benmokrane, B. (2-017). Influence of Resin Type on the Properties of Basalt FRP Bars. Proceedings of the 5thInternational Conference on Durability and Sustainability of Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Construction and Rehabilitation of Structures (CDCC2017), Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, July 19-21, 8 p.
C98. Manalo, A.C., Benmokrane, B., and J. C. Bouhet, J.C. (2017). Durability Characteristics of Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) Bars with Different Bar Diameters. Proceedings of the 5thInternational Conference on Durability and Sustainability of Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Construction and Rehabilitation of Structures (CDCC2017), Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, July 19-21, 8 p.
C99. Hassan, M., Elsafty, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2017). Bond Durability and Service Life Prediction of Basalt-FRP Bars Embedded in Concrete under Alkaline Environment. Proceedings of the 5thInternational Conference on Durability and Sustainability of Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Construction and Rehabilitation of Structures (CDCC2017), Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, July 19-21, 8 p.
C100. El-Saikaly, G., Chaallal, O., and B. Benmokrane, B. (2017). Fatigue Performance of RC Beams Strengthened in Shear with EB-FRP: Comparison of Different Systems. Proceedings of the 5thInternational Conference on Durability and Sustainability of Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Construction and Rehabilitation of Structures (CDCC2017), Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, July 19-21, 8 p.
C101. Sayed-Ahmed, M., Hajimiragha, B., Hajimiragha, B., Mohamed, K., and B. Benmokrane, B. (2-017). World’s First Thermoplastic GFRP MFX-Bars Subjected to Creep Effects. Proceedings of the 5thInternational Conference on Durability and Sustainability of Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Construction and Rehabilitation of Structures (CDCC2017), Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, July 19-21, 8 p.
C102. Hassan, M., Fam, A., and B. Benmokrane, B. (2017). Durability Study of Basalt-FRP Bars in Concrete Environment. Proceedings of the 5thInternational Conference on Durability and Sustainability of Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Construction and Rehabilitation of Structures (CDCC2017), Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, July 19-21, 8 p.
C103. Ali, A.H., Cousin, P., Mohamed, H.M., ElSafty, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2017). Durability Study of Solid and Hollow Glass FRP Reinforcing Bars Exposed to Marine Environment and Elevated Temperature. Proceedings of the 5thInternational Conference on Durability and Sustainability of Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Construction and Rehabilitation of Structures (CDCC2017), Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, July 19-21, 8 p.
C104. Mohamed, N., Farghaly, A.S., and Benmokrane, B. (2017). Bond Testing of FRP Bars in Concrete Subjected to Reversed Cyclic Loading. Proceedings of the 5thInternational Conference on Durability and Sustainability of Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Construction and Rehabilitation of Structures (CDCC2017), Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, July 19-21, 8 p.
C105. Sayed-Ahmed, M., Hajimiragha, B., Hajimiragha, B., Mohamed, K., and B. Benmokrane, B. (2-017). Bond Strength of Newly Developed Straight and Bent Glass FRP-Reinforcement Bars. Proceedings of the 5thInternational Conference on Durability and Sustainability of Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Construction and Rehabilitation of Structures (CDCC2017), Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, July 19-21, 8 p.
C106. Ali, A.H., Mohamed, H.M., ElSafty, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2017). Influence of Resin Type on Physical, Mechanical and Durability Performance of Glass-FRP Bars. Proceedings of the 5thInternational Conference on Durability and Sustainability of Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Construction and Rehabilitation of Structures (CDCC2017), Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, July 19-21, 8 p.
C107. Hassanein, A., Mohamed, N., Farghaly, A.S., Saatcioglu, M., and Benmokrane, B. (2017). Effect of Axial Load Ratio in the Seismic Behavior of GFRP-Reinforce Shear Wall. Proceedings of the 5thInternational Conference on Durability and Sustainability of Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Construction and Rehabilitation of Structures (CDCC2017), Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, July 19-21, 8 p.
C108. Maranan, G., A. Manalo, A., and B. Benmokrane, B. (2017). Determination of the Flexural and Shear Moduli of GFRP Composite Laminates Subjected to Elevated Temperatures. Proceedings of the 5thInternational Conference on Durability and Sustainability of Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Construction and Rehabilitation of Structures (CDCC2017), Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, July 19-21, 8 p.
C109. El-Saikaly, G., Chaallal, O., and Brahim Benmokrane, B. (2017). Comparison of Anchorage Systems for RC T-Beams Strengthened in Shear with EB-CFRP. Proceedings of the 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on FRP in Structures (APFIS-6), Singapore, July 19-21, 4p.
C110. Sayed-Ahmed, M., Hajimiragha, B., Hajimiragha, B., Mohamed, K., and B. Benmokrane, B. (2-017). Creep Rupture and Creep Behavior of Newly Third Generation of GFRP Bars Subjected to Sustained Loads. Proceedings of the 5thInternational Conference on Durability and Sustainability of Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Construction and Rehabilitation of Structures (CDCC2017), Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, July 19-21, 8 p.
C111. Elgabbas, F., Ahmed, E., and B. Benmokrane, B. (2017). Characterization and Comparative Durability Study of Basalt and Glass FRP Bars. Proceedings of the 5thInternational Conference on Durability and Sustainability of Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Construction and Rehabilitation of Structures (CDCC2017), Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, July 19-21, 8 p.
C112. Benmokrane, B., and Ali, A. (2016). “Durability of FRP Rebars in Aggressive Environment.” Keynote Lecture-Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE2016), Hong Kong, China, December 14-16, 8 p.
C113. Hassan, M., Benmokrane, B., ElSafty, A., and Fam, A. (2016). “Bond Strength Durability of Basalt Bars in Concrete Subjected to Elevated Temperature and Alkaline Environment.” Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE2016), Hong Kong, China, December 14-16, 6 p.
C114. Benmokrane, B., Ali, A., and Mohamed, H. (2016). “Microstructural Characterization and Durability Assessment of GFRP Bars Exposed to Concrete Environment and Saline Solution.” Proceedings of the International Workshop on Seawater Sea-sand Concrete (SSC) Structures Reinforced with FRP Composites, Hong Kong, China, December 13, 12 p.
C115. Benmokrane, B., and Mohamed, H. (2016). “Use of Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Rebars for Building Durable Concrete Infrastructure.” The Sixth International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation (SEMC 2016), Cape Town, South Africa, September 5-7, 10 p.
C116. Ali, A., Mohamed, H., and Benmokrane, B. (2016). “Shear Performance of RC Piles Reinforced with Glass FRP Bars and Spirals.” Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, (ACMBS-VII), Vancouver, BC, August 22-24, 6 p.
C117. Hadhood, A., Mohamed, H., and Benmokrane, B. (2016). “Strength of Circular High-Strength Concrete Columns Reinforced with GFRP Bars and Spirals.” Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, (ACMBS-VII), Vancouver, BC, August 22-24, 7 p.
C118. Benmokrane, B., Ali A., Robert, M., and Mohamed, H. (2016). “Mechanical and Durability Characteristics of Glass-FRP Bars with Different Types of Resins.” Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, (ACMBS-VII), Vancouver, BC, August 22-24, 6 p.
C119. Hassan, M., Fam, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2016). “A New Punching Shear Design Formula for FRP-Reinforced Interior Slab-Column Connections.” Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, (ACMBS-VII), Vancouver, BC, August 22-24, 7 p.
C120. Benmokrane, B., Mohamed, H., and Manalo, A. (2016). “Effect of Test Parameters on Pullout Strength of GFRP Headed Bars.” Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, (ACMBS-VII), Vancouver, BC, August 22-24, 6 p.
C121. Arafa, A., Farghaly, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2016). “Experimental Investigation of GFRP-Reinforced Concrete Squat Walls Subjected to Lateral Load.” Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, (ACMBS-VII), Vancouver, BC, August 22-24, 7 p.
C122. ElGabbas, F., Ahmed, E., and Benmokrane, B. (2016). “Flexural Performance of Concrete Beams Reinforced with Sand coated Basalt and Glass FRP Bars.” Proceedings of the 7thInternational Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, (ACMBS-VII), Vancouver, BC, August 22-24, 6 p.
C123. Benmokrane, B., Mohamed, H., Ahmed, E. (2016). “Recent Developments on FRP Bars as Internal Reinforcement in Concrete Structures and Field Applications” 4th International Conference in Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies (SCMT4), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, August 7-11, 10 p.
C124. Guerin, M., Mohamed, H., and Benmokrane, B. (2016). “Fatigue Behaviour of Underground Concrete Chambers Reinforced with GFRP Bars.” 5th International Structural Speciality Conference, Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, London, Ontario, Canada, June 1-6, 9 p.
C125. Sanni B., A., Mohamed, H., and Benmokrane, B. (2016). “Building Sustainable Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement using GFRP Bars: Case Study-Highway 40 West-Montreal, Canada.” 5th International Structural Speciality Conference, Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, London, Ontario, Canada, June 1-6, 9 p.
C126. ElGabbas, F., Ahmed, E., and Benmokrane, B. (2016). “Flexural Behaviour and Bond-Dependent Coefficient of Basalt FRP Bars in Concrete Beams.” 5th International Structural Speciality Conference, Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, London, Ontario, Canada, June 1-6, 9 p.
C127. Mohamed, K., Farghaly, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2016). “Proposed Strut and Tie Model for Deep Concrete Beams Reinforced with FRP Bars.” 5th International Structural Speciality Conference, Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, London, Ontario, Canada, June 1-6, 9 p.
C128. Arafa, A., Farghaly, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2016). “Behaviour of GFRP-Reinforced Concrete Squat Walls under Simulated Earthquake Load.” 5th International Structural Speciality Conference, Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, London, Ontario, Canada, June 1-6, 9 p.
C129. Ali, A., Mohamed, H., and Benmokrane, B. (2016). “Shear Strength of Circular Concrete Beams Reinforced with GFRP Bars and Spirals.” 5th International Structural Speciality Conference, Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, London, Ontario, Canada, June 1-6, 9 p.
C130. Hadhood, A., Mohamed, H., and Benmokrane, B. (2016). “Behaviour of Circular FRP-Reinforced Concrete Columns under Eccentric Loading.” 5th International Structural Speciality Conference, Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, London, Ontario, Canada, June 1-6, 9 p.
C131. Hassanein, A., Farghaly, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2016). “Enhancing the Deformation Capacity of Concrete Shear Walls Reinforced with GFRP Bars.” 5th International Structural Speciality Conference, Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, London, Ontario, Canada, June 1-6, 9 p.
C132. Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B., (2015). “Building Durable Concrete Infrastructure Using Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Bars,” 2nd R.N. Raikar International Conference and Banthia-Basheer International Symposium on Advances in Science and Technology of Concrete, 18-19 December 2015, Mumbai, India, 10p.
C133. Maranan, G., Manalo, A., Karunasena, W., Benmokrane, B., and Mendis, P. (2015). “Comparison and Shear Behaviour of Geopolymer Concrete Beams with GFRP and Steel Transverse Reinforcements.” 12th International Symposium on Fiber Reinforced Polymers for Reinforced Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-12) and the 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Fiber Reinforced Polymers in Structures (APFIS-2015) Joint Conference, 14-15 December, Nanjing, China, 6p.
C134. Ali, A., Mohamed, H., Cousin, P., ElSafty, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2015). “Physical, Mechanical, and Durability Characterization of Carbon FRP Cable” Third Conference on Smart Monitoring Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures (SMAR 2015), Antalya, Turkey, September 7-19, 8p.
C135. Maranan, G., Manalo, A., Karunasena, W., Benmokrane, B., and Mendis, P. (2015). “Flexural Response of GFRP-Reinforced Geopolymer Concrete Beams.” CONCRETE 2015 International Conference, Melbourne, Australia, August 30-Sept 2, 8p.
C136. Mohamed, N., Farghaly, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2015). “Innovative Bond Test of FRP Bar in Concrete Under Reversed Cyclic Loading.” Fifth International Conference on Construction Materials: Performance, Innovations, and Structural Implications (ConMat’15), Whistler, Canada, August 19-21, 10p.
C137. Arafa, A., Farghaly, A., Ahmed, E., and Benmokrane, B. (2015). “UHPRFC Joint Between GFRP-RC Precast Bridge Deck Panels.” Fifth International Conference on Construction Materials: Performance, Innovations, and Structural Implications (ConMat’15), Whistler, Canada, August 19-21, 10p.
C138. Sani, A., Mohamed, H., Thebeau, D., and Benmokrane, B. (2015). “Early-Age Strain and Cracking Behaviour of Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement with GFRP Bars Implemented on Highway 40 East in Montreal.” Fifth International Conference on Construction Materials: Performance, Innovations, and Structural Implications (ConMat’15), Whistler, Canada, August 19-21, 8p.
C139. Hassan, M., and Benmokrane, B. (2015). “Physico-Mechanical and Durability Characteristics of Basalt Fiber Reinforced Polymer (BFRP) Reinforcing Bars.” Fifth International Conference on Construction Materials: Performance, Innovations, and Structural Implications (ConMat’15), Whistler, Canada, August 19-21, 9p.
C140. Elgabbas, F., Ahmed, E., and Benmokrane, B. (2015). “Laboratory Testing of Edge-Restrained Concrete Bridge Deck Slabs Reinforced with Basalt FRP Bars.” Fifth International Conference on Construction Materials: Performance, Innovations, and Structural Implications (ConMat’15), Whistler, Canada, August 19-21, 10p.
C141. Mohammed, M.G., Farghaly, A., and Benmokrane, B., (2015). “Simulated Seismic Behavior of GFRP-Reinforced Concrete Columns,” Proceedings of the 11th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering (11CCEE), Victoria, Canada, July 21-24, 10p.
C142. Mohamed, N., Farghaly, A., and Benmokrane, B., (2015). “Seismic Response Modification Factors for GFRP-Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls,” Proceedings of the 11th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering (11CCEE), Victoria, Canada, July 21-24, 10p.
C143. Ahmed, E., Benmokrane, B., and Deblois, R. (2015). “Field Testing of GFRP-Reinforced Concrete Bridges in Quebec.” Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructures (SHMII 2015), Torino, Italy, July 1-3, 10p.
C144. Maranan, G., Manalo, A., Karunasena, W., Benmokrane, B., Mendis, P., and Lutz, D. (2015). “An Overview of the Use of Composite Rebars as Reinforcement in Geopolymer Concrete Structures.” The 2015 Composites Australia CRC-ACS Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, April 21-23, 8p.
C145. Hassan, M., Fam, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2014). “Shear Behaviour of GFRP-Reinforced Concrete Flat Slabs with FRP Shear Reinforcement.” 1st International Conference on Innovative Building Materials (IBMC), Cairo, Egypt, December 28-30, 8p.
C146. Maranan, G., Manalo, A., Karunasena, W., Benmokrane, B., and Lutz, D. (2014). “Flexural Behaviour of GFRP Bars Subjected to Elevated Temperature.” 23rd Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials (ACMSM23), Byron Bay, Australia, December 9-12.
C147. D’Amours, A., Mohamed, H., Chekired, M., and Benmokrane, B. (2014). “Experimental Evaluation of Underground Concrete Chambers Reinforced with GFRP Bars,” Proceedings of the 7thInternational Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE2014), Vancouver, Canada, August 20-22, 6 p.
C148. Bricola, J., Ahmed, E., Benmokrane, B., and Thebeau, D. (2014). “Structural Testing of GFRP Dowels in Jointed Plain Concrete Pavements,” Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE2014), Vancouver, Canada, August 20-22, 6 p.
C149. Elgabbas, F., Ahmed, E., and Benmokrane, B. (2014). “Development and Durability Characterization of Basalt FRP Reinforcing Bars for Concrete Structures,” Proceedings of the 7thInternational Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE2014), Vancouver, Canada, August 20-22, 6 p.
C150. Benmokrane, B., and Ahmed, E. (2014). “Monitoring and Live Load Field Testing of New Concrete Bridges Reinforced with GFRP Bars in Quebec,” Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE2014), Vancouver, Canada, August 20-22, 6 p.
C151. Mohamed, K., Farghaly, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2014). “Effect of Web Reinforcement in FRP-Reinforced Concrete Deep Beams,” Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE2014), Vancouver, Canada, August 20-22, 6 p.
C152. Benmokrane, B., Ali, A., Mohamed, H., and Elsafty, A. (2014). “Durability of Tokyo Rope Carbon Cables in Alkaline Environment,” Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE2014), Vancouver, Canada, August 20-22, 6 p.
C153. Maranan, G., Manalo, A., Karunasena, W., and Benmokrane, B. (2014). “Bond-Slip Behaviour of GFRP Bars into Geopolymer Concrete.” Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE2014), Vancouver, Canada, August 20-22, 6 p.
C154. Ahmed, E., and Benmokrane, B. (2014). “Design of Bridge Deck Slabs Using Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) Bars of Different Grades,” Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Short and Medium Span Bridges (SMSB2014), Calgary, Alberta, Canada, July 15-18, 10 p.
C155. Hassan, M., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2014). “Development and Characterization of Basalt FRP Bars for Concrete Structures,” Proceedings of the 15th European Bridge Conference & Exhibition at Structural Faults and Repairs, Imperial College, University of London, Kensington, London, United Kingdom, July 8-10, 8p.
C156. Mohamed, H., Chaallal, O., and Benmokrane, B. (2014). “Behavior of FRP-Reinforced Concrete Beams under Torsion,” Proceedings of the 4th International Structural Speciality Conference, Annual General Meeting and Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE), Halifax, Canada, May 28-31, 9 p.
C157. Afifi, M., Mohamed, H., Chaallal, O., and Benmokrane, B. (2014). “Confinement Model for Circular Concrete Columns Reinforced with GFRP Bars and GFRP Spirals,” Proceedings of the 4thInternational Structural Speciality Conference, Annual General Meeting and Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers (CSCE), Halifax, Canada, May 28-31, 9 p.
C158. Mohamed, N. Farghaly, A., Benmokrane, B., and Neale, K. (2013). “Strength Reduction Factor of GFRP-Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls,” Proceedings of the 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on FRP in Structures (APFIS2013), Melbourne, Australia, December 11-13, 8p.
C159. ElGabbas, F., Ahmed, E., and Benmokrane, B. (2013). “Basalt FRP Bars for Concrete Structures,” Proceedings of the 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on FRP in Structures (APFIS2013), Melbourne, Australia, December 11-13, 8p.
C160. Ahmed, E., and Benmokrane, B. (2013). “GFRP-Steel Hybrid Reinforced Concrete Bridge Deck Slabs in Quebec, Canada,” Proceedings of the 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on FRP in Structures (APFIS2013), Melbourne, Australia, December 11-13, 8p.
C161. Ahmed, E., Benmokrane, B., Deblois, R., and Crepeau, L. (2013). “Field Testing of Hybrid Reinforced Concrete Bridge Decks in Quebec,” Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Smart Monitoring Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures (SMAR2013), Istanbul, Turkey, September 9-11, 8p.
C162. Ahmed, E., Benmokrane, B., and Deblois, R. (2013). “Structural Performance Monitoring of GFRP Reinforced Concrete Flat Slab parking Garages,” Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Smart Monitoring Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures (SMAR2013), Istanbul, Turkey, September 9-11, 8p.
C163. Benmokrane, B, and Mohamed, H.M. (2013). “Durability Issues of FRP for Civil Infrastructures – Keynote Lecture,” Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-11), Guimarães, Portugal, June 26-28, 10p.
C164. Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2013). “Design, Construction, and Monitoring of GFRP Reinforced Concrete Tank of Thetford Mines Water Plant Treatment,” Proceedings of the 11thInternational Symposium on Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-11), Guimarães, Portugal, June 26-28, 10p.
C165. Ahmed, E., and Benmokrane, B. (2013). “Construction and Testing of Hybrid Reinforced Concrete Bridge Deck Slabs for the Ste-Catherine Twin Overpass Bridges,” Proceedings of the 11thInternational Symposium on Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-11), Guimarães, Portugal, June 26-28, 10p.
C166. Afifi, M. Z., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2013). “Axial Capacity of Circular Concrete Columns Reinforced with Glass-FRP Bars and Spirals,” Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-11), Guimarães, Portugal, June 26-28, 10p.
C167. Vincent, P., Ahmed, E., and Benmokrane, B. (2013). “Characterization of Basalt Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (BFRP) Reinforcing Bars for Concrete Structures.” Proceedings of the 3rd Specialty Conference on Material Engineering & Applied Mechanics, Annual General Meeting and Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers (CSCE), Montréal, Québec, Canada, May 29-June 1, 8 p.
C168. Hassan, M., Ahmed, E., and Benmokrane, B. (2013). “Preliminary Investigation on Punching-Shear Strength of Flat Slabs with FRP Flexural and Shear Reinforcement.” Proceedings of the 3rdSpecialty Conference on Material Engineering 7 Applied Mechanics, Annual General Meeting and Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers (CSCE), Montréal, Québec, Canada, May 29-June 1, 8 p.
C169. Ahmed, E., Dulude, C., Fortier, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2013). “Testing of Hybrid Reinforced Curb-Deck Connections of Post-and-Beam Bridge Barriers.” Proceedings of the 3rd Specialty Conference on Material Engineering & Applied Mechanics, Annual General Meeting and Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers (CSCE), Montréal, Québec, Canada, May 29-June 1, 8 p.
C170. Michaud, M-C. B., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2013). “Conception, construction et monitorage d’une dalle de grande dimension en béton armé de polymères renforcés de fibre (PRF).” Proceedings of the Annual General Meeting and Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers (CSCE), Montreal, Québec, Canada, May 29- June 1, 10p.
C171. Ahmed, E., Mohamed, H. M., El-Nemr, A., Vincent, P., and Benmokrane, B. (2013). “Bond-Dependent Coefficient of Deformed Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) Reinforcing Bars.”Proceedings of the 3rd Specialty Conference on Material Engineering & Applied Mechanics, Annual General Meeting and Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers (CSCE), Montréal, Québec, Canada, May 29-June 1, 8 p.
C172. Afifi, M. Z., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2013). “Behaviour of Circular Concrete Columns Internally Reinforced with CFRP Bars and Spiral Stirrups.” Proceedings of the Annual General Meeting and Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers (CSCE), Montreal, Québec, Canada, May 29-June 1, 10p.
C173. Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2013). “Design and Construction of the First Worldwide Concrete Water Tank Chlorination Totally Reinforced with GFRP Bars.” Proceedings of the Annual General Meeting and Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers (CSCE), Montreal, Québec, Canada, May 29-June 1, 10p.
C174. Ali, A.H., Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2013). “Shear Resistance of Circular Concrete Members Reinforced with FRP Bars: Code Predictions and Numerical Analysis.” Proceedings of the Annual General Meeting and Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers (CSCE), Montreal, Québec, Canada, May 29-June 1, 10p.
C175. Farghaly, A.S., Benmokrane, B. (2013). “Evaluation of Strut-and-Tie Models for FRP-Reinforced Deep Beam.” Proceedings of the Annual General Meeting and Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers (CSCE), Montréal, Québec, Canada, May 29-June 1, 10p.
C176. Mohamed, N., Farghaly, A.S., Benmokrane, B., Neale, K. (2013). “Evaluation of GFRP-Reinforced Shear Walls.” Proceedings of the Annual General Meeting and Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers (CSCE), Montreal, Québec, Canada, May 29-June 1, 10p.
C177. Abdul-Salam, B., Farghaly, A.S., Benmokrane, B. (2013). “Evaluation of Shear Behavior for One-Way Concrete Slabs Reinforced with Carbon-FRP Bars.” Proceedings of the Annual General Meeting and Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers (CSCE), Montreal, Québec, Canada, May 29-June 1, 10p.
C178. Mohamed, H.M., and Benmokrane, B. (2013). “The First Worldwide Field Application of FRP Composite Rebars in Reinforced Water Treatment Plant Tank: Design & Construction.” Proceedings of the Composites 2013, American Composites Manufacturers Association (ACMA), Orlando, FL, USA, January 29-31, 10p.
C179. Montaigu, M., Ahmed, E., Benmokrane, B., and Thebeau, D. (2012). “Newly Developed GFRP Dowel Bars for Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement.” Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Concrete Pavements, Quebec City, Quebec, July 8-12, 12 p.
C180. Mohamed, H., and Benmokrane, B. (2012). “Field Application of FRP Bars in Tunnels.” Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Tunnelling Association of Canada, Tunnels and Underground Spaces: Sustainability and Innovation (TAC2012), Montreal, Quebec, October 17-20, 6p.
C181. Benmokrane, B., Ahmed, E., Dulude, C., Boucher, E. (2012). “Design, Construction, and Monitoring of the First Worldwide Two Way Flat Slab Parking Garage Reinforced with GFRP Bars.” Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE2012), Rome, Italy, June 13-15, 8 p.
C182. Mohamed, H., and Benmokrane, B. (2012). “Pullout Capacity Behaviour of FRP-Headed Rebars.” Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE2012), Rome, Italy, June 13-15, 8 p.
C183. Benmokrane, B., Ahmed, E., Dulude, C., and Boucher, E. (2012). “In-Service Behaviour of the First Worldwide Two-Way Flat Slab Parking Garage Reinforced with GFRP Bars.” Proceedings of the 3rd International Structural Specialty Conference, Annual General Meeting and Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers (CSCE), Edmonton, Alberta, June 6-9, 9 p.
C184. Mohamed, H., Zaki, M., and Benmokrane, B. (2012). “New Developed FRP-Headed Rebars for Infrastructure Applications.” Proceedings of the 3rd International Structural Specialty Conference, Annual General Meeting and Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers (CSCE), Edmonton, Alberta, June 6-9, 9 p.
C185. Hassan, M., Ahmed, E., and Benmokrane, B. (2012). “Punching Shear Strength Prediction of FRP-Reinforced Concrete Flat Slabs.” Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, (ACMBS-VI), Kingston, Ontario, May 22-25, 8 p.
C186. Ahmed, E., Montaigu, M., and Benmokrane, B. (2012). “Evaluation of GFRP Dowel Bars for Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement.” Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, (ACMBS-VI), Kingston, Ontario, May 22-25, 8 p.
C187. Dulude, C., Ahmed, E., and Benmokrane, B. (2012). “Impact Testing of Concrete Bridge Barriers Type MTQ 311 Reinforced with GFRP Bars.” Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, (ACMBS-VI), Kingston, Ontario, May 22-25, 7 p.
C188. Mohamed, H., and Benmokrane, B. (2012). “Recent Field Applications of FRP Composite Reinforcing Bars in Civil Engineering Infrastructures.” Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Composites and Nanocomposites in Civil, Offshore and Mining Infrastructures (ACUN-6), Melbourne, Australia, November 14-16, 6p.
C189. Ahmed, E., Dulude, C., and Benmokrane, B. (2012). “Repair of Concrete Structures Reinforced with FRP Bars.” Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, (ACMBS-VI), Kingston, Ontario, May 22-25, 8 p.
C190. Mohamed, N., Farghaly, A.S., Benmokrane, B., and Neale, K.W. (2012). “Cyclic Load Behaviour of GFRP Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall: Experimental Approach.” Proceedings of the 6thInternational Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, (ACMBS-VI), Kingston, Ontario, May 22-25, 8 p.
C191. Mohamed, N., Farghaly, A., Benmokrane, B., and Neale, K.W. (2012). “Evaluation of a Concrete Shear Wall Reinforced with GFRP Bars Subjected to Lateral Cyclic Loading.” Proceedings of the 3rd Asia Pacific Conference on FRP Structures, Sapporo (APFIS2012), Japan, Feb. 2-4, 10p.
C192. Ahmed, E., Benmokrane, B., and Wiseman, A. (2011). “Monitoring of Structural Slabs Reinforced with GFRP and Steel Bars in Laurier-Taché Parking.” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII-5), Cancun, Mexico, Dec.11-15, 10 p.
C193. Claude, J.-F., Ahmed, E., Cusson, D., and Benmokrane, B. (2011). “Field Monitoring of MTQ 202ME Concrete Bridge Barriers Reinforced with GFRP and Steel Bars.” Proceedings of the 5thInternational Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII-5), Cancun, Mexico, Dec. 11-15, 10 p.
C194. Tremblay, J., Tobbi, H., and Benmokrane, B. (2011). “FBG Based Embeddable Strain Sensor: High Strain Measurement.” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII-5), Cancun, Mexico, Dec.11-15, 6 p.
C195. Mofidi, A., Chaallal, O., Benmokrane, B, and Neale, K.W. (2011). “Experimental Tests and Design Model for RC Beams Strengthened in Shear Using the Embedded Through-Section FRP Method.” Proceedings of the 26th ASC Technical Conference/2nd Joint US-Canada Conference on Composites, Montréal, Québec, Canada, Sept. 26-28, 10p.
C196. Ahmed, E.A., El-Nemr, A., Tremblay, J., Benmokrane, B., and Dulude, C. (2011). “Laboratory Evaluation of FBG Sensors in Full-Scale Concrete Beams.” Proceedings of the 1st Middle East Conference on Smart Monitoring Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures (SMAR2011), Dubai, UAE, Feb. 8-10, 8p.
C197. Ahmed, E.A. and Benmokrane, B. (2011). “Performance of Concrete Bridge Barriers Reinforced with Conditioned GFRP Bars in Alkaline Solution.” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Durability and Sustainability of Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Construction and Rehabilitation (CDCC2011), Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, July 20-22, 10 p.
C198. Ahmed, E.A., Dulude, C., Goulet, S., and Benmokrane, B. (2011). “Concrete Demolition of Bridge Barriers and Deck Slabs Reinforced with GFRP Bars.” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Durability and Sustainability of Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Construction and Rehabilitation (CDCC2011), Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, July 20-22, 12 p.
C199. Montaigu, M., Robert, M., and Benmokrane, B. (2011). “Durability Characteristics of New GFRP Dowels for Concrete Pavement.” Proceedings of the 4thInternational Conference on Durability and Sustainability of Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Construction and Rehabilitation (CDCC2011), Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, July 20-22, 10 p.
C200. Mufti, A.A., Newhook, J., Benmokrane, B., Tadros, G., and Vogel, H.M. (2011). “Durability of GFRP Rods in Field Demonstration Projects across Canada.” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Durability and Sustainability of Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Construction and Rehabilitation (CDCC2011), Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, July 20-22, 9 p.
C201. Robert, M., Fam, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2011). “Durability of Concrete-Filled FRP Tubes Subjected to Salt Solution.” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Durability and Sustainability of Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Construction and Rehabilitation (CDCC2011), Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, July 20-22, 9 p.
C202. Robert, M., Fam, A., and Benmokrane, B. (2011). “Durability of Glass FRP Bars Subjected to Extreme Environmental and Loading Conditions.” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Durability and Sustainability of Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Construction and Rehabilitation (CDCC2011), Quebec City, Quebec, July 20-22, 11 p.
C203. Claude, J.-F., Ahmed, E., Cusson, D., and Benmokrane, B. (2011). “Early-Age Cracking of Steel and GFRP-Reinforced Concrete Bridge Barriers.” Proceedings of the Annual General Meeting and Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE), Ottawa, Ontario June 14-17, 10p.
C204. Hassan, M., Dulude, C., Ahmed, E., and Benmokrane, B. (2011). “Punching Shear Strength of Flat Slabs Reinforced with Glass Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) Bars.” Proceedings of the Annual General Meeting and Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE), Ottawa, Ontario June 14-17, 10p.
C205. El-Nemr, A., Ahmed, E., and Benmokrane, B. (2011). “Instantaneous Deflection of Slender Concrete Beams Reinforced with GFRP Bars.” Proceedings of the 2nd International Mechanics and Materials Specialty Conference, Annual General Meeting and Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE), Ottawa, Ontario, June 14-17, 10p.
C206. Dulude, C., Ahmed, E., and Benmokrane, B. (2010). “Punching Shear Strength of Concrete Flat Slabs Reinforced with GFRP Bars.” Proceedings of the 2nd International Structures Specialty Conference, Annual General Meeting and Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE), Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 9-12, 10p.
C207. Thébeau, D., Benmokrane, B., and El-Gamal S. (2010). “Three-Year Performance of Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement with GFRP Bars.” Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Concrete Roads, Seville, Spain, October 13-15, 11p.
C208. Dulude, C., Ahmed, E., El-Gamal, S., and Benmokrane, B. (2010). “Testing of Large-Scale Two-Way Concrete Slabs Reinforced with GFRP Bars.” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil (CICE2010), Beijing, China, September 27-29, 4p.
C209. El-Gamal, S., Abdul-Rahman, B., and Benmokrane, B. (2010). “Deflection Behaviour of Concrete Beams Reinforced with Different types of GFRP Bars.” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil (CICE2010), Beijing, China, September 27-29, 4p.
C210. Benmokrane, B., Ahmed, E., Dulude, C., and El-Gamal, S. (2010). “Testing of Full-Scale Bridge Barriers Reinforced with GFRP Bars.” Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Short and Medium Span Bridges (SMSB2010), Niagara Falls, Canada, August 3-6, 10p.
C211. Ahmed, E. and Benmokrane, B. (2010). “How will the Design Limits for the FRP Stirrups in the CSA/CSA-S6 Affect the Shear Strength?” Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Short and Medium Span Bridges (SMSB2010), Niagara Falls, Canada, August 3-6, 10p.
C212. Ahmed, E. and Benmokrane, B. (2010). “Design of Concrete Bridge Deck Slabs Reinforced with GFRP Bars According to the CHBDC CSA-S6.” Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Short and Medium Span Bridges (SMSB2010), Niagara Falls, Canada, August 3-6, 10p.
C213. Robert, M., Ahmed, E., Benmokrane, B. (2010). “Mechanical, Physical, and Durability Characteristics of GFRP Dowels.” Proceedings of the Annual General Meeting and Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE), Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 9-12, 10p.
C214. Robert, M., and Benmokrane, B. (2009). “Mechanical, Physical and Durability Characterization of Pre-stressed GFRP Reinforcing Bars.” Proceedings of the 2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on FRP in Structures (APFIS2009), Seoul, South-Korea, December 9-11, pp. 311-316.
C215. Robert, M., Cousin, P., Benmokrane, B. (2009). “Use of Thermoset Nanocomposites to Enhance the Long-Term Durability of Structural FRP Composite Materials. “Proceedings of the Advanced Composites in Construction Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, Sept. 1-3, 10 p.
C216. Youssef, T., El-Gamal, S, and Benmokrane, B. (2009). “Time-Dependent Deflection and Strain Variation of GFRP Reinforced Concrete Beams under Sustained Load”, Proceedings of the 4thInternational Conference on Construction Materials (Conmat’09), Nagoya, Japan, Aug. 24-26, pp. 587 – 592.
C217. Robert, M., Cousin, P., and Benmokrane, B. (2009). “Durability Characteristics of Pre-loaded FRP reinforcing bars”, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Construction Materials (Conmat’09), Nagoya, Japan, Aug. 24-26, pp. 581 – 586.
C218. El-Gamal, S., Benmokrane, B., El-Salakawy, E., and Wiseman, A. (2009). “Monitoring of an Innovative Concrete Parking Garage Reinforced with GFRP Bars.” Proceedings of the 4thInternational Conference on Structural Health Monitoring on Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII-4), Zurich, Switzerland, July 22-24, CD-Rom: pp.1-8.
C219. Kassem, C., Crepeau, L, and Benmokrane, B. (2009). “Monitoring of Old Bridges Using OSMOS System.” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring on Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII-4), Zurich, Switzerland, July 22-24, CD-Rom: pp.1-9.
C220. Tremblay, J., El-Gamal, S., Wattanasanticharoen, E., and Benmokrane, B. (2009). “Reinforced Concrete Pile Load Testing with Fibre Optic Sensors.” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring on Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII-4), Zurich, Switzerland, July 22-24, CD-Rom: pp.1-7.
C221. Youssef, T., El-Gamal, S., and Benmokrane, B. (2009). “Long-Term Deflection of GFRP Reinforced Concrete Beams.” Proceedings of the Annual General Meeting and Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE), St-John’s, Newfoundland-Labrador, Canada, May 27-30, CD-Rom: pp.1-9.
C222. Robert, M., Cousin, P., and Benmokrane, B. (2009). “Behaviour of FRP Reinforcing Bars Subjected to Extreme Temperatures.” Proceedings of the Annual General Meeting and Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE), St-John’s, Newfoundland-Labrador, Canada, May 27-30, CD-Rom: pp.1-10.
C223. El-Gamal, S., Bouguerra, K., and Benmokrane, B. (2009). “Laboratory Investigation on the Behaviour of GFRP Reinforced Concrete Deck Slab.” Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Fibre Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement for Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-9), Sydney, Australia, July 13-15, CD-Rom: pp.1-4.
C224. Mathieu, R., and Benmokrane, B. (2009). “Characterization and Long-Term Behaviour of GFRP Reinforcing Bars Embedded in Moist Concrete.” Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Fibre Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement for Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-9), Sydney, Australia, July 13-15, CD-Rom: pp.1-4.
C225. El-Gamal, S., and Benmokrane, B. (2009). “Design of Concrete Bridge Deck Slabs Using Different Types of GFRP Bars.” Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Fibre Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement for Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-9), Sydney, Australia, July 13-15, CD-Rom: pp.1-4.
C226. Youssef, T., Benmokrane, B., El-Gamal, S., and El-Salakawy, E. (2009), “Deflection and Strain Variation of GFRP Reinforced Concrete Beams after One-year of Continuous Loading.” Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Fibre Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement for Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-9), Sydney, Australia, July 13-15, CD-Rom: pp.1-4.
C227. Chaallal, O., Boussaha, F., Nollet, M.-J., Masmoudi, R., and Benmokrane, B. (2009). “Fatigue Behaviour of Concrete Beams Strengthened in Shear with Advanced Composite.” Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Fibre Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement for Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-9), Sydney, Australia, July 13-15, CD-Rom: pp.1-4.
C228. Ahmed, E.A., El-Salakawy, E., and Benmokrane, B. (2008). “Shear Strength of RC Beams Reinforced with FRP Stirrups.” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference in Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures (ACMBS-V), Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, September 22-24, CD-Rom: pp.1-10.
C229. El Ragaby, A., El-Salakawy, E., and Benmokrane, B. (2008). “Degradation of GFRP-Reinforced Concrete Bridge Deck Slabs Subjected to Lifetime-Equivalent Accelerated Fatigue Loading.” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference in Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures (ACMBS-V), Winnipeg, Manitoba, September 22-24, CD-Rom: pp.1-10.
C230. Soliman, S.M., El-Salakawy, E., Benmokrane, B., and Abdel Baky, H. (2008). “Experimental and Numerical Investigation of RC Beams Strengthened in Bending with Near Surface Mounted CFRP.” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference in Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures (ACMBS-V), Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, September 22-24, CD-Rom: pp.1-10.
C231. Steiner, S., El-Sayed, A.K., Benmokrane, B., Matta, F., and Nanni, A. (2008). “Shear Strength of Large-Size Concrete Beams Reinforced with Glass FRP Bars.” Proceedings of the 5thInternational Conference in Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures (ACMBS-V), Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, September 22-24, CD-Rom: pp.1-10.
C232. Cousin, P., Robert, M., Benmokrane, B. (2008). “Potential Effects of Temperature and Moisture Absorption on Long-Term Behaviour of Composite Material.” Proceedings of the 3rd European Symposium on Organic Materials for Construction (Orgagec’08): Technical and Environmental Performances, Paris, France, August 27-29, CD-Rom: pp.1-9.
C233. Roy, R., Shokouhi, G., Benmokrane, B. (2008). “Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Composite Bridge Deck Slab Design and Load Testing.” Proceedings of the 5th International Engineering and Construction Conference (IECC’5), Irvine, California, USA, August 27-29, pp.167-173.
C234. Ahmed, E.A., El-Salakawy, E., and Benmokrane, B. (2008). “Behavior of Concrete Beams Reinforced with Carbon FRP Stirrups.” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil (CICE2008), Zurich, Switzerland, July 22-24, CD-Rom: pp.1-6.
C235. Benmokrane, B., Eisa, M., El-Gamal, S., El-Salakawy, E., and Thébeau, D. (2008). “First Use of GFRP Bars as Reinforcement for Continuous Reinforced Concrete Pavement.” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE2008), Zurich, Switzerland, July 22-24, CD-Rom: pp.1-6.
C236. Matta, F., Nanni, A., Hernandez, T.M, and Benmokrane, B. (2008). “Scaling of Strength of FRP Reinforced Concrete Beams without Shear Reinforcement.” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE2008), Zurich, Switzerland, July 22-24, CD-Rom: pp.1-6.
C237. Soliman, S.M., El-Salakawy, E., and Benmokrane, B. (2008). “Flexural Behaviour of Concrete Beams Strengthened with Near Surface Mounted FRP bars.” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE2008), Zurich, Switzerland, July 22-24, CD-Rom: pp.1-6.
C238. Ahmed, E.A., El-Salakawy, E., Benmokrane, B., and Goulet, S. (2008). “Performance Evaluation of CFRP Stirrups as Shear Reinforcement for Concrete Beams.” Proceedings of the Annual General Meeting and Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE), Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, June 10-13, CD-Rom: pp.1-10.
C239. Eisa, M., El-Gamal, S., El-Salakawy, E., Thébeau, D., and Benmokrane, B. (2008). “Design and Construction of First GFRP-CRCP Slabs Implemented on Highway 40 East (Montreal).” Proceedings of the Annual General Meeting and Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE), Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, June 10-13, CD-Rom: pp.1-10.
C240. El-Gamal, S., Benmokrane, B., and Goulet, S. (2008). “Testing of Concrete Bridge Barriers Reinforced with New Glass FRP Bars.” Proceedings of the Annual General Meeting and Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE), Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, June 10-13, CD-Rom: pp.1-10.
C241. Robert, M., Cousin, P., and Benmokrane, B. (2008). “Use of Nanocomposite to Enhance of Long-Term Durability of Structural FRP Composite Materials.” Proceedings of the Annual General Meeting and Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE), Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, June 10-13, CD-Rom: pp.1-10.
C242. Soliman, S.M., El-Salakawy, E., and Benmokrane, B. (2008). “Effectiveness of Using NSM CFRP Bars in Flexural Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Beams.” Proceedings of the Annual General Meeting and Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE), Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, June 10-13, CD-Rom: pp.1-10.
C243. Steiner, S., El-Sayed, A.K., and Benmokrane, B. (2008). “Shear Behaviour of Large-Size Beams Reinforced with Glass FRP Bars.” Proceedings of the Annual General Meeting and Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE), Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, June 10-13, CD-Rom: pp.1-10.
C244. Youssef, T., El-Gamal, S., El-Salakawy, E., and Benmokrane, B. (2008). “Experimental Results of Sustained Load (Creep) Tests on FRP Reinforcing Bars for Concrete Structures.” Proceedings of the Annual General Meeting and Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE), Quebec City, Quebec, June 10-13, CD-Rom: pp.1-10.
C245. Ahmed, E.A., El-Salakawy, E.F., Benmokrane, B. (2007). “Pullout Strength of Post-Installed Adhesive Anchors Using Glass FRP Reinforcing Bars.” Proceedings of the Annual General Meeting and Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE), Yellowknife, North Territories, June, Paper GC-274, CD-Rom: pp.1-10.
C246. Soliman, S.M., El-Salakawy, E.F., Benmokrane, B. (2007). “Pullout of Near Surface Mounted (NSM) CFRP Bars.” Proceedings of the Annual General Meeting and Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE), Yellowknife, North Territories, June, Paper GC-281, CD-Rom: pp.1-10.
C247. El-Ragaby, A., El-Salakawy, E.F., and Benmokrane, B. (2007). “Ultimate and Service Behaviour of GFRP RC Bridge Slabs Subjected to Fatigue Loading.” Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Durability & Field Applications of Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Construction, (CDCC-07), May, Quebec City, Quebec, pp. 277-276.
C248. Cousin, P., Robert, M., Benmokrane, B. (2007). “Synthesis, Characterization and Water Absorption of Vinyl Ester/Clay Nanocomposites.” Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Durability & Field Applications of Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Construction (CDCC-07), May, Quebec City, Quebec, pp. 369-376.
C249. Bouguerra, K., Youssef, T., and B. Benmokrane (2007). “Durability of GFRP Internal Reinforcement: Mechanical Properties after Moisture Absorption.” Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Durability & Field Applications of Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Construction, (CDCC-07), May, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, pp. 557-566.
C250. Sharbatdar, M.K., Saatcioglu, M., Benmokrane B., and El-Salakawy, E.F. (2007). “Behaviour of FRP Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joints under Cyclic Loading.” Proceedings of the 3rdInternational Conference on Durability & Field Applications of Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Construction, (CDCC-07), May, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, pp. 541-548.
C251. Robert, M., and Benmokrane, B., (2007). “Long-Term Durability of GFRP Reinforcing Bars Embedded in Moist Concrete.” Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Durability & Field Applications of Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Construction, (CDCC-07), May, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, pp. 167-176.
C252. Robert, M., Roy, R., and Benmokrane, B., (2007). “Laminates Subjected to Moisture and Temperature.” Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Durability & Field Applications of Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Construction, (CDCC-07), May, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, pp. 505-514.
C253. El-Gamal, S., Benmokrane, B., El-Salakawy, E.F., Cousin, P., and Wiseman, A. (2007). “Durability and Structural Performance of CFRP-RC Parking Garage’s Slabs after Eight Years in Service Conditions.” Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Durability & Field Applications of Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Construction, (CDCC-07), May 2007, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, pp. 49-58.
C254. Ahmed, E., El-Salakawy, E.F., and Benmokrane, B. (2007). “Strain-Based Shear Strength Analysis of FRP RC Beams without Transverse Reinforcement.” Proceedings of the 12th Int. Colloquium on Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 10-12, CD-Rom: pp.1-12.
C255. Ahmed, E., El-Salakawy, E.F., and Benmokrane, B. (2007). “Structural Behaviour of Concrete Beams Reinforced with Carbon FRP Stirrups.” Proceedings of the 12th Int. Colloquium on Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 10-12, CD-Rom: pp.1-10.
C256. Ahmed, E., El-Salakawy, E.F., and Benmokrane, B. (2006). “Bond Characteristics of GFRP Post-Installed Anchors.” Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE), Miami, Florida, USA, December, pp. 87-90.
C257. Benmokrane, B., El-Salakawy, E.F., El-Gamal, S., and El-Ragaby, A. (2006). “Use of GFRP Bars as Reinforcement for Concrete Bridge Deck Slabs.” Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE), Miami, Florida, USA, December, pp. 319-322.
C258. El-Ragaby, A., El-Salakawy, E.F., and Benmokrane, B. (2006). “Fatigue Performance of Concrete Bridge Deck Slabs Reinforced with Glass FRP Composite bars.” Proceedings of the 3rdInternational Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE), Miami, Florida, USA, December, pp. 287-290.
C259. Roy, R., Robert, M., Benmokrane, B., Debaiky, A., and Borazghi, H. (2006). “Static and Fatigue Testing of Innovative All-Composite Bridge Slab.” Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE), Miami, Florida, USA, December, pp. 147-150.
C260. Bakis, C.E., Ospina, C.E., Bradberry, T.E., Benmokrane, B., Gross, S.P., Newhook, J.P., and Thiagarajan, G. (2006). “Evaluation of Crack-Widths in Concrete Flexural Members Reinforced with FRP Bars.” Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE), Miami, Florida, USA, December, pp. 307-310.
C261. Ahmed, E.A., El-Sayed, A., El-Salakawy, E.F., and Benmokrane, B. (2006). “Shear Behaviour of Concrete Bridge Girders Reinforced with Carbon FRP Stirrups.” 7th International Conference on Short & Medium Span Bridges, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 23-25, Paper AM-036, CD-Rom: pp.1-10.
C262. El-Ragaby, A., El-Gamal, S., El-Salakawy, E.F., and Benmokrane, B. (2006). “Static and Fatigue Performance of Concrete Bridge Deck Slabs Reinforced With Glass FRP Bars.” 7th International Conference on Short & Medium Span Bridges, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 23-25, Paper AM-035, CD-Rom: pp.1-11.
C263. Mufti, A., Bakht, B., Banthia, N., Benmokrane, B., Desgagné, G., Eden, R., Erki, M.-A., Karbhari, V., Kroman, J., Lai, D., Machida, A., Neale, K., Tadros, G., Täljsten, B. (2006). “New CHBDC Provisions for Design of Fibre Reinforced Structures.” 7th International Conference on Short & Medium Span Bridges, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 23-25, Paper AM-028, CD-Rom: pp.1-10.
C264. Mufti, A., Bakht, B., Banthia, N., Benmokrane, B., Desgagné, G., Eden, R., Erki, M.-A., Karbhari, V., Kroman, J., Lai, D., Machida, A., Neale, K., Tadros, G., Täljsten, B. (2006). “New CHBDC Provisions for Rehabilitation of Bridges with FRPs.” 7th International Conference on Short & Medium Span Bridges, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 23-25, Paper AM-029, CD-Rom: pp.1-10.
C265. Newhook, J., Benmokrane, B., and Tadros, G., (2006). “Proposed Shear Provisions for FRP Reinforced Bridge Beams and Girders.” 7th International Conference on Short & Medium Span Bridges, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 23-25, Paper AM-034, CD-Rom: pp.1-11.
C266. El-Gamal, S.E., El-Salakawy, E.F., and Benmokrane, B. (2006). “Analytical and Experimental Investigation on FRP Reinforced Concrete Bridge Deck Slabs.” Proceedings of the International Conference on Civil Engineering Infrastructure Systems (CEIS 2006), American University of Beirut (AUB), Beirut, Lebanon, June 12-14, 10 p.
C267. Benmokrane, B., El-Salakawy, E.F., El-Ragaby, A., and Wiseman, A. (2006). “Rehabilitation of the Structural Slabs of Canada’s Largest Parking Garage using Glass FRP Composite Bars: Laurier-Taché Parking Garage, Gatineau, Quebec.” Proceedings of the 1st Int. Structural Specialty Conference, CSCE Annual Conference, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, May 23-26, Paper ST-136, CD-Rom: pp. 1-9.
C268. Eisa, M., El-Salakawy. E.F. and Benmokrane. B. (2006). “Analytical Investigation on New Continuous Reinforced Concrete Pavement (CRCP) Using GFRP Bars.” Proceedings of the 1st International Structural Specialty Conference, CSCE Annual Conference, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, May 23-26, Paper ST-127, CD-Rom: pp. 1-10.
C269. El-Ragaby, A., El-Salakawy, E.F., and Benmokrane, B. (2006). “Experimental Investigation on the Fatigue Behaviour of GFRP Reinforced Concrete Bridge Deck Slabs.” Proceedings of the 1st International Structural Specialty Conference, CSCE Annual Conference, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, May 23-26, Paper ST-126, CD-Rom: pp. 1-10.
C270. El-Sayed, A., El-Salakawy, E.F., and Benmokrane, B. (2006). “Structural Behaviour of Carbon FRP Stirrups Used as Shear Reinforcement for Concrete Beams.” Proceedings of the 1st International Structural Specialty Conference, CSCE Annual Conference, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, May 23-26, Paper ST-054, CD-Rom: pp.1-10.
C271. Benmokrane, B., Debaiky, A., El-Ragaby, A., Roy, R., El-Gamal, S., El-Salakawy, E. (2006). “Laboratory and Field Performance of FOS Sensors in Static and Dynamic Strain Monitoring in Concrete Bridge Decks.” Proceeding of the13th International Society for Optical Engineering, SPIE, Annual Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, San Diego, California, USA, Feb.-Mar., 10 p.
C272. Eisa, M., El-Salakawy. E.F. and Benmokrane. B. (2006). “Finite Element Model for New Continuous Reinforced Concrete Pavement (CRCP) Using GFRP Bars.” Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Modeling and Simulation, IASTED, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, June, pp. 609-616.
C273. El-Ragaby, A., El-Gamal, S., El-Salakawy, E.F., and Benmokrane, B. (2006). “Performance of Concrete Bridge Deck Slabs Reinforced With Glass FRP Reinforcing Bars.” Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management, Life-Cycle Performance and Cost, Porto, Portugal, July 16-19, CD-Rom: pp. 1-10.
C274. Aly, R. and Benmokrane, B. (2005). “Flexural Behaviour of Lap Splicing CFRP Bars in Concrete: Bundled Bars.” Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Composites in Construction, Lyon, France, July, Vol. 2, pp. 807-814.
C275. Benmokrane, B., El-Salakawy, E., Goulet, S., and Nadeau, D. (2005). “Design, Construction, and Testing of Innovative Concrete Bridge Decks Using Glass FRP Composite Bars.” Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Composites in Construction, Lyon, France, July, Vol. 2, pp. 873-880.
C276. Mufti, A., Onofrei, M., Benmokrane, B., Banthia, N., Boulfiza, M., Newhook, J., Baidar, B., Tadros, G. and Brett, P. (2005). “Report on the Studies GFRP Durability in Concrete From Field Bridge Demonstration Projects.” Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Composites in Construction, Lyon, France, July, Vol. 2, pp. 889-895.
C277. Roy, R., Debaiky, A., Borazghi, H., and Benmokrane, B. (2005). “Glass Fibre Reinforced Polypropylene Bridge Deck Panel: Design, Fabrication, load Testing.” Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Composites in Construction, Lyon, France, July, pp. 1011-1018.
C278. Aly, R., Benmokrane, B., Ebead, U.A. (2005). “Bond Strength of Lap Splicing of GFRP Bars in Concrete.” Proceedings of the 33rd Annual General Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 2-4, Paper GC-143, CD-Rom: pp. 1-10.
C279. El-Gamal, S., El-Salakawy, E.F., and Benmokrane, B. (2005). “Analytical and Experimental Study on the Behaviour of FRP Reinforced Concrete Bridge Deck Slabs under Wheel Load.” Proceedings of the 33rd Annual General Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 2-4, Paper GC-351, CD-Rom: pp. 1-10.
C280. El-Ragaby, A., El-Salakawy, E.F., and Benmokrane, B. (2005). “Analytical Investigation on FRP Reinforced Concrete Bridge Deck Slabs.” Proceedings of the 33rd Annual General Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June, Paper GC-179, CD-Rom: pp. 1-10.
C281. Roy, R.J., Debaiky, A.S., Borazghi, H., Benmokrane, B. (2005). “Glass Fibre Reinforced Polypropylene Bridge Deck Panel Design, Fabrication and Load Testing.” Proceeding of the 33rd Annual General Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June, CD-Rom: pp.1-9.
C282. El-Sayed, A., El-Salakawy, E.F., and Benmokrane, B. (2005). “Analytical Modeling of FRP-Reinforced Concrete Beams Failed in Shear.” Proceedings of the 1st CSCE Specialty Conference on Infrastructure Technologies, Management and Policy, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 2-4, Paper FR-127, CD-Rom: pp.1-10.
C283. Benmokrane, B. and El-Salakawy, E.F. (2005). “Design, Construction and Testing of Innovative Concrete Bridge Decks Using FRP Composite Bars.” Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Innovative Bridge Decks Technologies, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, September, pp. 67-83.
C284. Benmokrane, B., El-Salakawy, E.F., El-Ragaby, A., Desgagné, G., and Lackey, T. (2004). “Monitoring of Four Innovative Concrete Bridge Decks Using Non-Corrosive FRP Composite Bars.” Proceedings of the Annual Conference & Exhibition of the Transportation Association of Canada, Québec City, Québec, Canada, September 19-22, CD-Rom: pp. 1-20.
C285. Benmokrane, B., El-Salakawy, E.F., El-Ragaby, A., Desgagné, G., and Lackey, T. (2004). “Design, Construction, and Monitoring of Innovative Bridge Decks using FRP Composite Bars.” Proceedings of the 2004 Concrete Bridge Conference (CBC-04), Charlotte, NC, USA, May 17-18, CD-Rom: pp. 1-19.
C286. El-Gamal, S., El-Salakawy, E.F., and Benmokrane, B. (2004). “Behaviour of Bridge Deck Slabs Reinforced with Glass FRP Bars.” Proceedings of the 5th Structural Specialty Conference of the CSCE Annual Conference, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, June 2-5, Paper ST-222, CD-Rom: pp. 1-10.
C287. El-Sayed, A., El-Salakawy, E.F., and Benmokrane, B. (2004). “Evaluation of Concrete Shear Strength for Beams Reinforced with FRP Bars.” Proceedings of the 5th Structural Specialty Conference of the CSCE Annual Conference, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, June 2-5, Paper ST-224, CD-Rom: pp. 1-10.
C288. El-Gamal, S., El-Salakawy, E.F., and Benmokrane, B. (2004). “Behaviour of FRP-Reinforced Concrete Bridge Decks under Concentrated Loads.” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, July 20-23, CD-Rom: pp. 1-8.
C289. El-Salakawy, E.F., Benmokrane, B., El-Ragaby, A., Desgagné, G., and Goulet, S. (2004). “Field Performance of Concrete Bridge Deck Slabs Reinforced with Glass FRP Bars.” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, July 20-23, CD-Rom: pp. 1-8.
C290. El-Sayed, A., El-Salakawy, E.F., and Benmokrane, B. (2004). “New Carbon FRP Stirrups as Shear Reinforcement for Concrete Beams.” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, July 20-23, CD-Rom: pp. 1-8.
C291. Nkurunziza, G., Benmokrane, B., Debaiky, A., and Masmoudi, R. (2004). “Effect of Creep and Environment on Long-term Tensile Properties of Glass FRP Reinforcing Bars.” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, July 20-23, CD-Rom: pp. 1-8.
C292. El-Ragaby, A., El-Salakawy, E.F., and Benmokrane, B. (2004). “Field Performance of a Concrete Bridge Deck Reinforced with GFRP Bars: Cookshire-Eaton Bridge.” Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring of Innovative Civil Engineering Structures, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, September 22-23, pp. 1-15.
C293. Benmokrane, B., El-Salakawy, E. F., Desgagné, G., and Lackey, T., (2003), “Construction, Testing, and Monitoring of Three FRP R-C Bridges in North America,” Proceedings of the 6thInternational Symposium on Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-6), Singapore, July 8-10, Vol. 2, pp. 1311-1320.
C294. El-Salakawy, E. F., Kassem, C., and Benmokrane, B., (2003), “Flexural Behaviour of Concrete Bridge Deck slabs Reinforced with FRP Composite Bars,” Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-6), Singapore, July 8-10, Vol. 2, pp. 1291-1300.
C295. Laoubi, K., El-Salakawy, E. F., Pigeon, M., and Benmokrane, B., (2003), “Durability of Concrete Beams reinforced with GFRP Bars under Different Environmental and Loading Conditions,” Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on FRP Reinforcement for Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-6), Singapore, July 8-10, Vol. 2, pp. 737-748.
C296. El-Salakawy, E. F., Masmoudi, R., Benmokrane, B., Brière, F., and Desgagné, G., (2003), “New Corrosion-Free Concrete Bridge Barriers Reinforced with GFRP Composite Bars,” Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on FRP Reinforcement for Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-6), Singapore, July 8-10, Vol. 2, pp. 1341-1350.
C297. Benmokrane, B., El-Salakawy, E. F., and Kassem, C., (2003), “Cracking of Bridge Deck Slabs Reinforced with FRP Composite Bars,” Proceedings of the 31st CSCE Annual Conference, GCF-422, Moncton, NB, Canada, June 5-7, pp. GCF-422-1-8.
C298. Laoubi, K., El-Salakawy, E. F., Benmokrane, B., and Pigeon, M., (2003), “GFRP-Reinforced Concrete Beams Subjected to Freeze/Thaw and Sustained Loads,” Proceedings of the 31st CSCE Annual Conference, pp. GCF-371, Moncton, NB, June 5-7, pp. GCF-371-1-10.
C299. Masmoudi, R., Nkurunziza, G., Benmokrane, B., and Cousin, P., (2003), “Durability of Glass FRP Composite Bars for Concrete Structure Reinforcement under Tensile Sustained Load in Wet and Alkaline Environments,” Proceedings of the 31st CSCE Annual Conference, Moncton, NB, Canada, June 5-7, pp. GCA-400-1-9.
C300. Bousselham, A., Chaallal, O., Hassan, M., and Benmokrane, B., (2003), “Shear Strengthening of Concrete Structures with FRP: A Crirical Review of Code Design Provisions,” Proceedings of the 31st CSCE Annual Conference, Moncton, NB, Canada, June 5-7, pp. GCP-214-1-10.
C301. El-Salakawy, E. F. and Benmokrane, B., (2002), “Bridge Decks Reinforced with FRP Composite Bars,” Proceedings, the 3rd Middle East Symposium on Structural Composites for Infrastructure Applications, Aswan, Egypt, December, 10 p.
C302. Benmokrane, B. and El-Salakawy, E. F. (2002), “Construction, Design, and Monitoring of Bridge Decks Reinforced with FRP Bars,” proceedings, First International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring of Innovative Civil Engineering Structures, Winnipeg, MB, Canada, September, pp 175-184.
C303. El-Salakawy, E. F., Kassem, C., and Benmokrane, B. (2002), “Field Application of FRP Bars as Reinforcement for Bridge Decks,” Proceedings, CSCE 30th Annual Conference, 4th Structural Specialty Conference, S-23, Montreal, QC, Canada, June, S-23, 1-10.
C304. El-Salakawy, E. F., Masmoudi, R., and Benmokrane, B. (2002), “Impact Test on Reinforced Concrete Bridge Barriers with Non-Metallic Deck Connection,” Proceedings, CSCE 30th Annual Conference, 4th Structural Conference, S-25 Montreal, QC, June, S-25, 1-10.
C305. Laoubi, K., El-Salakawy, E. F., Pigeon, M., and Benmokrane, B., (2002), “Behaviour of FRP Reinforced Concrete Beams under Sustained Load and Freeze-Thaw Cycles,” Proceedings, Second International Conference on Durability of Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Construction, CDCC 2002, Montreal, QC, Canada, May 29-31, pp.453-464.
C306. Wang, P., Masmoudi, R., and Benmokrane, B., (2002), “Durability of GFRP Bars: Assessment and Improvement,” Proceedings, Second International Conference on Durability of Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Construction, CDCC 2002, Montreal, QC, Canada, May 29-31, pp.153-163.
C307. Nkurunziza, G., Masmoudi, R., and Benmokrane, B., (2002), “Effect of Sustained Tensile Stress and Temperature on Residual Strength of GFRP Composite Bars,” Proceedings, Second International Conference on Durability of Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Construction, CDCC 2002, Montreal, QC, Canada, May 29-31, pp. 347-358.
C308. Benmokrane, B., Wang, P., Ton-That, M.-T., Robert J.-F., Laoubi, K., (2001), “Durability of FRP Composites Reinforcing Rods in Concrete Environment,” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on the Non-metallic Reinforcement for Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-5), Cambridge, UK, July 16-18, Vol. 1, 469-478.
C309. Benmokrane, B., Zhang, B., Laoubi, K., Tighiouart, B., and Lord, I., (2001), “Tensile and Bond Properties of New CFRP Bars for Concrete Structures“, Proceedings of International Conference on Composites in Construction (CCC 2001), Porto, Portugal, Oct. 10-12, 10 p.
C310. Benmokrane, B., Wang, P., Ton-That, M.T., Robert J.-F., Laoubi, K., (2001), “Stress Corrosion Behaviour of FRP Reinforcing Bars in Alkaline Environment“, Proceedings of the CSCE Annual Conference, Victoria, B-C, Canada, May 31 – June 2, A10, p. 1-8.
C311. Benmokrane, B., Ton-That, M.T., Laoubi, K., Robert, J.F., Wang, P., (2001), “Durability Evaluation of Glass FRP Composites Rods in Concrete Environment“, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Concrete under Severe Conditions: Environment & Loading, Vancouver, B-C, Canada, June 18-20, Vol. 2, p. 1239-1246.
C312. Benmokrane, B., Zhang, B., and Nicole, J. F., (2001), “Strain Monitoring of FRP Reinforcements using Fiber Optic Sensors“, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on the Non-metallic Reinforcement for Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-5), Cambridge, UK, July 16-18, Vol. 2, p. 907-916.
C313. Benmokrane, B., Zhang, B., Laoubi, K., Tighiouart, B., and Lord, I., (2001), “Mechanical and Bond Properties of New Generation of CFRP Reinforcing Bars for Concrete Structures“, Proceedings of the CSCE Annual Conference, Victoria. BC, May 31- June 2, A11: 1-8.
C314. Zhang, B., and Benmokrane, B., (2001), “Laboratory Evaluation of Bond-Type Anchorages Newly Developed for Prestressed Applications with FRP Tendons“, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on the Non-metallic Reinforcement for Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-5), Cambridge, UK, July 16-18, Vol. 2, p. 649-658.
C315. Benmokrane, B., Wang, P., and Ton-That, M.T. (2001), “Durability of GFRP Reinforcing Bars in Alkaline Environments“, Proceedings of the International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering, Hong Kong, China, December 12–15, pp. 1527-1534.
C316. Zhang, B., Masmoudi, R., Nicole J. F., and Benmokrane, B., (2001), “Behaviour of One-Way Concrete Slabs Reinforced with CFRP Grids“, Proceedings of International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering, Hong Kong, China, December 12-15, pp. 1203-1210.
C317. Benmokrane, B., Wang, P., Gentry, T. R., and Faza, S., (2001), “Test Method to Determine the Properties of FRP Reinforcements for Concrete Structures,” Proceedings of the workshop “Composites in Construction: a Reality” – 20-21 July, Capri, Italy, pp. 34-44.
C318. Benmokrane, B., Wang, P., Ton-That, M.-T., Robert, J.-F., and Laoubi, K., (2000), “Durability of FRP Composite Reinforcing Rods in Concrete Environment,” Proceedings of the 6th International Conference: Deterioration and Repair of Reinforced Concrete in the Arabian Gulf – Bahrain, Nov. 18-19, p. 69-80.
C319. Masmoudi, R., and Benmokrane, B., (2000), “A New Carbon FRP Bar for Concrete Bridge Decks“, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on ACM in Bridges and Structures, August 15-18, Ottawa, ON, Canada, p. 819-827.
C320. Zhang, B., and Benmokrane, B., (2000), “A New Bond-Type Anchorage System for Prestressed FRP Tendons“, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on ACM in bridges and structures, August 15-18, Ottawa, ON, Canada, p. 119-126.
C321. Benmokrane, B., Masmoudi, R., Chekired, M., Debbache, Z., and Tadros G. (1999), “Design, Construction and Monitoring of Concrete Bridge Deck Reinforced with Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement,” Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on non-metallic reinforcements for concrete structures, 31 October- 4 November, Baltimore, USA, p. 85-99.
C322. Ton-That, M. T., Benmokrane, B., Rahman, H., and Robert, J. F. (1999), “Durability Test of GFRP Rod in Alkaline Environment,” Proceedings of the Conference – Infrastructure regeneration and rehabilitation improving the quality of life through better construction: a vision for the next millennium, 28 June-2 July, Sheffield, UK, p. 105-115.
C323. Adimi, R., Rahman, H., and Benmokrane, B. (1998), “Durability of FRP Reinforcements under Tension-Tension Axial Cyclic Loading,” Proceedings of the 1st International conference on durability of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composites for construction, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada, p. 635-647.
C324. Benmokrane, B., Rahman, H., Ton-That, T-M., and Robert, J-F. (1998), “Improvement of the Durability of FRP Rebars for Concrete Structures,” Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on durability of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composites for construction, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada, p. 571-585.
C325. Tighiouart, B., Benmokrane, B., and Gao, D. (1998), “Investigation on the Bond of Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Rebars in Concrete,” Proceedings of the Second International Conference on composites in infrastructures, Tucson, AZ, USA, Vol. 2, p. 102–112.
C326. Adimi, R., Rahman, H., Benmokrane, B., and Kobayashi, K. (1998), “Effect of Temperature and Loading Frequency on the Fatigue Life of a CFRP Bar in Concrete,” Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Composites in Infrastructures, Tucson, AZ, USA, Vol. 2., p. 203‑210.
C327. Benmokrane, B., Thériault, M., Masmoudi, R., Rizkalla, S. (1997), “Effect of Reinforcement Ratio on Concrete Members Reinforced with FRP Rebars,” Proceedings of the 42nd Int. SAMPE Symposium, Anaheim, CA, USA, Vol. 42, p. 87-98.
C328. Adimi, R., Benmokrane, B., and Rahman, H. (1997), “Fatigue Behaviour of FRP Bars Embedded in Concrete,” Proceedings of the Annual Conference of CSCE, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada, Vol. 6, p. 121-130.
C329. Chennouf, A., and Benmokrane, B. (1997), “Tensile Properties and Pull-out Behaviour of FRP Ground Anchors,” Proceedings of the Annual Conference of CSCE, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada, Vol. 6, p. 141-150.
C330. Benmokrane, B., Tighiouart, B., and Thériault, M. (1997), “Bond Strength of Fibre Reinforced Plastics (FRP) Bars Embedded in Concrete Beams,” Proceedings of the Annual Conference of CSCE, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada, Vol. 6, p. 111-120.
C331. Thériault, M., and Benmokrane, B. (1997), “Theoretical and Experimental Investigation on Crack Width, Deflection and Deformability of Concrete Beams Reinforced with FRP Rebars,”Proceedings of the Annual Conf. of CSCE, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada, Vol. 6, p. 151-160.
C332. Masmoudi, R., Bélanger, G., and Benmokrane, B. (1997), “Neutral Axis Position in Concrete Members Reinforced with FRP Rebars,” Proceedings of the Annual Conference of CSCE, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada, Vol. 6, p. 161-170.
C333. Yahia, A., Khayat, K. H., and Benmokrane, B. (1997), “Load Distribution along Cement-Grouted Anchors Casted in Dry and Water Conditions,” Proceedings of the Annual Conference of CSCE, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada, Vol. 7, p. 51-60.
C334. Bouaraoui, M., Khayat, K. H., Benmokrane, B., and Durand, B. (1997), “Comparison of Test Methods to Evaluate Bond Strength Between Repair and Existing Concrete,” Proceedings of the Annual Conference of CSCE, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada, Vol. 7, p. 71-80.
C335. Benmokrane, B., and Chennouf, A. (1997), “Pull-out Behaviour of FRP Ground Anchors,” Proceedings of the 42nd International SAMPE Symposium, Anaheim, CA, USA, Vol. 42, p. 311‑324.
C336. Benmokrane, B., and Chennouf, A. (1997), “Tensile and Bond Properties of AFRP and CFRP Tendons for Ground Anchor Applications,” Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on non-metallic reinforcements for concrete structures, FRPRCS-3, Sapporo, Japan, Vol. 2, p. 727-734.
C337. Benmokrane, B., Tighiouart, B., and Thériault, M. (1997), “Bond Strength of FRP Rebar Splices,” Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on non-metallic reinforcements for concrete structures, FRPRCS-3, Sapporo, Japan, Vol. 2, p. 405-412.
C338. Benmokrane, B., and Masmoudi, R. (1996), “FRP C-Bar as Reinforcing Rod for Concrete Structures,” Proceedings of the 2nd Int. Conf. on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, Montréal, QC, Canada, p. 181-190.
C339. Rahman, A.H., Adimi, M.R., and Benmokrane, B. (1996), “Fatigue Behaviour of FRP Reinforcements Encased in Concrete,” Proceedings of the 2nd Int. Conf. on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, Montréal, QC, Canada, p. 691-700.
C340. Thériault, M., and Benmokrane, B. (1996), “Flexural Behaviour of Concrete Beams Reinforced with Both FRP and Steel Rebars,” Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the CSCE, Edmonton, AB, Canada, Vol. IIb, p. 87-98.
C341. Masmoudi, R., Benmokrane, B., and Chaallal, O. (1996), “Cracking Behaviour of Beams Reinforced with FRP Rebars,” Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Composites in Infrastructures, Tucson, AZ, USA, p. 374–388.
C342. Benmokrane, B., and Chekired, M. (1995), “Long Term Service Behavior of Cement Grouted Anchors in the Laboratory and Field,” Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Anchors in Theory and Practice, 9-10 October 1995, Salzburg, Austria, 12 p.
C343. Benmokrane, B., Bellavance, E., and Xu, H. (1995), “Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Cement Grouted Anchors,” Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Non-Metallic (FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures, 23-25 August 1995, Ghent, Belgium, p. 209-216.
C344. Benmokrane, B., and Xu, H. (1995), “Strengthening of Gravity Dams Using Post-Tensioned Anchors,” Proceedings of the International Association for Bridges and Structural Engineer Symposium, San Francisco, CA, USA, Aug. 23-25, p. 1009-1014.
C345. Yahia, A., Khayat, K.H., and Benmokrane, B. (1995), “Performance Evaluation of Cement Grouted Anchors for Underwater Applications,” Proceedings of the Annual Conference of CSCE, 1-3 June, Ottawa, Canada, Vol. II, p. 333-342.
C346. Bellavance, E., Xu, H., and Benmokrane, B. (1995), “Bond Strength of Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics (GFRP) Grouted Anchors,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Composite Materials and Energy, May 8-10, Montréal, Canada, p. 964-971.
C347. Benmokrane, B., Xu, H., and Bellavance, E. (1994), “Fiber Reinforced Plastic Rods: An Alternative for Grouted Steel Anchors,” Proceedings of the 47th Annual Canadian Geotechnical. Conference, 21-23 Sept., Halifax, NS, Canada, p. 243-250.
C348. Masmoudi, R., Chaallal, O., and Benmokrane, B. (1994), “An Experimental Investigation of the Flexural Behavior of Concrete Beams Reinforced with GFRP Rebars,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Corrosion and Corrosion Protection of Steel in Concrete, 20-24 July, Sheffield, UK, Vol II, p. 1340-1351.
C349. Benmokrane, B., Tighiouart, B., and Chaallal, O. (1994), “Investigation on FRP Rebar Bond Performance,” Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the CSCE, 1-4 June, Winnipeg, MB, Canada, Vol. II, p. 378-387.
C350. Benmokrane, B., Masmoudi, R., and Chaallal, O. (1994), “Glass Fiber Rod for Concrete and Grouted Anchors: Characteristics and Experimental Structural Performance,” Proceedings of the 2nd Canadian International Conference on Composites (Cancom 93), 27-29 September, Ottawa, ON, Canada, p. 215-223.
C351. Benmokrane, B., Masmoudi, R., and Chaallal, O. (1994), “Experimental and Analytical Study of the Flexural Behavior of Concrete Beams Reinforced with GFRP Rebars,” Proceedings of the Fifth International Colloquium on Concrete, 3-6 January, Cairo, Egypt, Vol. II, p. 818-832.
Plus 30 additional papers in refereed conferences during the period 1986-1993.
Technical & Industrial Reports Submitted to Governmental Agencies & Industry
I prepared over 200 technical and industrial reports over the past 20 years and submitted them to Governmental Agencies (such as, Public Works & Governmental Services of Canada, Ministry of Transportation of Quebec, Ministère du Développement Économique de l’Innovation et de l’Exportation du Quebec, Hydro-Quebec, Ministry of Tranportation of Ontario, Ministry of Infrastructure and Transportation of Manitoba, Alberta Transportation, Industry Canada, National Research Council Canada, Florida Department of Transportation, Vermont Agency of Transportation; Texas Department of Transportation, National Cooperative Highway Research Program, Transportation Research Board, etc.) and Industry (such as ADS Composites Inc.; Roctest Ltd; Pultrall Inc.; BP Automation Inc.; Firep Canada Inc.; SNC-Lavalin; Hughes Brothers Inc.; Marshall Industries Composites Inc.; Asamer AG; ASATEC; Basanite Industries; B&B FRP Manufacturing Inc; SFTec Canada Inc., Freyssinet Inc.; Sym-Tech; Strongwell; Bouygues; Nantong Shenhu New Materials Technology Co., Ltd; Hyundai Engineering & Construction; Owens Corning; Orion Marine Construction; Shandong Safety Industrial Co; Bluey Technologies Inc.; Coastal Gunite Construction Company; etc.).

Professor Brahim Benmokrane
Department of Civil & Building Engineering
University of Sherbrooke
2500, boulevard de l’Université
Sherbrooke (Quebec) Canada J1K 2R1
Tel: (819) 821-7758, Cell: (819) 571-6923
E-mail: [email protected]